
371. Hunch

Advancement Complete!

[Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] -> [Draconic Apprentice]

Gained 30 Stat Points!

[Vitality] +20

[Strength] +20

[Endurance] +20

[Wisdom] +20

[Agility] +20

Gained 3 Secondary Skill Slots!

Gained 9 Secondary Skill Points!

General Skill [Lesser Enhanced Wisdom] becomes [Wisdom of the Old Gods]!

General Skill [Corruption Resistance] gained!

Available Secondary Skill [Partial Phasing] becomes [Full Phase]!

Secondary Skill [Dimensional Pocket] and Available Secondary Skill [Cube of Isolation] consolidates and becomes [Fragmented Pocket Dimension]!

Secondary Skills [Mass Particulate Modification], [Mystical Projection], [Planar Navigation], and [Scattering Displacement] consolidates and becomes [Passive - Master of Material Manipulation]!

Secondary Skill [Long Range Teleportation] becomes [Greater Teleportation]!

Secondary Skill [Draconic Fury] is now available!

Secondary Skill [Manifestation of the Old Gods] is now available!

Secondary Skill [Truth Divination] is now available!

Secondary Skill [Passive - Dragon Scales] is now available!

Secondary Skill [Passive - Weaker Regeneration] is now available!

Salvos (Secely’s Sentinel) (The Devil’s Daughter)

Species: [Archdemon of Pride]

Subspecies: [Daeva Cambion] - Lvl. 137

Class: [Draconic Apprentice] - Lvl. 102

General Skills:

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] - Lvl. 8

[Corruption Resistance] - Lvl. 1

[Identification] - Lvl. 6

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] - Lvl. 2

[Rest] - Lvl. 5

[Wisdom of the Old Gods] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: General Status Effect Resistance] - Lvl. 1

[Ttle Skill: Invoke Wrath] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: Protection of the Sentinel] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: The Devil’s Grace] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)

[Racial Skill: Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 175 (+100) (+30) (+10)

[Strength]: 175 (+100) (+30) (+10)

[Endurance]: 175 (+100) (+30) (+10) (+3)

[Wisdom]: 290 (+100) (+30) (+10) (+20)

[Agility]: 350 (+100)(+30) (+10) (+5)


[Available Skill Points: 18]

[Barrage of Cinders] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Demon’s Mark] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Haste] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Intimidation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Faux Limbs] - Lvl. 10

[Nebular Construct] - Lvl. 10

[Radiant Slash] - Lvl. 15 (Maxed)

[Salvo of Vanity] - Lvl. 25 (Maxed)

[The Primordial Spark] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Wings of the Netherworld] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - A Hunter’s Sense] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - Blue Flames] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Passive - Weapon Mastery] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[My Flame Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)

Secondary Skills:

[Available Secondary Skill Points: 30]

[Draconic Fury] - Lvl. 1

[Fragmented Pocket Dimension] - Lvl. 1

[Full Phase] - Lvl. 1

[Greater Teleportation] - Lvl. 1

[Manifestation of the Old Gods] - Lvl. 1

[Truth Divination] - Lvl. 1

[Warped Time] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Passive - Dragon Scales] - Lvl. 1

[Passive - Master of Material Manipulation] - Lvl. 1

[Passive - Weaker Regeneration] - Lvl.1

“Huh. Are you saying you can see my full Class?”

I cocked my head, and Edithe nodded. The red-haired woman stood before me as I slowly picked myself up. She gave me a hand, still blinking in confusion.

“How’d you get out of there, anyway? What… happened while you were gone?”

Her eyes drifted towards the pattern that ran down my forearms. Where my hand was black— charred-like.

“Oh, this? It’s just my new Skill. [Passive - Dragon Scales]. I got it from my Class advancement.”

“Class advancement? Are you saying you killed the [Hellabomination]?!”

Edithe gaped. I shook my head.

“Nope. I managed to escape the [Hellabomination] while falling through the portal, but I ended up trapped in the fold between planes. Luckily, I had a few Class advancement options available. I chose this one— [Draconic Apprentice]— and got a bunch of new Skills!”

I managed to prevent myself from being ripped apart with [Fragmented Pocket Dimension]. It created space around me where there was none. A far inferior version of the pocket dimension my dad had shown me as his home. Then with [Full Phase], [Greater Teleportation], and [Master of Material Manipulation], I brute forced my way back to the Mortal Realm.

“They helped me get back to you! I’m not going to lie, I think they’re very good!”

I flexed an arm. My body had been cut and torn from forcing my way through the fabric of reality. Shards of broken space had sliced through all my protection, and blood leaked from the wounds on my skin when I first got out. But as Edithe got a closer look, I showed her that most of the blood had dried up and the cuts were gone.

“See? I can even naturally heal faster now thanks to [Passive - Weaker Regeneration]!”

“That’s… amazing.”

She stared as I finished recovering, before [Rest] even took effect. But these were superficial wounds. I highly doubted that my Skill would regrow a lost limb or a more grievous injury. Regardless, it would really help me in battle. I no longer had to quickly down a healing potion if I was hurt.

I beamed, happy to see Edithe praising me. I puffed my chest up and looked around the desolate landscape. My brows furrowed, and I turned back to the Human woman.

“Anyway, where’s everyone else? Did something happen while I was gone?”

“It’s been over twelve hours since you disappeared, Salvos. They all left a while ago. They thought you were…”

Edithe pursed her lips. She glanced between me and where the portal had been. Shrugging helplessly, she sighed.

“They thought you were gone.”


Well, that made sense. I didn’t have any means of traveling between the planes, so the only conclusion they could draw was that I was trapped in the Netherworld— or even worse, dead by the [Hellabomination]. And it had been twelve hours, huh? It didn’t feel like that much time had passed since I was dragged through the portal. However, I experienced no sense of time while there. A hundred years could’ve passed while I was gone, or a single instant, but I wouldn’t know any better.

Edithe shook her head.

“Don’t blame them for leaving. I knew you were coming back. I think [Patron of the Skills] was what clued me in that you were still trying to make it here. And Daniel thought you wouldn’t even try to return since that’s your goal—”

She started, but paused. I hugged her and smiled.

“Thanks. For waiting for me.”

Edithe slowly hugged me back. Once we were finished hugging, I drew back and gave her a reassuring look.

“Well, I always keep my promises. And I told you guys, didn’t I? I’d help you get super strong before the end of the month!”

She smiled back at me.

“I guess my faith in you wasn’t misplaced.”

I took her by the hand as a mischievous grin crossed through my face.

“That Daniel, though— I bet he still thinks I’m in the Netherworld. Let’s surprise him, shall we?”

“Uh, what?”

My body shifted as I took back on my Human form. I could hide my scales with my shapeshifting abilities, so having that wasn’t really a problem unless I was in my completely natural form. Even then, it was mostly subtle. It was only really visible on my forearms to my claws where my skin was charred-like.

I took a hold of Edithe, and laughed.

“Hold on tight— [Greater Teleportation]!”

And with a pop, we vanished.

Daniel Song felt bad. He left Edithe all on her own to wait for Salvos. He had wanted to stay with her— wait with her— but he didn’t think Salvos was going to return. It had been the Demon girl’s dream to get to the Netherworld since he met her.

He remembered so vividly, the first time he met her. It was a chance encounter. A [Hero] meeting a Demon in a cave. She asked him for his help— told him she was searching for a way back to her home. But just because she was a Demon, he didn’t believe her. They fought, and of course, he lost.

That was just how Salvos was. She was— and he knew this would stroke her ego— quite special. He was a [Hero], they were the same level, yet she beat him. Sure, he had basically no experience in fighting. But the fact was [Heroes] were amazing.

Even the way Helena Warshade reacted to finding out Daniel was a [Hero] proved this. The Archmage was in utter disbelief. She’d interrogated him for an hour before letting him go. Whether or not she revealed the fact that he was a [Hero] to others was entirely her discretion, but Daniel no longer cared about keeping it a secret.

Anyway, if Salvos had been dragged to the Spirit Realm, Daniel was sure she would find a way back to the Mortal Realm. But it was the Netherworld, and he knew that was her goal. She had no reason to return after. She just had to escape the [Hellabomination], which he was sure she could, and she’d find her other companion she always talked about. Haec.

Daniel turned in his bed, uncomfortable at the thought. It wasn’t that he was… jealous of this Haec. It only made sense. They were both Demons. And Daniel was a Human. But still, the feelings he knew he felt was—

He closed his eyes. Whatever it was, he just hoped Salvos was happy—

“Hey Daniel, did you miss me?”

Salvos appeared before him, holding onto Edithe.

“Holy fuck—”

He swore in English, falling out of his bed.

“Is that a yes?”

I explained what happened to Daniel once he got back up and recovered himself. He was in disbelief for a moment, then relieved to hear that I’d come back for him and Edithe.

“Thank you, Salvos. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

He apologized even though I didn’t think he needed to. He brought me to Helena Warshade, and we explained what happened— minus all the parts related to what my second Class actually was and the fact that I was a Demon.

Fortunately, Orgaf remained silent about that fact, although when I saw him again, he did look a little bit uncomfortable. I felt annoyed by that change of attitude of his, but it was at least good that he didn’t seem to scorn me over it. Maybe we could talk it out— as unnecessary as I thought it was.

“It’s good to hear that you survived. We’ll need your help in defeating the second Primeval Demon in Inoria. Just because the first is dead, doesn’t mean the threat is eliminated.”

Helena Warshade spoke bluntly as I stood in her office. I raised a brow.

“Wait, is Belzu really dead?”

“Indeed. Orgaf confirmed it with a kill notification. You did get one, right?”

The leader of the Rising Veterans Company peered curiously into me. I frowned, placing a hand on my chin. I didn’t really pay attention in the midst of battle, but now that I thought about it, i did get one.

Defeated [Hellprince of the Desolation - Lvl 165]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 30 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

“Huh. He really is dead.”

It was why I had leveled up so much. In addition to taking on all those Demons, I had been partly responsible for killing Belzu. I just stared blankly at Helena Warshade. She gave the smallest hint of a smile as she looked approvingly my way.

“It is good that we have at least taken care of that threat, but—”

Her words faded into the background as I just stood there. It didn’t feel right to me. Belzu was dead? Just like that? Wasn’t he the Lord of Lies? A [Hellprince] of illusions? My dad had spoken… of Belzu.

It wasn’t high praise, but Sal didn’t praise anyone. The fact that he even talked about Belzu spoke enough. For a simple [Hellabomination] to be how he met his end— it didn’t feel right to me.

But how else would the notification be explained?

“To think I’d have to use my other Grand Skill to escape…”

Belzu’s single wing buzzed as he lay against a cold stone wall. [To Fool Reality With My Lies]. It was his second Grand Skill. One that temporarily distorted reality. He had died— to a certain extent, that was true.

Reality believed it was a fact. It even awarded experience to those who’d so-called killed him. But he survived. It was an illusion so powerful that it was true. Just like his first Grand Skill, except on a scale that distorted this world, not his own.

What died up there could’ve been considered a clone. But it had been him until the very last moment. Until the [Hellabomination] lowered its claws on him. He reacted just in time, activating his Grand Skill, creating a doppelganger that perished.

He didn’t like it— the fact that he got a version of himself killed. But it was necessary.

“Now I shall simply have to bide my time again.”

His voice echoed in the tunnel as his mandibles clicked together. Failing here was but a learning experience. He had formed an army once before, he would do it again, but this time, he would be even stronger. Not even Levithus or the greatest [Hellprince] in Regnorex’s army would be able to best him.

Going for the Treasures of Alexander had been a foolish plan. All Belzu had to do was to wait. Wait for the ritual to be complete. Wait for Regnorex’s kingdom to come.

“Then I will kill Regnorex himself with my own two hands.”

The Primeval Demon got up, feeling his lips curl up in a smile.

“Huh. That’s not really a plan, you know?”

He spun around, alarmed at the sudden voice. A figure emerged from the darkness. A Demon with silver hair. Scale-like skin on her forearms. A burning eye. Two pairs of wings. Salvos. She smirked as Belzu drew back.

“What are you doing here? How did you know where I would hide?”

He winced as he backed up against the wall. He was still injured. [Rest] could only heal so much, and the missing limbs and damaged wings was not something that would even heal with that General Skill.

“I thought you’d be here. Well, I had a hunch you’d survive. And there’s nowhere else to hide around the Brilsum Ruins. But to think you’d really hide at the place where you’d killed Lily’s friends…”

Salvos glanced dismissively towards a mound in the center of the cave chamber. A former Fairy Mound. She shook her head and approached him. With each step she took, there was a flash of a different colored flame. Her Grand Skill was still active. And Belzu could barely fight in his state.

He would die.

“Don’t worry, I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not going to kill you. Not yet, at least.”

Belzu blinked. He stared at Salvos as she came to a stop before him, narrowing his bulbous eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing. I just remembered a question you asked me. Whether I’m ashamed to be a Demon. Well, I wanted to give you a proper answer. I wanted to come here and tell you that I’m not ashamed to be a Demon. In fact, I am proud of it. Of who and what I am.”

She gestured at herself, and Belzu tried to edge around her. But she didn’t let him. She brought a claw up to stop him, leaning against the wall at his back. He shrank back, asking in a quivering voice.

“What do you want from me?”

“Me? Well, as a Demon, I want to make a deal with you, Belzu.”

Salvos bared her teeth at him. And he listened.

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