
372. The Search

And, so, the news spread through Alyras like wildfire.

“Did you hear?”

“What happened?”

“The Primeval Demon has been killed.”


“No way!”

“It’s true! The Archmage Helena Warshade herself made the announcement with king Artik. It was a joint statement made to the whole Human lands.”

“Who did it? How could they possibly have succeeded where Mori Gladius failed?”

“I heard it wasn’t just one person. It was a group of adventurers. And they caught the Primeval Demon off guard.”


“Only one.”


“Orgaf, the Thief of the Golden Scales.”

“That bastard? Seriously? That’s bullshit.”

“It’s true. It happened in the Motharis Mountain Range. They even had a body.”

“Who else was there?”

“I’m not sure about the others, but someone called Salvos was there too.”

“Salvos? Who’s that?”

“I’ve never heard of him.”

“Actually, she’s a girl. Quite young at that.”

“Wait, isn’t he the one who killed the Lich?”

“That’s right! She’s the Liberator of the Plaguelands, isn’t she?”

“Oh, I have heard of her. But I thought she was a student of Mavos Academy—”

There were rumors going around. Lots of rumors. Mostly about Salvos. Her name was starting to be established in the public mind. Most laymen would’ve heard of her in passing, but they weren’t too well-acquainted with who she was. However, there were some circles where her reputation had already been cemented.

Amongst adventurers, for example. Or, well, any good adventurer who kept up to date with what was happening in their line of work. They were quite understandably intrigued by this Salvos. She inspired many of them to work harder and strive to be the very best they could be simply because they admired what she was doing. But it wasn’t all good impressions.

Some veterans would be quick to dismiss her. They’d heard of these rising stars before. Those quickly came and went. There was no reason for them to believe this Salvos would be any different from, say, Cyrill of the Hundred Blades or Fara the Wizened. They’d both reached Level 100 in the span of under a decade, and now they were gone. Just fads of the past. Nothing special. Certainly not on the same level as the Watcher.

However, more astute observers would liken Salvos’ growth to the Watcher. A once-in-a-lifetime legend. Someone who might only show up every few hundred years. Her potential was there, and it seemed like she was going to live up to it.

But Orgaf would disagree with all those previous takes. He was an Elite. He had seen plenty more than even the most astute of observers. After all, he was there— he was the one experiencing it himself. Clayton Skyshredder and Helena Warshade would never see it. [Mages] never did. Orgaf knew that Salvos would be akin to the Immortal King Alexander. Cut from the same cloth as Melissa the Oracle of Light.

Orgaf had speculated on Salvos’ history. For someone to have come out of nowhere and rise as quickly as she did, he almost bought into some of the rumors that had apparently been gaining traction in Mavos Academy: that she was a [Hero].

However, he had his doubts. And as it turned out, his doubts were right.

Salvos wasn’t a [Hero]. She wasn’t even a Human. It was a shocking revelation, but she was a Demon.

Orgaf didn’t believe his eyes. He was flabbergasted— confused. He thought it had been an illusion, and even now, a day later, he still thought he was trapped in one. But it was real. Everything he experienced at the Brilsum Ruins was reality.

Salvos was a Demon.

It took time to settle in. He didn’t know how to feel about that. He didn’t want it to be true. He had considered telling Helena Warshade about it, but decided against it because that annoying Diamond Ranked girl kept pestering him.

Still, Orgaf didn’t like it— knowing that someone he admired hadn’t been who he thought she was. Whatever Edithe said… it was wrong. It wasn’t that he never admired Salvos in the first place; he admired her, but a false, idealized version of her. Now he knew more. And, well, it was time for him to figure out who Salvos truly was.

So as the Elite Ranked adventurer strode through the palace of Alyras, he had a goal. He listened to the chattering of the maids and the manservants, but he didn’t care for it.

“The meeting is still in a few days. I hear that there’ll even be delegations from the Eastern Kingdoms!”

“What about the Vaun Qieur Empire?”

“I’m not sure. But I hear that the Remembered Order Company’s coalition army is arriving ahead of time. And a delegation from Dolonia.”

“Dolonia? Do you think the princess will be fine—”

Orgaf came to a halt. He stood outside a room. A guest room, specifically prepared for one of the friends of princess Rana Alyras. Salvos’ room. He took in a deep breath and pushed the door open—

And paused.

“Wait, where’s Salvos?”

She wasn’t there. Of course she wasn’t there. Orgaf sighed.

“You still haven’t told us where we’re going, Salvos.”

Daniel looked up at me. I flew over the clouds, carrying both him and Edithe in my arms. I tilted my head, looking down at him.

“I told you guys, didn't I? I’d get you both to Level 120. You’re still Level 117, Daniel. And Edithe is only Level 112. We’re just picking up where we left off.”

He sighed.

“I get that much. But you should at least tell us where we’re going so we’re not charging into battle blindly.”

I rolled my eyes as we continued onward, flying full speed ahead.

“Some wild Demons escaped through the portal and ran out of the Brilsum Ruins. We couldn’t get them all, of course. It’s our job or whatever to find them and track them down. Plus, I want to test out my new Skills, you know?”

“Salvos… you’re still not answering the question.”

Edithe spoke, massaging her temples. We descended as I scoffed.

“This is the place.”

There was a city down below. Not a large city by any means. It was relatively small, even for cities here in the Helbir Plains. It was called Iliana. We descended, and I explained.

“There were reports of a flying crocodile monster here. And that sounds almost like… well, a [Savage Agarat] which just so happens to be around your levels.”

I grinned at them. They exchanged a glance. Edithe pursed her lips.

“I’m pretty sure they’re above our level, Salvos. And they’re Demons.”

“Same thing.”

I waved a hand off dismissively. We landed a bit aways from the city, and entered through the north gate, passing by [Farmers] entering and leaving the city with their wagons full of crops. There was no entrance fee here. We walked in without an issue, and found the head of the town militia.

“Oh, are you adventurers here to answer our request? That was quick. We only put it up last night.”

“Yep! We’re here to help and stuff!”

I showed him my badge, and the guard captain’s eyes went round. He sputtered.

“Diamond Ranked adventurers? I’m sorry, I don’t know if we can afford you—”

“It’s fine! Don’t worry about the money! We’ll do it for free, even. Just tell us where these monsters are.”

I gave him a reassuring look. The guard captain paused. He cleared his throat and spoke gratefully.

“Thank you. Thank you so much…”

He explained the situation to Edithe, Daniel, and I. Apparently, there were some farmlands to the south— closer to the Motharis Mountain Range— that were ravaged overnight. They thought it was a monster because it had indiscriminately killed the farm animals and destroyed the produce.

“It was seen flying here after it was done.”

The guard captain pointed out an area in the map. It was right at the edge of the Motharis Mountain Range. And a very vague direction.

“Sorry, there isn’t much else to go off of. If I knew where its Lair was, I would direct you to it. But there is supposedly a Gold Ranked Dungeon around the area. Perhaps it could be related?”

“That’s fine. Thank you.”

I nodded at the man and turned to my companions.

“Alright, let’s get going!”

I ushered them out of the city. They looked at me quizzically.

“Are you sure that’s all we need? Shouldn’t we investigate more, Salvos? We barely even know where the [Savage Agarat] went.”

Edithe asked, and I waved a hand off dismissively.

“It’s fine. My spatial magic lets me sense everything in a pretty wide radius. If we get there, I’ll just use both my space magic and my [A Hunter’s Sense] to track it down!”

She exchanged a glance with Daniel. They shrugged.


And we were off again. The sun began to set as we reached our destination. There were still vast swathes of land to cover, but I looked around and saw only the space which things occupied. I didn’t sense much disturbance here— no mindless destruction I’d expect from a wild Demon.

“Maybe we should investigate the Dungeon first.”

Daniel suggested. I nodded.


We followed the map to the supposed Gold Ranked Dungeon. It was a cavern by the side of a mountain. Again, I didn’t think the [Savage Agarat] would’ve gone here. Wild Demons were too destructive to not leave a trail of dead animals and monsters behind it. But…

“The Dungeon’s empty. All the monsters inside are dead.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“All except for one.”

Edithe and Daniel stared tremulously into the cavern. The redhead nodded.

“Then I guess this is it.”

We started inside, heading into the Dungeon. I heard the echo of water dripping from the stalactites hanging above. My gaze swiveled to the side as I saw bloodstains on the cave walls. Edithe and Daniel grew wary, raising their weapons as I stepped over a dead [Cave Yeti] and ushered them further in.

“Come on. It’s still deeper inside.”

We continued on, walking past the skeletal remains of monsters making a path to the very end of the Dungeon. A Lair used to be here. But all I saw were bones and corpses. The large figure that had been here vanished from my spatial sense, and all I saw were little gray things lying in the middle of the former Lair. I peered over, confused. My companions took a moment to register what it was.

“That’s… eggs?”

Daniel blinked. Edithe stared at it. Her brows furrowed.

“But I thought Demons didn’t lay eggs—”

And my eyes flickered to the side. I moved.


I shouted and leapt in front of her. A claw that fell for her head, but I blocked it with ease. A shrill shriek erupted as a pair of beating wings sent a gust of cold air, knocking my companions down. Daniel looked up as he steadied himself, and Edithe’s eyes grew wide.

“That’s not a Demon. That’s—”

“A Wyvern.”

I looked up at the giant winged creature, looming over me in the large cave chamber. It roared a challenge as I stood my ground. I mentally took in my new Skills, and I bared my teeth back at the [Lesser Wyvern].

“Alright, this is actually perfect. Which one of my [Draconic Apprentice] Skills should I test out on you first?”

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