
456. Interlude - Cloaks and Daggers Part Three

456. Interlude - Cloaks and Daggers Part Three

[Hellprince - Lvl. 157]

Orgaf’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the Primeval Demon standing before him. The Thief of the Golden Scales had thought that red skin looked familiar. But the lean body, the Human-like face, and the sadistic smile? It was almost like staring at a red-skinned Human with horns. One that stood at just over six foot tall.

“I am Ira. And this land will be your grave.”

But when the [Hellprince] introduced himself, everything clicked for Orgaf. Recognition filled the [Rogue]’s eyes. Orgaf remembered this Demon— he remembered Ira.

It wasn’t so long ago. Just over a week, at the very most. The [Hellprince] had been a [Cambion] back then. Ira had looked like a hulking beast. A Demon that stood taller than the trees. A wall of flesh that somehow refused to crumble, even when faced with Helena Warshade’s barrage of spells.

But that had been thanks to the power of a Grand Skill. Somehow, Ira had been able to regenerate and counter any attack sent his way. Orgaf was certain he’d be able to defeat Ira if not for that.

Now, though? Now Orgaf wasn’t so certain. The [Rogue]’s eyes flickered to the collapsed body of Marwin the Silver Swordsman. It happened so quickly. There had barely been even a struggle. And while Marwin wasn’t an Elite Ranked adventurer yet, he was still chosen for this mission because of his combat prowess. Before he was even known as the Silver Swordsman, he had the Title of the Master Duelist because of his unorthodox fighting style and how well he fared against single opponents.

And he was dealt with, just like that.

Orgaf tensed, still carrying Typhest the Wind Lord. But the moment Typhest saw Ira, he began to thrash, screaming.

“No— no! Get away! Get us out of here!”

“We’re not going anywhere until the ritual is destroyed.”

Orgaf spoke simply as Lofus raised a brow. She strutted forward carelessly, stopping as she reached Alice. The [Archer] was backing up with her shadow bow aimed at the Demon’s head.

The Berserker shook her head.

“Oh? A [Hellprince], huh? I was under the impression that there was only one here in the Mortal Realm. What was his name again? Levitation? I always wanted to give him a go, but I guess I’ll settle with you.”

“Lord Levithus is overseeing our King’s will. He has no time to deal with mere pests like you.”

“I think you’ll find that I am more than just a little pest, Demon.”

Lofus grinned savagely back at him. She raised her war axe as Orgaf hesitated. The Thief of the Golden Scale glanced between Ira and the ritual circle. Domenic was still trying to dismantle it, but he was distracted by Ira’s presence.


Orgaf started as he lowered Typhest to the floor. The Archsorcerer nodded.


Domenic adjusted his glasses before putting all his focus in what he was tasked with doing. Orgaf stepped forward, standing between Lofus and Alice.

“Lofus, be careful. This guy is dangerous. Even Helena Warshade couldn’t take him down, and he seems to be stronger now.”

Orgaf warned the Berserker. But Lofus just chuckled.

“I can tell he’s strong. That’s why I’m excited. It gets my blood boiling, knowing that I can finally have a challenge here.”

“A challenge?”

Ira cocked his head. He stepped back, hiding his arms behind his back.

“I’m sorry, but I highly doubt you will be a challenge for me.”

His lips curled up as Lofus narrowed her eyes. Alice eyed the Berserker, biting her lower lip. She knew what was going on. As did Orgaf. The [Rogue] called out.

“Lofus, don’t—”

“Not when you hardly even put up a fight against that weakling, Avaritia.”

Ira finished with a smile. Lofus lost her grin. Her brows snapped together, and for a moment, nothing happened. Orgaf hoped for a single second that she wouldn’t buy into Ira’s goading. But just as the thought crossed his mind, she moved.

The Broken Berserker of Bherein flew across the hall in a single jump. Orgaf clicked his tongue, watching her scream. Her war cry reverberated in the auditorium, overwhelming even the chittering of the ritual.

“[Mountainbreaker Blow]!”

She bellowed, swinging her war axe down for Ira. The red-skinned Demon simply raised his head as the axe grew in size. The earth shook— the impact sent a shockwave that nearly knocked Orgaf off his feet. A pillar of dust flew into the air as Alice braced herself. Domenic stumbled, his concentration breaking for a second.

Lofus chuckled as she stood over Ira, her weapon lodged into his chest. The Primeval Demon was bent back, bleeding with wide-eyes. He gasped, clutching at his chest as the Berserker pulled back with a grin.

“Really? Was that it? That was easy.”

She raised her war axe as it shrank back down into a normal size. Ira rasped on the ground, writhing in a pool of his black blood, glaring up at the Berserker.


Then he smiled.

“Just kidding.”

Orgaf’s eyes flickered.

“Lofus, get back!”

The [Rogue] dashed forward, reaching Lofus in an instant. She was still blinking when the black blood pooling around Ira spiked out. Orgaf yanked her out of the way in time as Ira got to his feet. The bleeding Demon laughed as the spike of black blood receded back into his body, and his wound began to close.

“That was a good one. It kind of tickled.”

Ira bared his teeth as Lofus stared in shock.

“How… did you do that?”

“Funny, you Humans always ask that question, but you don’t see us Demons questioning how your potions work.”

He stepped forward as Alice unleashed a flurry of shadow bolts at him.

“Get back!”

The Shadow Consort called out. But Ira continued forward, uncaring. Blood poured out from his shoulder, quickly coalescing to form a shield to block the arrows before dissipating. Orgaf narrowed his eyes.

“Blood magic. He’s regenerating with blood magic.”

It had been something Helena Warshade speculated about after the siege of Alyras was lifted. And blood magic was one of the two conclusions she came to— the other being black magic.

Orgaf frowned.

“But that regeneration ability… it had been his Grand Skill. How is he doing it now?”

“That doesn’t matter— I’m gonna kill him!”

Lofus gritted her teeth as she charged once again. Orgaf bit his lower lip, but joined her. Domenic wasn’t finished. They had to fight this Primeval Demon together. The [Nightcrawler Shadower] disappeared into his companion’s shadow before reappearing right as she reached Ira.

The Primeval Demon blinked as both Elite Ranked adventurers swung for him— Orgaf from below, and Lofus from above. His blood formed a solid sphere around him, protecting him from the onslaught of attacks. Orgaf’s daggers jammed to the side of the sphere, and when he tried to pull it out, the weapons refused to budge.

A hand shot out from inside the sphere, grabbing Orgaf by the neck before he could escape. Ira smiled as he stepped out of his barrier. The black blood launched back, sending Lofus flying into a nearby pillar.

The Primeval Demon shook his head as Orgaf flailed against him.

“You are correct, Orgaf. That had, indeed, been part of my Grand Skill’s power. But, you see, the thing about learning a Grand Skill prior to your evolution is that when you finally evolve, it resets. And not just that…”

Orgaf’s daggers reappeared in his hands as he slashed from Ira’s neck. The [Hellprince] recoiled, blood spurting out from the wound for a second. Then it healed as the black blood reached out like deformed hands, binding the [Rogue] by the arms.

Ira sneered.

“It only gets stronger.”

The Primeval Demon thrust forward with his fingers, impaling Orgaf in the chest. The Elite Ranked adventurer’s eyes grew wide. He felt the sharp pain run through his body as Lofus cried out.

The Berserker charged as a crimson aura wreathed around her. She rammed into Ira’s side, and the Primeval Demon dropped Orgaf.

“[Melody of Fury]!”

Lofus swung wildly with her war axe. It was an onslaught of attacks that was fueled by anger. Ira screamed in pain as his body was torn apart. But that wasn’t all. Lofus stepped back, raising her axe high as she screamed.

“[I Shall Break the World with My Hands]!”

It was her Grand Skill. One that enhanced her strength, her speed, and her anger even further. At this enraged state, she could bring down even an entire mountain.

“Now die!”

Lofus swung down with all her strength as Ira’s eyes grew wide. His blood formed a thick wall between him and the Berserker, but her attack pulverized it. She smashed through his barrier and shattered his body with a single swing, sending his broken body flying out of the hall and tumbling across the academy in a trail of destruction.

Even despite his pain, Orgaf looked up from where he lay at awe of the power. Alice quickly ran up to his side as she uncorked a vial and poured its contents into his chest. The Thief of the Golden Scale felt the pain subsiding— his wounds beginning to heal despite its severity.


“T-that’s a… Potion of Regeneration?”

He tried to get up, but groaned as he clutched at his chest. Alice stopped him.

“Don’t move. Even a Potion of Regeneration can’t save you if you don’t let your wounds heal..”

“It’s taking too long.”

He grunted. But Alice glanced over at the collapsed wall where Ira had been sent flying as the dust settled.

“A result of his blood magic, perhaps. But you can’t force yourself too much.”


Orgaf relaxed for a moment. Lofus stood before the destruction she caused, her axe dragging behind her as she eyed the rubble ahead.


She called out, glancing back at the Archsorcerer.

“Are you finished?”

“Give me a second!”

Domenic yelled back as the ritual circle dimmed. The pillar of red light flickered as the chittering died down. Lofus shook her head.

“That Primeval Demon is still alive. I don’t think anything can kill him. Hurry up, we need to go.”

“Right, I’m almost finished!”

The Archsorcerer called back as a glyph appeared beneath the ritual circle. Its white light began to take over the red pillar as he muttered something to himself. Then, all at once, the pillar vanished. The room dimmed as the ritual circled was dispelled.

Lofus blinked a few times as Domenic stumbled back. Alice and Orgaf looked up, and the Archsorcerer gaped. His mouth hung open as he laughed.

“It’s over—”

He started. And an axe made of black blood came flying back into the room.

It happened so fast. And perhaps it was because Orgaf was injured, but he didn’t even see it. One moment, Domenic and Lofus were still standing. The next moment, the Berserker was lying on the ground with an army cleaved off, and the Archsorcerer was pulverized against a wall.

“Lofus! Domenic!”

Orgaf called out as he tried to get to his feet. But Alice stopped him. The [Archer] eyed the red-skinned Demon strutting back into the room, all his injuries gone.

“I told you, didn’t I? My Grand Skill has only become stronger.”

Ira shook his head as he raised a hand, calling the axe made of his blood back to him. Alice cursed as she conjured a dark arrow and fired it his way. He simply parried it, sending it flying back to her.

The Shadow Consort grabbed Orgaf and jumped out of the way.

“Anything you throw at me, I will throw it back harder. You can try whatever you want. But you will not be able to kill me.”

Ira smirked as he casually walked forward. He glanced over at Domenic’s corpse before shaking his head.

“It is a little bit annoying that you stopped the sub-ritual here. But… honestly, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like there was anyone left to protect it. Not after I slaughtered all the students and teachers to help me reach this evolution.”

“You did what?”

Alice’s eyes grew wide.

“Indeed. I only left that fool alive because I knew he’d be a good distraction.”

Ira gestured towards Typhest who was cowering in fear behind a pillar, like he was trying to hide from the Demon’s gaze.

“But now— it’s time to end this.

Alice tensed as she backed up. Orgaf got to his feet next to her, still clutching at his chest.

“Fuck you, Ira.”

He raised both his daggers. He wished he had his Grand Skills available here, but unfortunately, unlike Lofus’ Grand Skill that took a week to cooldown, his ones took two weeks and three weeks to cooldown, respectively.

“I see you still have some fighting spirit.”

Ira sneered. He raised his blood axe as he bared his teeth once again.


And Lofus punched him in the face, sending him flying once again. Alice and Orgaf blinked, looking at the Berserker as she staggered forward.

“Lofus? You’re—”

“There’s no time. Get out of here!”

Lofus spoke over them as she winced, reaching for her war axe at her feet.

“Warn the others. Warn them that there is another [Hellprince] in the Mortal Realm. Tell them that Levithus is not alone. I’ll hold Ira off.”


Alice’s eyes grew wide. She continued, pursing her lips.

“What about you?”

Lofus shook her head, gesturing at her missing arm. No— it wasn’t just her arm that was gone. Her entire left shoulder was missing, and there was a chunk of her neck and lower cheek gone too.

“I am dying. Even a Potion of Regeneration cannot save me now.”


Alice started, but Orgaf tugged her arm.

“Let’s go, Alice.”

He pulled her back as she hesitated for a moment. But Ira emerged from the rubble, walking silently towards Lofus. He picked up his own blood axe, an annoyed look on his face. Lofus just laughed.

“Where’d all that bravado go? Come on, Demon! Dance with me!”

She charged forward as Alice closed her eyes. The Shadow Consort nodded slowly.


And the two of them vanished into the shadows. The Shadow Consort was able to meld into the darkness just like Orgaf. They quickly headed away from Cedric Academy as the landscape shook. There was no more ritual, yet there was a red light rising from the horizon. The light of dawn.

And soon after, as the sun fully peeked out of the skyline, the shaking stopped. The fighting was over. Orgaf and Alice knew that Lofus was finally dead.

They escaped the shadows eventually, continuing on foot. They moved rather slowly because Orgaf was still injured and they wanted to avoid being found out by Ira. Alice glanced back once, but Orgaf shook his head.

“Their loss will not be in vain. Let’s go.”


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