
457. The Long March

457. The Long March

It was finally time.

After so many delays, so many problems, it actually happened. I was starting to think that Humankind didn’t care that their lands were in danger. Now, finally, the adventurer coalition departed from the city of Alyras. A force of hundreds of thousands that was headed straight for the Inoria Empire.

Well, it wasn’t the only force, of course. Apparently, Laux Lionfist had left Alyras a few days before us with his own group of a hundred thousand adventurers along with the main bulk of the Helbir League’s forces led by Peris Dolonia. There were also other armies converging on the Inoria Empire.

A mishmash of armies from the Eastern Kingdoms Alliance was already on its way to the Demon-infested country. Lamarr the Warrior King of Traith— and one of my friends from Mavos Academy— had supposedly been here at the Conference of Alyras. But he departed quickly to mobilize his forces once it had concluded, so I didn’t get to meet him, unfortunately.

Kaitlin Darkhelm and the Swordsguard Forces had also left the city just a day ago to rendezvous with the Vaun Qieur Empire’s army… or one of their armies. The empire was so large that they were sending multiple forces of hundreds of thousands into Inoria.

Then there were other groups. Like the Sunmere Republic’s forces. After the death of Prime Minister Madowe during the siege of Alyras, they had become one of the main supporters of this war. While their armies weren’t as numerous or as large as the Vaun Qieur Empire’s armies, especially since they were a republic less prone to warring, they were still a formidable force on their own.

There was also the Council of Cremont, the Alterian League, the Oflen Confederacy, and dozens of smaller countries lending whatever standing army they could to the cause. Even a thousand Cyclopes from the Cyclopes city of Ajih had volunteered themselves to this cause. Altogether, there were supposedly millions of soldiers and adventurers headed for the Inoria Empire right now, with plenty more to join in the future.

Honestly, anyone with a stake in anything regarding the Mortal Realm should have intervened. But it was mostly the Humans involved. After all, it wasn’t like the Elves or Kobolds or even Beastmen were aware about this. Oh, the Dwarves too.

Still, it was a merger of planes. The entire Mortal Realm was going to be affected. The Humans probably should have informed them. But there wasn’t much communication between the various Species’ inhabiting Secely. Perhaps the Humans could’ve tried… but getting multiple Species to work together would probably be far harder than trying to get a few countries to cooperate.

At the end of the day, it was just the fate of the Mortal Realm at stake. And I did care about the Mortal Realm— mostly because my companions lived here. My friends too, but I wouldn’t be as distraught if something happened to them as opposed to something happening to my companions. I mean, if Hadrian died, I’d be sad, but if Daniel died, I’d… I didn’t really know what I would do.

Even just the thought of it upsetted me. My brows creased as a frown cut across my lips.

“Hmph. It will never happen…”

I muttered to myself. I made a deal with him, after all. A contract. I promised I would find him a way back to his world. To Earth.

“Is something wrong, Salvos?”

A voice asked. I looked up to see Saffron Merryster staring at me with a raised brow. She wasn’t alone. Amanda was walking beside her— the assassin looking to be in a foul mood, as per usual.

“Does something look wrong?”

I replied, and Saffron nodded. The Vampire girl gestured at me— at where I was sitting.

“Well, other than your sighing and your mumbling, I’d have expected you to be flying above the army rather than… sitting at the back of this food cart.”

I looked down at myself. I had my legs up, huddled close to my body, and hands on my chin as I sat at the very edge of the back of a wagon stuffed with boxes of disgusting Human food. Rations, they called it. Because they needed to eat. I didn’t need to eat, but—

“Isn’t it obvious? Because I’m hungry.”

I crossed my arms at Saffron. She blinked, opening her mouth.

“But I thought you—”

And I snatched a large bug out of the air, stuffing it into my mouth. There was a crunch.


Saffron realized what I meant. Amanda made a face of disgust and turned around.

“If you need me, Saffron, I’ll be anywhere but here.”

“What made her so mad?”

I furrowed my brows at the former assassin as she walked away. Saffron just shrugged.

“Don’t mind her, she’s just annoyed that my sister and a bunch of other girls keep hogging Daniel’s attention away from her.”


I blinked. The young Vampire just sighed.

“It’s nothing.”

I leaned back on the wagon as Saffron hopped up and joined me. She looked down at the dirt road bumping beneath the wheels. The cart seemed like it wasn’t really moving at an impressive speed— it certainly didn’t feel that way— but when I looked at our surroundings, it almost felt like we were traveling multiple times faster than we should be traveling.

“Impressive, isn’t it?”

Saffron grinned at me. I turned to her, a confused look on my face.

“What do you mean?”

“All of this. We’ve been traveling for a full day at full speed, yet we aren’t even slowing. It’s quite the feat, no?”

“I guess? I mean, I can still fly much faster than this. But we are moving pretty quickly.”

I shrugged at her. Saffron nodded, explaining.

“It’s multiple army-wide Skills acting in conjunction. Like your [Haste], but extended across the entire army.”

“Wait, how does that work? Is there really a [Mage] here that strong?”

I blinked. She shook her head. Raising a finger, she spoke in a lecturing tone.

“Not a [Mage]. It’s a part of a Title Skill. There are quite a few people here with leadership Titles for battle. Honestly, I never expected to see so many of them pooling their efforts together all at once. I think it’s laudable.”

“I… see?”

I didn’t actually see what she was saying. It was a lot of words— a lot of things I didn’t actually care too much about. I looked up as the clouds seemed to pass somewhat quickly.

“Well, how long will it take for us to reach the frontlines?”

I wondered aloud. Saffron tapped a finger on her chin.

“I believe it would take us about a week. Laux Lionfist and his forces should be arriving about tomorrow, but they are much higher-leveled, so they are faster.”

I looked back down with a frown.

“That’s so long… hm.”

I glanced behind me. I knew that ‘Mori Gladius’ was somewhere at the front, being accompanied by Helena Warshade. Although, the real Belzu was off somewhere else, trailing after the army. I sat up, hopping off the wagon as Saffron eyed me.

“What are you doing, Salvos?”

The young noble asked. I grinned at her.

“I have an idea.”

She blinked a few times. Then she massaged her temples.

“Oh no.”

"Wait, what do you mean by 'oh no'? It's a good idea! I swear!"

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