
463. True Hero

463. True Hero

“Just one swing, please?”

I begged. Clayton Skyshredder sighed. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy was adamantly against it. And it didn’t make sense!

“Didn’t you say you’re a researcher? Come on, Clayton! This is an experiment!”

“For the last time, Salvos, I am asking you to address me by my title.”

He massaged his temples. I harrumphed.

“Nope! I’m not going to call you by your title until you let me take one swing at the Breastplate of Alexander!”

I tried to cross my arms, but the Sword of Alexander got in the way. So I just held the Mythical Grade Weapon behind my back as I made a scowling face. I side-eyed Centina who was holding the Breastplate of Alexander, having removed it from my person at Clayton’s order.

“I can’t believe you’d do this. Traitor.”

“Sorry, Salvos. But what Headmaster Skyshredder says goes.”

The [Evolved Centinel]-turned-Human gave me an apologetic look— but she wasn’t apologetic enough to even return the Mythical Grade Armor to me. Clayton shook his head in response.

“This is not an experiment, Salvos. We know what will happen if you use the Sword of Alexander against the breastplate at its current state. The metal will shatter.”

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy explained simply. I stared at him dubiously.

“How do you know that?”

“Because the enchantments that make the Breastplate of Alexander a Mythical Grade artifact will not activate. And without the enchantments, this metal is just metal. Even if it is blood forged from orichalcum, the most it can withstand is an attack from a High Grade Weapon.”

“If the enchantments don’t work, that means you didn’t repair it! You just fixed the metal!”

I pointed at Clayton accusingly. He strutted forward, taking the Breastplate of Alexander off Centina’s hands. He waved a hand over it, and I saw a complex network of mana strands begin to unfurl before my eyes.

“But I did. For you see, I have woven all the enchantments back in place when I pieced the breastplate together. It was a delicate process— one which required the counsel of some of the greatest [Enchanters] I know. Maintaining the integrity of such advanced spellcraft when tinkering with the base of the Crux Symbol is no easy task, and it took me months of labor to achieve this.”

It almost looked like Clayton was speaking with pride of his accomplishments. I couldn’t really believe it— I had never seen this look on his face before. His lips curled up under his long beard. I could see the way his eyes softened when glancing back down to the Mythical Grade Armor.

Then his gaze darkened. His brows arched darkly over his eyes as he spoke in a dour voice.

“Yet, it still refuses to activate. Despite my best efforts, it still remains inert.”


I glanced between the two people standing before me. Clayton wore a defeated look on his face, and Centina tried to comfort him as she patted his shoulder. I snapped my fingers, speaking excitedly.

“That’s why we should test it out!”

Centina and Clayton looked up at me. The orange-haired woman gave me a flat stare.


“It makes sense! Look— maybe the Breastplate of Alexander just needs a jumpstart, right? Besides, its best enchantments only activate when it is worn by someone. So just let me wear it, and you take a small swing at it with the Sword of Alexander!”

I nodded eagerly, reaching for the Mythical Grade Armor. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy raised the breastplate out of my reaching distance, and I pouted.

“That is not safe, Salvos. You risk both endangering your life and damaging the Breastplate of Alexander even further. Your recklessness is what broke it in the first place. I will not have you destroying it a second time.”


I slumped my shoulders. It didn’t look like Clayton was going to budge on this issue. So I backed away in resignation.

“Fine. But I don’t see the point in showing me the Breastplate of Alexander if it’s not even fixed yet and you won’t let me test it out.”

I sheathed the Sword of Alexander behind my back before crossing my arms. Clayton handed the Breastplate of Alexander back to Centina and turned to face me.

“I wanted to ask you some questions about how you broke it. See if it can give me any clues on how to find the root of the problem.”

“Didn’t I already tell you what happened? I fought with an [Ancient Centinel] after fighting a bunch of Centinels for days.”

I shrugged.

“There isn’t much else to the story.”

“I find it hard to believe that the Breastplate of Alexander would be broken after a single encounter with an [Ancient Centinel]. These are swarm monsters you speak of, Salvos. Perhaps they may be the most numerous in all of Secely, but the fact still remains. It shouldn’t be possible.”

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy studied me with a scrutinizing look. As if he didn’t trust me. But I told him the truth. There was nothing else I could say. I did spend some time playing around with the Breastplate of Alexander to figure out how it worked, but I didn’t think I stole its Divine Essence or whatever when I got my Grand Skill… or did I?

I narrowed my eyes, in thought.

“Maybe Divine Essence has something to do with it…”

I murmured to myself. Clayton peered at me, curious as to what I was blabbering about. I paused. My eyes widened as I remembered something.

“Oh, I have a thing that can maybe help.”

“A thing?”

Clayton lifted a brow. I reached for my [Fragmented Pocket Dimension], producing a book in my right hand. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy frowned. I smiled at him.

“This is—”

And I was promptly cut off by the door swinging open. I blinked, and Kron waltzed in. Centina glared exasperatedly at the [Krokodis].

“Kron, how many times do we have to tell you not to interrupt us when we’re doing something important?”

“Me sorry, but something happening!”

Kron gestured behind her. Clayton and Centina exchanged a glance. They followed after the [Krokodis], entering a round chamber with a glass sphere hovering at the center. I was a step behind then, staying in the room for a second longer to gaze at the Breastplate of Alexander.

When I joined the three of them, they were huddled around the sphere, locked in a serious discussion. Clayton Skyshredder in particular didn’t look happy. He stared down at the scrying orb with his lips pursed.



I blinked as I saw the girl standing on the other side of the screen. I glanced over at Clayton whose brows were scrunched together like he knew what was going on. She was speaking before a large crowd, gesticulating wildly for them to hear. I frowned, turning back to the scrying orb.

“What is she doing?”

I wondered aloud.
It shouldn’t work. It was ridiculous. Dumb. Foolish.

There were a lot of things Jonas could’ve called it. He tried everything he could do to deter Valda, but she wouldn’t listen. And that worried him. Because the plan really was stupid. It made no sense. But most of all— he was worried about the girl.

Still, Jonas could only watch as his friend clambered up the broken steps of the Tower of Truth before facing the courtyard from an elevated position. There were hundreds of people gathered around, minding their own business. The evening crowd. Some were eating, others were laughing and chatting. They wouldn’t have even noticed the young girl standing where she was if she didn’t shout for everyone to hear.

“People of Mavos Academy! Gather around and listen to me!”

Heads turned— her voice echoed throughout the courtyard, drawing the attention of hundreds. A few dozen people stopped what they were doing to properly listen to what the girl was saying.

“It won’t work…”

Jonas whispered.

“Please don’t work…”

He closed his eyes, unable to do anything more but hope. He listened as the girl continued, using either magic or some artifact to amplify her voice even louder.

“I am Valda! I’m sure some of you may have heard of me. But I am the youngest student of Mavos Academy! They called me a child genius. A gifted prodigy. After all, what kind of girl would reach Level 60 at my age?

She gestured at herself, speaking emphatically. Jonas shrank back, biting his lower lip. Don’t say it like that. It sounds like you’re bragging, idiot.

And sure enough, there were a few groans coming from the crowd. A few of the passersby continued on their way, annoyed that they stopped for this. But Valda wasn’t finished. She shook her head, continuing.

“While that may sound like I am bragging, I am not. After all, the truth is, I am just a student like any other. I am a Human, just like all of you. We are all just… people. Individuals who cannot accomplish much on our own. But together, there is much we can do. If we work as one, then we can become something more.”

A few other folks— students, teachers, and others alike— paused what they were doing, growing interested in what she was saying. Valda’s voice rose as a small crowd began to form before the Tower of Truth, and she gestured beyond the campus towards the southeast.

“There are only a few individuals out there who have risen to greatness on their own. Who can effect great changes all throughout this world. And, more than ever, we need these individuals right now.”

Valda swept her gaze over her growing crowd. They knew where she was going with this, so they flocked over to listen.

“There is a war going on out there. Not just any war. Not a simple conflict between countries. It is a war for our survival. For the survival of all Humankind. If we lose this war, the entire Mortal Realm could be destroyed. These people— these great individuals— can do something about it. They can help prevent the world from ending. However, instead of working together with the rest of us, they hide away in safety, making up excuses, refusing to help.”

She didn’t mention any names. But it was quite clear who she was talking about. A susurration washed over the crowd as they whispered and a few of them even pointed back across from the Tower of Truth towards the tallest tower in Mavos Academy. Where Headmaster Clayton Skyshredder’s office was located.

“Just today, Salvos. The Sentinel of Secely. The Liberator of the Plaguelands. The true summoned [Hero] from Earth—”

The crowd paused. Jonas smacked his forehead. A few voices piped up.

“Wait, Salvos is a [Hero]?”

“I thought the [Hero] was that other guy—”


Jonas stared at his friend. But she continued, uncaring.

“And despite all that, when Salvos challenged Headmaster Skyshredder to a duel, she was defeated with ease.”

Valda sighed, lowering her head. She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in. Then she raised her head and gestured towards the crowd.

“I’m sure most of you watched that duel. And that outcome only makes sense. Headmaster Skyshredder is the highest-leveled [Mage] in the world. He is even stronger than anyone else alive right now, barring the Watcher. And just like the Watcher, what does he do? When there is an apocalypse-level threat looming over the Human lands, where are they? What are they doing?”

“That is true. I haven’t heard any news about the Watcher in decades!”

“When was the last time Headmaster Skyshredder even left Mavos Academy?”

“Mori Gladius died to those damn Demons, and where were they? They did nothing to save him!”

“I mean— Mori Gladius survived, but you have a point…”

Jonas watched as the crowd began to voice their agreements with the young girl. And it was no small gathering. Hundreds of people had now joined in at this point. They saw the commotion. They stopped what they were doing. And they listened in as Valda continued to make her speech.

“That’s right. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Watcher of Headmaster Skyshredder. None of the greatest champions of our era are fighting. When both our highest-leveled [Warrior] and our highest-leveled [Mage] are hiding from their responsibilities, then there is only one thing left to do.”

Her eyes flickered. Jonas knew what came next was going to withdraw some of the support the girl had gotten. And she knew that too. But still, Valda went through with it.

“We have to join the fight ourselves.”

And the crowd froze. All their ardor instantly vanished. They shifted back— exchanging worried and confused glances.


“Are you asking us to join the war?”

“We’re just students!”

They protested. Of course they protested. Jonas expected as much. Valda knew this would happen, too. That was why she wasn’t alone.

A small figure strutted up next to the girl. Smaller than Valda, even. A young boy, about three years her junior, stood on the elevated steps and faced the crowd.

“Valda is right.”

The young boy said. And the crowd paused. They looked at the newcomer, recognizing who it was.


“Rowyn Ino! The former emperor of the Inoria Empire!”

“I thought he was kept under Headmaster Skyshredder’s protection. What is he doing out here?”

Rowyn Ino cast his gaze over the crowd, standing tall, despite being shorter than even Valda. It was simply his aura. The way he carried himself— Jonas was impressed. But that was expected from an emperor, no matter how short his reign was.

“I implore you— all of you— please listen to Valda. She’s right. Something has to be done about the Demons infesting the Inoria Empire. All of you have heard the news. But you didn’t see what happened. You weren’t there to witness the horrors and atrocities committed. You don’t know what those Demons have planned…”

The young boy gritted his teeth. He hung his head low, taking in a deep breath.

“They wish to bring the same destruction they brought over Elutra and Inoria over the rest of the Human lands. Your friends, your family, and anyone you know and love— they will all suffer a fate worse than death.”

The crowd listened as the former emperor continued his speech. Those who looked like they were going to disperse after Valda finished decided to remain, giving Rowyn a chance. Even more passersby joined, entranced by this appeal.

“You’re afraid of what could happen to you in the war. You guys are students. I get it. I understand how all of you feel. I am afraid, too. We are all afraid”

Rowyn gestured at himself, then Valda. And a brief murmur ran over the gathered crowd. They saw it— a young girl and an even younger boy were doing whatever they could to stand up against the Demons. One of them was a literal child, and the other barely qualified as a teenager. And while they were both small, together they cast a shadow that enveloped the entire gathering.

The former emperor finished.

“But if we don’t do this, all of us are going to die. And if I’m going to die anyway? I’m not just going to wait for it to come. I did that once. That accomplished nothing. All it led to was more suffering.”

He closed his eyes, bowing his head. Valda glanced over at the boy, pursing her lips. Rowyn said nothing for a moment. He stood in silence. And she grabbed him by the hand, stepping forward.

“Whether or not you wish to join us, we won’t force you. But we will be going to join the war on behalf of Mavos Academy. Those who want to follow, follow. Those who don’t, don’t. It is up to you.”

Valda spoke as she walked down the steps, holding Rowyn in hand. She paused when she reached Jonas. She met her friend’s gaze.

“The same goes for you, Jonas.”

Jonas bit his lower lip.


And he trailed off. Jonas had nothing to say. He hesitated, standing at a loss of what to do with the crowd. They were too afraid to act. But they saw the bravery of the young boy and girl. And they felt ashamed. They stood in silence, holding still for a minute. Until, finally, someone stepped forward.

A tall blond man, handsome and charming, walked after Valda and Rowyn. He slicked his hair back, giving the crowd a helpless shrug.

“Well, I guess it cannot be helped.”

“That’s… Nolan the Mighty Warrior!”

A blue-haired woman gasped. Jonas recognized him as well. Nolan was a student of the School of Aspiring Elites— a Diamond Ranked adventurer who was more well-known for his tendencies to fool around with women than his actual adventuring feats. The blue-haired woman covered her mouth as Nolan followed after Valda and Rowyn.

“What is he doing?”

“If these two children are going to fight, then I will too. Honestly, I should’ve done something sooner. But alas, what can you do about it?”

He gave the woman a charming yet apologetic smile. He stopped before Valda, nodding.

“Where do I sign up to join you?”

“Oh, uh, here.”

Valda fumbled for the slip of paper she had paraded around the courtyard all day. It was crumpled and slightly torn, but Nolan neatly scribbled his name onto it without a problem. He stepped back, standing next to Rowyn.

And the blue-haired woman from earlier started forward.

“If Nolan is joining, then so will I!”

“No, I will!”

“Wait for me, Nolan my love!”

A second and third woman immediately tried to cut in front. A few guys hesitated, seeing more and more women join Nolan’s side.

“Oh, Nolan, you are such a brave man…”

They fawned over him. And a group of young men watched this unfurl. When they saw the way the women crowded around the Mighty Warrior, they immediately stepped up.

“We’re joining them too!”

They cried out. Valda blinked as a crowd of young men and women flocked to her side, quickly filling up the sign-up sheet with names. She tried to organize them, but at this point, the floodgates had been opened. Half of the crowd had broken off from just watching, queuing up to form the army of Mavos Academy.

Valda couldn’t handle these many people— she had never been in charge of such a large group before. Rowyn took over, and she stepped back with a sigh.

“It worked…”

She muttered. Then she blinked as a figure appeared next to her. Jonas stood there, nodding at his friend.

“Valda… I’m sorry.”

He bowed low as his voice trembled. Clenching a fist, Jonas spoke without meeting the girl’s gaze.

“I should’ve supported you from the very start. But I—”

“It’s fine, Jonas.”

She cut him off. Valda patted him on the shoulder, helping him look up. She met her friend’s gaze with a smile.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Jonas blinked a few times. Then he felt his eyes welling up. He held back a sniffle and stood up straight.

“I will join you, Valda! I will fight by your side!”

Valda smiled back at him.

“Thank you.”
And the scene continued to play out in the scrying orb. Over a hundred students and teachers of Mavos Academy already stood gathered around Valda, forming this little coalition of troops that would soon head out for the Inoria Empire. Those who were neither students nor faculty joined in as well. Whether they be hired guards, or they were simply folks who had moved into the campus to live in safety without any governmental interference.

There were so many people signing up to join the war. Perhaps soon it would reach the thousands. I just watched on, staring proudly at Valda. I only broke away from the scene when I heard a voice.

“Me didn’t know Salvos was [Hero]!”

Kron piped up excitedly next to me. I cocked my head back at the [Krokodis].

“But I’m not a [Hero]? I’m Salvos.”

“Me confused.”

She scratched the back of her head. I glanced away from Kron, looking back towards Clayton Skyshredder. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy stared into the scrying orb with an austere gaze.

“What are you going to do now?”

I asked, leaning forward. I peered into him, and his eyes flickered to meet my gaze. The elderly man shook his head, finally breaking away from the scrying orb.

“If the people of Mavos Academy sallies forth into battle, then I will have no choice but to join them. It is my duty as their Headmaster to ensure their safety no matter what.”

He spoke as he started off, walking to the exit of the room. Centina hurried after him, and I placed a hand on my chin.

“Huh. Well that’s cool. I guess I didn’t waste my time coming here after all.”

Clayton Skyshredder paused right before the door, a hand on the doorknob. He craned his head back, eyeing me suspiciously. I fluttered my eyelashes innocently at him as his gaze bore into me.

“Was this a part of your scheme all along, Salvos? Was the duel simply a ruse to rally support and force my hand?”

He asked, eyeing me like a hawk. Every move I made— every subtle facial expression change— he saw it all. Upon hearing his question, I shifted back, hiding my hands behind my back. My lips curled up into a smile, and I held Clayton’s gaze.

Then I shook my head.

“Nope! This wasn’t part of my plan at all!”

“I see. Very well.”

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy nodded to himself, finally exiting the room. And then it was settled.

Mavos Academy was going to join the war.

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