
464. Interlude - The Inoria Empire Part One

464. Interlude - The Inoria Empire Part One

Heavy leather boots sunk into the mud. Thump, thump, thump. The haggard figures trudged along the winding gravel road, moving in a forced march. It wasn’t that they were tired, per se. They certainly weren’t exhausted. Most of them were relatively physically fit— in fact, many of them could even lift boulders over their heads like it was nothing.

The real problem was that it was laborious. They weren’t used to moving in such an organized manner. They were adventurers. Not soldiers. They didn’t work in such large groups, nor did they need to maintain tight formations. Even in large adventuring companies, there was a certain level of lax related to how they operated. The hierarchy was far less stringent, with most adventurers simply heeding their party leader.

Zack had never been a part of an adventuring company, either. He had only ever worked as an independent adventurer. In fact, he had mostly gone solo until he met his team. His party. Helen and Jaakko. Both of whom became adventurers for vastly different reasons.

Helen needed to support her younger sister’s education, and adventuring paid the bills. Meanwhile, Jaakko wanted to explore the Human lands. Simple reasonings, really. The same could be said for Zack who just wanted to learn more about magic without being able to afford— and not caring to get— a formal education.

Sure, Mavos Academy was great and all, but the things they learned were far from anything practical. That was why many of their graduates moved on to more administrative or research-oriented roles, rather than participating in any combat situation. It was also why so many of them stalled after reaching Level 70.

Zack was just over Level 90, now. He was closing in to his next Class advancement. So was Helen and Jaakko. His team was practically on par with a low Diamond Ranked adventurer. Which was why they were charged with this battalion of adventurers.

Well, specifically, Jaakko was placed in charge.

The Cyclops led them towards their destination. A valley that passed right into a river.

“And why are we going there again?”

A voice piped up. Zack glanced back at the person who spoke up. She was a brown-haired woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She groaned, walking sluggishly and lagging behind the rest of the group.

Her name was Shayla. She was a Gold Ranked adventurer. Everyone in this battalion was at least a Gold Ranked adventurer. But she was the newest Gold Ranked adventurer out of all— and the least professional of them.

“If you bothered to pay attention at all, you’d know what we’re doing here.”

Zack rolled his eyes. Helen glared at him.


He shrugged. His teammate took over, turning to Shayla and explaining.

“There’s supposedly a garrison used for training new recruits of the Inoria Empire there. We’re to subjugate it and get them to surrender without incurring too many casualties.”

It was on Laux Lionfist’s orders. He’d sent this force of about a hundred higher-leveled adventurers off after they’d taken Helmfirth. One of the outermost cities of the Inoria Empire. Zack had been nervous when they’d arrived at the city. He expected there to be a drawn out siege that lasted at least a day, even with the sheer force of both the adventurer army led by Laux Lionfist and the Helbir League’s army led by Peris Dolonia.

However, it was entirely resolved without drawing a single drop of blood. It seemed that morale in the Inoria Empire was really low, and since Helmfirth was still in the outskirts of the country, they had yet to be affected by the grand ritual taking place, but had heard enough of the horrors from the refugees fleeing the Demon invasion, so they immediately surrendered, even against the orders from higher-up.

Because, to them, it didn’t matter what their superiors said. While the sky above was still blue, and the ground wasn’t made of white rock, they could see what was happening in the rest of the country. Up ahead, just beyond that valley, Zack could see a crimson sky, and he knew that was when things got serious. The coalition army of adventurers and the Helbir League had yet to encounter any Demons— or even get into a fight, for that matter— but that was going to change soon.

Shayla gestured vaguely back where they came from.

“Couldn’t they have just sent a bunch of actual soldiers instead of sending us? Seriously— what’s the point? I thought we came here to fight Demons, not people.”

“We came here to liberate the Inoria Empire and repel this Demon invasion.”

Jaakko’s voice came out from up front. Shayla and the nearby adventurers turned to face the Cyclops whose gaze was fixed forward.

“We will only fight if necessary. The garrison only holds up to two thousand soldiers, most of them equal to a Silver Ranked adventurer. They will not be able to fight back, and as adventurers rather than an enemy nation, they will be more amenable to surrendering to our terms.”

It was a simple explanation. One which Shayla would’ve already known if she hadn’t ignored Laux Lionfist’s briefing. But she refused to accept it, instead crossing her arms and turning away from Jaakko.

“Right, so that’s why we have listen to the Cyclops of all people. Got it.”

There were a few murmurs— almost of agreement. The Human adventurers were not happy that a Cyclops was placed in charge of them. And they clearly made their disgruntlement known.

Zack’s brows snapped together at this disrespect. He whirled around, pointing at Shayla.


“It’s not worth it, Zack.”

Helen stopped him, pulling him back. Zack clicked his tongue. His teammate shook her head.

“Come on, we just have to get our job over with. Let’s not squabble amongst ourselves.”


Zack acquiesced— unhappy, of course. Helen was clearly bothered by it, too. But the [Archer] placed logic above all else. Meanwhile, Jaakko didn’t care. Not ostensibly, at least. And it made sense. The Cyclops was used to this level of discrimination, even if he was a well-respected high-leveled adventurer.

“We’re arriving there soon.”

Jaakko spoke as he narrowed his single eye. Zack raised a brow, turning to the valley. He didn’t see it. Not from this distance. But Helen leaned forward and nodded.

“Seems unguarded. I don’t think they’re even aware that Helmfirth has been taken.”

As an [Archer], she had a variety of Skills and General Skills that aided her vision. Zack wouldn’t be surprised if she could snipe down any patrolling guards in the garrison from this distance at her current level.

But she didn’t do that. There was no reason for it. They were hoping to resolve it peacefully, after all.

“Sean. Scout out the area for us.”

Helen called out to the back. A [Rogue] stepped forward. Level 72. He nodded, without saying much else before vanishing.

Zack exchanged a glance with Helen. He looked back towards the small battalion of adventurers.

“You know, what happens if the garrison refuses our terms of surrender?”

While he was quite pleased to see Helmfirth fall without any deaths, he was relatively skeptical that this plan would consistently carry over. Especially once they were further into the Inoria Empire. Helen shrugged as the battalion continued to march on.

“Just got to give them a show of force, I guess. They should concede once they hear there’s an army of hundreds of thousands headed their way.”

“And what if they don’t?”

Zack wondered aloud.

“Do we just incapacitate them or do we kill them? Because— fighting to incapacitate others is hard.”

“It is.”

Jaakko spoke over the [Mage]. The Cyclops glanced back once. He met Zack’s gaze, before turning back around.

“If it is necessary, we’ll fight to kill. I would rather not lose any of our men.”

Shayla narrowed her eyes from behind. She snorted.

“Of course a Cyclops wouldn’t care about killing Humans…”

But Zack and Helen slowly nodded.





Soon enough, the battalion reached the very fringe of the valley. The garrison was there— clearly a place ill-equipped to fend off an invasion. It was stationed here to train troops, after all. Zack crossed his arms as the adventurers looked on at the walls lined with guards. [Archers] waited with their bows raised, already aiming for the adventurer battalion.

“Well, this is just great. They know we’re here.”

Shayla harrumphed as she drew back, alert. Zack instantly raised a tome, ready to conjure a barrier if necessary. A dozen other [Mages] stepped forward, keeping prepared for anything. Zack grunted.

“Where is Sean? He should’ve warned us about this.”

“He hasn’t returned.”

Helen pursed her lips as she nocked an arrow into her own bow. She glanced up at the soldiers who had yet to fire, but were still on guard. Jaakko stepped forward, uncaring that he might come under fire. He raised his kusarigama— glimmering from its enchantments— and pointed at the garrison.

“We are the United Coalition of the Human Lands, and we are here to ask you to surrender. Helmfirth has already ceded to us. There is no point in fighting and wasting your lives here.”

The [Archers] standing at the walls exchanged an uneasy glance. Zack narrowed his eyes. They’re nervous, he observed. Helen seemed to notice the same thing.

But after a moment, they instantly resolved themselves. They held their ground and aimed directly at Jaakko.

“We refuse! Loose!”

One of the lead [Archers] shouted. Instantly, dozens of arrows came flying down at Jaakko. Zack’s eyes flickered. He raised his spellbook, ready to cast a barrier to protect his leader. But the Cyclops hurled his kusarigama in the air. It flew in an arc— swerving around, knocking the projectiles out of the air with ease.

Only a single arrow shot past the kusarigama. A Skill used by the lead [Archer]. Perhaps coupled with an artifact too. It curved straight for the Cyclops, the arrowhead glinting as it reached him. And Jaakko just raised a hand and knocked it aside.

“This is your last chance.”

Jaakko’s voice boomed as he walked forward. The [Archers] on the walls backed up in fear.

“If you refuse again, we will be forced to make you surrender.”

The lead [Archer] gaped at Jaakko, sweat dripping down the side of his head. He hesitated for a second. Then he shook his head, reaching for another arrow with a trembling hand.

“W-w-we can’t surrender… we have no choice.”

He closed his eyes as he nocked another arrow. Zack frowned. Jakko raised his single brow.

“What do you mean?”

The [Archers] aimed for Jaakko once again. The leader of the group shook his head.

“If we surrender, we’ll be—”

“They’ll be punished appropriately.”

A voice interrupted them. A figure emerged from the battlements. A gray-skinned man who dragged something behind him. Zack blinked.

“That’s… a Demon.”

The adventurer battalion instantly tensed. The soldiers backed away from the Demon in fear. And the Demon smiled.

“Sorry, I don’t really like coming out either. This sun you Humans have is a little too bright for me. But I just wanted to return something you dropped.”


Jaakko stared. And the Demon just tossed what he was holding down the wall. A bloodied body landed with a thud amongst the adventurers. A figure Zack instantly recognized. Helen and another adventurer ran forward, exclaiming.


They stopped as they stared at the mangled mess. Helen shook her head, closing her eyes.

“He’s dead.”

The Demon just chuckled.

“Of course he is. Look at him. You don’t need to be a healer to understand that. Anyway, I’m going back inside now.”

He waved as he turned around to leave. Then he paused before the lead [Archer].

“Oh, and while we’re in the middle of negotiations, I have a proposition for you, Edward.”

The Demon gestured toward the adventurer battalion. Toward Jaakko who was gritting his teeth and tightly clutching the chains of his kusarigama.

“Either die to them, or die to me.”

The Demon laughed.

“I don’t care, either way.”

For a moment, there was no response. The Demon just vanished back into the garrison. Zack looked down at the corpse of Sean, feeling both anger and apprehension. I didn’t get to identify the Demon’s level. He cursed, annoyed that he was too caught up in his shock.

Then Edward— the lead [Archer]— screamed.


And a salvo of arrows rained down on the adventurer battalion, marking the start of the battle.

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