
493. Hellprincess

493. Hellprincess

The screen flickered as the silver-haired girl collapsed into the mattress, instantly passing out. A crimson figure shifted on a couch and blinked. Sal raised his head groggily as he wiped the drool of his face.

“Huh? What? Is it finally happening?”

He kicked off the couch, and it vanished with a flash. The Devil stretched, letting out a tired yawn. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

“That took way too long. It was so boring. Seriously, I stopped paying attention when she refused to kill Belzu…”

Sal trailed off. Then his eyes focused. His gaze fixed onto Salvos as he smiled. He leaned closer, tapping a finger on his chin.

“Now, my daughter, let us see whether you shall reach apotheosis.”

[Evolution Available]

I focused on the words for a second, before immediately passing out. Darkness overtook me. I succumbed into an inky void. It was a place just like that infinite sea of nothingness that held me in the moments before I was born.

I wasn’t sure if this was an actual place, or just the depths of my mind. I felt at peace here. Here, I was me. The real me. I looked at myself and saw a little slug, then blinked and saw an [Imp]. A four-armed beast. A six-armed terror. And, finally, a [Daeva Cambion], claws, wings, crowned horns, and all.


An eerie sense of calm overtook me, nearly making me forget my excitement. But then a set of words flashed in my mind, and that odd sensation was forgotten, replaced by an extreme catharsis.

Subpecies Evolution:

[Archdemon Demon of Pride] -> [Primeval Demon of Pride]

Requirements for two Subspecies evolutions have been met!


Two Subspecies evolutions? I wondered with a frown. That wasn’t very many evolutions. I had expected… like, four at least. Maybe even three, just like with my last two evolutions. But I was only given two evolution options.

That irked me a little bit. But my irritation didn’t last long. In fact, it entirely vanished when I noticed what my first Subspecies evolution was. My eyes grew wide and my heart jumped in my chest as the words resounded in my head, seemingly echoing all around me in the eternal darkness.


Subspecies Evolution:

[Asura Hellprincess of Advent]

An [Asura Hellprincess of the Advent] stands atop the pinnacle of all Demonkind. She rules the Netherworld with her vast power, revered and feared by her peers. Even Primeval Demons tremble in the face of her glory. She bows before no one— an extreme anomaly amongst the masses birthed from Advent. A survivor that rose to become a ruler of all, whether it be Spirits, Demons, or even mortals.

+50 [Vitality]

+40 [Wisdom]

+30 [Strength]

+30 [Endurance]

+30 [Agility]


*You receive +10% to all Stats when surrounded by your minions.

*You can create your own Domain.

My eyes grew wide. My lips quivered. My hands shook. Any feeling of annoyance I previously felt was gone. I was held in stasis, floating in nothingness. Perhaps even trapped in my own mind. But right now, I could practically jump up and scream in excitement.

“I am finally going to be a princess!”

I squealed as I beamed from ear-to-ear. I threw my hands in the air, buzzing excitedly at that single point in space. I couldn’t move away from where I was floating, but I could flail my arms around at the thought of becoming a princess.

It was just a fun little dream I had after learning about princesses— I was never really serious about becoming a princess, even when I was playing with Rachel. But now it could be a reality if I became a [Hellprincess]. I… I… I… had no words.

I could even have my own Domain. I had a Lair right now, but it was pretty small, and it was just for me. All I could do was teleport there and back, with a minor boost in Stats as long as I was inside of the Lair. Now, if I had an entire Domain I’d be able to teleport over a vast swathe of land, and I’d get a boost in Stats over a larger area too. It wouldn’t be nearly as limited as a Lair!

Also, also, also— I could have another boost in Stats as long as I was surrounded by my companions. It was everything I could have wanted.

I was just about to accept this evolution and become an [Asura Hellprincess of Advent] before I caught myself. I slapped myself with both my hands, taking in a deep breath.

“Nope— not just yet.”

I still had a second evolution option. I was getting way ahead of myself. Taking in a deep breath… I couldn’t actually breathe here, but I tried to steel myself. Slowly, I looked down at myself.

“What else can I become? Show me how I can become something more!”

I spoke, and the next set of notifications resounded in my head.

[Fallen Deva Aeshma Cambion]

A [Fallen Deva Aeshma Cambion] is a [Cambion] that has strayed from the essence of her nature into the path of rage and vengeance. Now a Primeval Demon of Wrath, she is empowered by her anger. Whether it be because her allies have been endangered, or it be because she herself has been affronted, it is her pursuit of destroying her enemies for their sins that drives her. While she may have fallen from her initial path, she has now ascended into becoming something even greater than she already was.

+60 [Strength]

+60 [Wisdom]

+30 [Vitality]

+20 [Endurance]

+10 [Agility]

Bonus: 50% of [Agility] is permanently removed and added to [Strength]

Species Change: [Primeval Demon of Pride] -> [Primeval Demon of Wrath]!

“What… is this?”

I blinked a few times, taken completely aback. It was like I was struck with extreme whiplash. As if Edithe was slapping me across the face just because I was a Demon again. I stared at my second evolutionary option, at a loss for words.

“Become a Primeval Demon of Wrath? That’s ridiculous! I’m Salvos! I’m a Demon of Pride! I am proud to be me—”

I started, but paused. My words caught in my mouth, rebuked by memories. Ira’s words echoed in my head. I remembered the Primeval Demon of Wrath’s accusation when he discovered my true identity.

“Do you not have any pride?”

He had asked the simple question to me just a few hours ago, and I replied confidently. I was always confident in my identity, but for whatever reason, right now, doubt was starting to settle in.


I closed my eyes. And even more questions invaded my mind. The mocking voice of Belzu. The enraged voice of Avaritia.

“Are you actually ashamed to be a Demon?”

“You are no Demon.”

I gritted my teeth in response. These words echoed, refusing to vanish even as I tried to ignore them. I whispered quietly to myself.

“I am a Demon. I am proud to be—”

But before I could finish, the second evolutionary option flashed in my mind.

[Fallen Deva Aeshma Cambion]

And I paused. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t finish what I was saying. I just slowly took this in. Doubt crept in as the neverending darkness around me seemed to only encroach on my being— I couldn’t help but ask myself a single question.

Was I really not proud to be a Demon because I was hiding my identity?

It made no sense to me. That wasn’t right. I would be suicidal if I revealed who I was to all these Humans who wanted to kill me!

I refused to listen to these intrusive thoughts. They were but judgments cast upon me by these other Demons I had bested in battle. They couldn’t defeat me in a fight, so they tried to win by sowing doubt into my being. But I wasn’t going to give in.

I shook my head, focusing instead on the first evolution I had been offered.

[Asura Hellprincess of Advent]

“I am a [Hellprincess], and I am proud—”

I raised a clawed hand as if I was reaching for it. But I hesitated. Something stopped me. I tried to focus on this option, but my vision seemed to blur. I clenched my jaw and slowly lowered my hand. I wanted to become an [Asura Hellprincess of Advent]...

But it just didn’t feel right.

My clawed hands balled into fists, and I raised my head. I faced the sea of nothingness above, speaking to no one but myself.

“I don’t care if it feels wrong! I want to be a princess! That’s all that matters! That’s how I—”

“You are an untamed creature, obedient only to your fickle desires.”

Belzu’s voice spoke behind me, making me spin around in surprise. It sounded like he had been right here. I almost thought I was trapped in his illusions for a moment. I glanced back, but saw no one in this void.


“You are far too lost.”

Ira’s words struck into my heart. The endless darkness trembled, growing palpable. Nothingness threatened to swallow me as I shook in fear.

“I am not lost! I am Salvos— I am…”

I trailed off. The void loomed over me. I felt my body growing numb. The words I spoke didn’t echo, lost in the nonexistence of the world I was in. I raised a clawed hand and shouted.

“Stay back!”

I sent a blast of my strongest flames out into the nothingness. It shone a bright white light in this infinite sea, banishing the darkness for a moment. But I heard a terrible cackling. And the shadows seeped towards me, eating away at the white fire and creeping towards my clawed hand.

“You’re— wild.”

Avaritia spoke with the voice of the Demon King. And I recoiled as the dark tendrils snuffed out my flames and grabbed me by arms. I struggled to break free, but I couldn’t move. The darkness held me in place. This void intruded into my very being.

I flailed my arms again, this time, not in excitement, but in fear and terror. I tried to turn my head— I tried to kick out. Nothing worked. This time, I was not just being pinned in place. I was being crushed.

I tried to burn my way out. But my strongest flames failed to even ignite in this void. I squirmed and screamed.

“I am not wild! I am not ashamed to be a Demon! I am— I am…”

I tried to speak, but it was like I really couldn’t breathe now. No words left my mouth. I was trapped forever in this stasis. The only thing I could do was move my eyes. I could only relax my hands as my white flames faltered, turning blue, then red, before the last of the fading sparks were entirely extinguished.

Slowly, I closed my eyes. I wanted to evolve to break free, but couldn’t. It just didn’t feel right. This infinite void consumed me, too strong for me to overcome. Even my most powerful flames failed to light up this darkness. But… that wasn’t my strongest flame, wasn’t it?

And iridescent flames wisped off my clawed hands. My eyes snapped open as I exhaled, breathing even in this sea of nonexistence. I raised my head and tore through the dark tendrils holding me in place.

I brought my clawed hand out, unleashing a deluge of my Divine Flames. The darkness shone with the colors of the rainbow and more. White, blue, green, black, gold, silver— all kinds of flames ate away at the encroaching nothingness. I lit up this sable sea as I took ahold of my being and dispelled the voices assailing me from all sides at once.

“I am Salvos! I do not care what you say about me— I know who I am and I know what I have done!”

The sea of darkness evaporated away by the fiery light. This world of nothingness was filled with vibrant colors as my words echoed in this inferno.

“I am proud to be a Demon. But I am also proud of becoming something more.”

And I lowered my hand as a new set of words flashed in my head. I closed my eyes, taking it in.


Requirements for a third Subspecies evolution have been met!

[Angelic Devil Princess]

The [Angelic Devil Princess] is a unique being who has ascended beyond her nature. Mentored by the Devil himself and taught by Spirits, through her experiences living amongst mortals, she has learned what it is like to become something more. She has fought the corruption itself and adopted monsters as children. She is a guardian. A destroyer. A savior. A trickster. Even the Old Gods have granted her their favor, even if her own kind vilifies her, accusing her of defying her nature. But she still takes pride in who she is, and now, she has apotheosized into a Lesser God.

+50 [Vitality]

+50 [Strength]

+50 [Endurance]

+50 [Wisdom]

+50 [Agility]

Secondary Species Unlocked: [Lesser God]


I opened my eyes, a smile slipping onto my face. In that instant, I knew what I was going to choose.

Evolution Complete!

[Archdemon of Pride] -> [Primeval Demon of Pride]

You have ascended to a [Lesser God]

Subspecies [Daeva Cambion] -> [Angelic Devil Princess]

Gained 50 Stat Points!

[Vitality] +50

[Strength] +50

[Endurance] +50

[Wisdom] +50

[Agility] +50

Gained 5 Skill Slots!

Gained 15 Skill Points!

General Skill [Racial Skill: True Divinity] Obtained!

General Grand Skill [Racial Skill: Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion - Lvl. 1] becomes [Racial Skill: Divine Essence of the Angelic Devil Princess - Lvl. 1]!

Skill [Demon’s Mark - Lvl. 20] becomes [Divine Demon’s Mark - Lvl. 20]!

Skill [Haste - Lvl. 20] becomes [Divine Haste - Lvl. 20]!

Skill [Nebular Construct - Lvl. 25] becomes [Divine Nebular Construct - Lvl. 25]!

Skill [Radiant Slash - Lvl. 15] becomes [Divine Radiant Slash - Lvl. 15]!

Skill [Wings of the Netherworld - Lvl. 10] becomes [Angel’s Wings - Lvl. 1]!

Skill [Passive - A Hunter’s Sense - Lvl. 10] becomes [Angelic Premonition - Lvl. 1]!

Skill [The Primordial Spark] and [Passive - Blue Flames] consolidates and becomes [The Holy Flames]!

Skill [Sacred Hellfire] is now available!

Skill [The Call of Armageddon] is now available!

Grand Skill [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] can now be leveled!


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