
494. Lesser God

494. Lesser God

“Salvos is taking a while…”

Edithe muttered as she glanced towards the tent. It had been nearly a full day since the silver-haired girl vanished inside, and it was starting to get worrying. The redhead knew that a Class advancement took a while— and that evolutions probably took just as long, or even longer. However, this was too unusual. It was too much of an anomaly.

“What could possibly be happening in there?”

She shifted uncomfortably, trying to calm herself. Edithe considered poking her head into the tent to check if everything was fine, but eventually decided otherwise.

“I said I’d keep watch. I can’t keep watch if I’m busy bothering her…”

Whatever was happening inside was none of the redhead’s business. Besides, if the baby Wyverns weren’t panicking over their missing ‘mama’— well, they were still antsy, but Willy was carefully watching over them, and they were far calmer than they usually were. Fact was, if they could keep their cool even though Salvos had been gone for a full day, then Edithe could too.

She raised her head and glanced towards the crimson dome above. The sky was still a dark red, even if it was fading and returning to its normal blue shade. Edithe saw the twinkling dots speckling overhead, peeking through the dark clouds gathering in the overcast sky, and she commented idly.

“The stars are back…”

Lightning crackled, and thunder boomed. The redhead pursed her lips as she watched a storm draw closer.

“I really hope it doesn’t start raining.”

“It seems they successfully halted the reactivated sub-ritual. That is relieving.”

Clayton Skyshredder remarked as he saw the city in the distance. He stood atop a golden nimbus cloud, flying at the head of a force of nearly half a million soldiers and adventurers. They marched slowly. At the pace they were going, it was likely they were only going to arrive at Lunaris by midnight.

His eyes sharpened. His gaze focused on the dark red sky above. He saw the stars. He saw the gathering clouds. He sensed the powerful magic radiating from the area. And he spoke simply.

“Do you see that, Archmage?”

He glanced back, facing a robed woman flying beside him. She rode on her own cloud as well— a white cloud that moved slower than his. Helena Warshade, the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy, leader of the Rising Veterans Company, and Elite Ranked adventurer looked at him, deferring.

“I do, Headmaster Skyshredder. Do you think it is caused by the merger?”

“If it were related to the grand ritual, it would have engulfed all of the Inoria Empire in its fury. This is… localized. A natural occurrence, perhaps.”

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy ran a hand through his flowing beard. He watched the crackling golden electricity rip through the sky. But the lightning never crashed into the ground. It stayed overhead, tearing the clouds open as he closed his eyes.

Helena Warshade mused next to him.

“But a natural one hasn’t happened in decades, Headmaster. Why now? What is the significance of this?”

He shook his head as he opened his eyes.

“Perhaps there is no significance. Perhaps it is happening now simply because one hasn’t happened in so long. I do not know. However, what I know, Archmage, is that we must move to dispel it before the destruction begins.”

She blinked for a moment, glancing at him. Then she slowly nodded.

“Yes, Headmaster.”

And the two highest-leveled [Mages] in the world shot forward, leaving their armies behind for Lunaris. As they flew on, the clouds above parted. The lightning stopped. But no rain fell from the sky.

Instead, it was the stars themselves that fell from the heavens above.

Daniel jolted up to the sound of an explosion. He blinked for a second, trying to gauge his surroundings. Then he remembered he was in the middle of a war. He threw himself out of his bed and drew the Sword of Alexander.

He dashed out of the tent and glanced around. But the encampment was thrown into chaos. He heard screams in the distance as another explosion echoed out. Soldiers, adventurers, and civllians ran in all directions, gathering their things as they fled from Lunaris.

Somewhere, far away, the [Hero] could hear Laux Lionfist’s booming voice as he tried to maintain order. Daniel gritted his teeth.

“What is going on? What is—”

He started, but then caught a familiar figure running amongst the crowd. He sprinted forward and grabbed her by the hand.

“Amanda. What’s happening? Who’s attacking us?”

The former assassin blinked and stared at him. Another explosion resounded in the distance as she raised a hand towards the sky.

“We’re not being attacked, you idiot. It’s—”

And a golden beam of light crashed from the sky. It exploded the tent Daniel had been in, and he reeled. He gaped as nothing was left there but a crater— the tent entirely obliterated.

“What…? Was that a comet?”

He tried work his jaw. Slowly, he raised his head, and saw dozens of shooting stars falling across the sky. But they didn’t just dissipate. The golden streaks of light swerved out of the heavens, falling around Lunaris with explosive landings.

Amanda shook her head as she sighed.

“It’s a mana storm, Daniel. We’re caught in a fucking mana storm.”

Orgaf had heard about mana storms before. It was when the stars themselves fell from the sky— peeling away from the sable dome overhead to blast the earth with their wrath. Some said mana storms occurred when a star had shone its last light, falling to a glorious death that matched that grandeur.

Others said that mana storms were simply caused when a region had burned too much mana— that the evaporated magic would return to the skies, only to come crashing back down to fill the world with mana once again.

Whatever it was, the Thief of the Golden Scale just knew that mana storms were dangerous. While they varied in intensity, they were no different to a natural disaster. Some could fell nations, while others would only ravage a countryside.

Orgaf himself had even lived through a mana storm— when he was beyond the Plaguelands, sneaking through the Kobold lands. Back then, he was too busy laughing at seeing those pesky giant lizards being ripped apart by the falling stars, so he didn’t quite register the true majesty and might of a mana storm. But now, he basked in all its glory.

The Thief of the Golden looked up towards the scintillating sky and watched as the stars themselves showered the earth. He didn’t do anything else. He didn’t try to help Helena Warshade or Clayton Skyshredder as they rushed to dispel the mana storm.

He just stood there in awe, waiting for what was to come next.

“Stay down!”

Willy called out as he created a wall of blue flames over the three baby Wyverns. They cried out, cowering on the quaking ground.


Novis, Bellum, and Oriur braced themselves. A falling star crashed from the sky, striking the barrier. Willy winced. His flames flickered. But his barrier held up. He wasn’t going to let anything bad befall them. Not after he had abandoned the three baby Wyverns, failing his duty.

He hovered protectively over them, keeping an eye up as a pair of Human [Mages] flew up towards the sky. The two began casting some magic, and Willy saw a giant glinting glyph cover the sky.

The dark clouds overhead crackled with electricity as Clayton Skyshredder and Helena Warshade continued crafting their spell. Meanwhile, Willy took his chance.

“Now— follow!”

He guided the three baby Wyverns away from the encampment. The Grand Spirit thought it would have been harder to convince them to leave Salvos behind. But, somehow, they were more understanding now. They moved as a group, weaving their way through the chaos as the onslaught of falling stars faltered.

Whatever the two [Mages] were doing was working. Willy slowed, and the baby Wyverns stuck close to him. They watched as a group as the mana storm’s magic faded away— like it was being sealed off by the spell circle overhead.


Novis asked, raising his head to face the [Will O’ Wisp]. The chaos died down. The panic subsided. The fleeing adventurers and soldiers came to a halt. They all let out a collective sigh in relief, before cheering for Clayton Skyshredder and Helena Warshade.

But Willy didn’t cheer. He just stared up at the sky, unmoving. Oriur looked at him apprehensively.

“Something wrong?”

The youngest baby Wyvern asked. The Grand Spirit didn’t reply. He felt… off. An odd sensation filled his being. He couldn’t place what it was. But somehow, his gaze landed upon a single tent that survived the destruction.

The tent where Salvos had been.

Willy peered at the tent, feeling a sense of reverence. He tried to figure out what it was. He had felt this before. He had been in a similar presence before. Just… this was weaker. Far less overwhelming. But he knew what it was after a moment. And when the realization sank in, the tent exploded.

A pillar of black-gold flames shot through the sky, forcing Clayton Skyshredder and Helena Warshade to scatter. A shimmering figure shot up amongst the flames. The glyph in the sky shattered, and the dark storm clouds cleared.

Instinctively, Willy bowed his body. Even as the baby Wyverns exclaimed.


Salvos floated in the sky, just before the pillar of black-gold flames. Iridescent sparks crackled off her— the familiar use of her Grand Skills. But, somehow, the fire burned sharper. Somehow, its heat was far more intense. Willy couldn’t explain why he felt this. He just knew that…

It was like he was in the presence of the Spirit Lord.

The Grand Spirit caught after a moment, focusing his gaze on the silver-haired girl. Her entire body glittered with the colors of the rainbow— her skin paler, overcome with a light sheen. And that was when Willy noticed the wings on her back.

Pure white wings. Feathered wings. And there were six of them.

Willy didn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand how she wore those. But what he saw as true.

Those were the wings of an [Angel].

And it wasn’t just the [Will O’ Wisp] who was looking at her in a complete loss for words. Clayton Skyshredder, Helena Warshade, Daniel Song, Edithe Dawnrise, Laux Lionfist— everyone in the encampment stared up at Salvos as she hovered there, raising her Divine Nebular Scythe. Her voice boomed out and shook the earth itself.

“People of the Mortal Realm— cast your gaze upon me! See my power, know my name, and tell me what you see!”

Orgaf smirked as he stared at the silver-haired girl. He couldn’t help but cackle wildly to himself.

“I knew it. I knew she was special—”

Laux Lionfist crossed his arms, clearly impressed. He gave Salvos an approving nod.

“Truly a feat that will go down in history…”

Daniel Song, the [Hero] of Earth A1, stared at Salvos. At his companion. At his first real friend. He saw the angelic wings, and he looked at her wisping divine flames. He shook his head.

“To think I tried to kill you when we first met. I should be glad you spared my life, Salvos.”

Edithe Dawnrise smiled as she looked on at what her friend had become. Even in her wildest dreams, she never imagined this.

“You really are amazing, Salvos.”

Saffron Merryster cast her gaze towards the city of Lunaris. She saw the rainbow-colored flames. She recognized it— and she even used a spyglass to confirm it. But she still refused to believe what she saw.


Everyone looked on in disbelief or shock. Even Helena Warshade couldn’t help but blink at this sight. But others, such as the Headmaster of Mavos Academy himself, didn’t so much as express his incredulity as he rejected reality.


Meanwhile, Amanda just blinked.

“What the fuck.”

Everyone looked her way with wide eyes. They saw the flashes of light. They watched the gold and silver figures flashing into existence. Clones of the girl that burned with a divine radiance.

Willy’s flames shrank as he saw Salvos. The real her. Or… who she had become. Apart from those wings, she looked like a Human. It wasn’t like she was declaring herself to be a Demon in front of the Mortal Realm.

No— it was something else that caught the [Will O’ Wisp] by surprise. That was why he just stared even as she continued speaking proudly.

“I am Salvos! Secely’s Sentinel! And I promise you all—”

At once, all ten of her clones shot out, flying at impossibly fast speeds across the Inoria Empire. He watched them leave a trail of gold and silver behind as she finished.

“The war ends now!”

[Lesser God - Lvl. 150]


The Devil slowly clapped as he watched the scene Salvos caused with her ascension. He couldn’t be prouder for his daughter. He was grinning from ear-to-ear, ready to rub his victory in Reggie’s stupid dumb face.

But first, just to make sure— He focused the screen on the silver-haired girl’s face. Sal whispered quietly to himself.

“[God’s Eye].”

His eyes flickered. He peered into his daughter even through the screen. And he smiled at what he saw.

“Truly, I can’t wait for you to surpass your old man, my daughter…”

Salvos (Secely’s Sentinel) (The Devil’s Daughter)

Species: [Primeval Demon of Pride]

Secondary Species: [Lesser God]

Subspecies: [Angelic Devil Princess] - Lvl. 150

Class: [Draconic Apprentice] - Lvl. 118

General Skills:

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] - Lvl. 8

[Corruption Resistance] - Lvl. 1

[Identification] - Lvl. 6

[Racial Skill: True Divinity] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] - Lvl. 2

[Rest] - Lvl. 5

[Wisdom of the Old Gods] - Lvl. 5

[Title Skill: General Status Effect Resistance] - Lvl. 1

[Ttle Skill: Invoke Wrath] - Lvl. 2

[Title Skill: Protection of the Sentinel] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: The Devil’s Grace] - Lvl. 1

[Racial Skill: Divine Essence of the Angelic Devil Princess] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 250 (+30) (+10) (+100)

[Strength]: 250 (+30) (+10) (+100)

[Endurance]: 250 (+30) (+10) (+3) (+100)

[Wisdom]: 380 (+30) (+10) (+50) (+100)

[Agility]: 435 (+30) (+10) (+5) (+100)


[Available Skill Points: 36]

[Angel’s Wings] - Lvl. 1

[Barrage of Cinders] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Divine Demon’s Mark] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Divine Haste] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Intimidation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Faux Limbs] - Lvl. 25 (Maxed)

[Divine Nebular Construct] - Lvl. 25 (Maxed)

[Divine Radiant Slash] - Lvl. 15 (Maxed)

[Sacred Hellfire] - Lvl. 1

[Salvo of Vanity] - Lvl. 25 (Maxed)

[The Call of Armageddon] - Lvl. 1

[The Holy Flames] - Lvl. 1

[Passive - Angelic Premonition] - Lvl. 1

[Passive - Weapon Mastery] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[My Flame Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] - Lvl. 1

[Unused Skill Slot] x4

Secondary Skills:

[Available Secondary Skill Points: 1]

[Draconic Fury] - Lvl. 15

[Fragmented Pocket Dimension] - Lvl. 10

[Full Phase] - Lvl. 5

[Greater Teleportation] - Lvl. 10

[Manifestation of the Old Gods] - Lvl. 5

[Warped Time] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Passive - Dragon Scales] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - Master of Material Manipulation] - Lvl. 5

[Passive - Weaker Regeneration] - Lvl.5


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