
Chapter 532: Not Invincible

Chapter 532: Not Invincible

532. Not Invincible

The [Gargoyles] charged.

And my Grand Skill ended. The mist of gray flames coating the black scales on my forearms faded away. It dissipated, leaving me defenseless. No more aura of invulnerability. No way to survive an onslaught of direct hits from the wild Primeval Demons.

I had taken out three of these [Gargoyles] just earlier, coming out mostly unscathed, but that was thanks to [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends]. When I had fought a [Gargoyle] for the first time, it had managed to inflict quite a bit of damage to me. I wasnt on the verge of death like I had been numerous times before in the past. And sure, it had been Level 161 as opposed to the other three being much lower-leveled.

But right now, I wasnt faced with just a handful of them. This was a Lair. There were dozens of them. Each one was a Primeval Demon. Most of them were just barely above Level 150. However, there were a few of them above Level 160. One of them was even above Level 170.

It stood all the way at the very back of the Lair. It looked like it was guarding the corridor at the other end of the room. And fortunately for me, it didnt attack with the others. Only the closest [Gargoyles] charged my way, shrieking as I backed up.

I have to get out of here, the thought quickly crossed my mind.

However, one of the charging [Gargoyles] hissed. I blinked as it raised a clawed hand to the sky. I began to activate [Greater Teleportation], only to pause as a crimson dome fell over my head. It encapsulated me and I felt my connection to my magic vanish.

I couldnt tug at the strands of mana surrounding me. It was like the blanket of magic that covered the world was suddenly cut loose. And the world was drained of the arcane. I blinked. I had sensed something similar before. This wasnt exactly the same. It was different. It was weaker. In fact, I was pretty sure it simply canceled out my weaker Skills.

But it still reminded me of Claytons [Antimagic Field].


I blinked, and [Greater Teleportation] failed to coalesce. I stared at the [Gargoyle] responsible for creating this antimagic barrier. It stood all the way at the back of the zone as the others charged towards me.

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 168]

I narrowed my eyes. It was the highest-leveled of the group of approaching [Gargoyles].

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 155]

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 158]

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 161]

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 152]

There were a dozen of them. And I raised my Divine Nebular Scythe, baring my teeth as I had no other choice to fight. I couldnt teleport away. I couldnt use my Class Skills. I could only use my Subspecies Skills but even then, all my magical attacks felt like they were weaker. Softer.

All that I could fight with now were my claws, my Divine Nebular Scythe, and my Divine Essence. I growled as I activated [Divine Essence] the Skill unaffected by this antimagic zone and the first [Gargoyle] reached me. As usual, these Primeval Demons were slow. I sidestepped the attack, then slashed the [Gargoyle] in the back.

It stumbled forward as I spun around to face three other [Gargoyles]. I opened my mouth, unleashing a wave of [The Holy Flames]. The gray blast engulfed them for a moment, keeping them back as I took a step back. Then I glanced past them, focusing on the source of this barrier. The Level 168 [Gargoyle].

[Sacred Hellfire]!

I pointed, and the Primeval Demon burst into flames. It reeled as the dark golden flames wreathed its body. I smirked, only for a [Gargoyle] to crash into me from the side. It wrestled with me, landing a few thudding blows as I grimaced. I tried to kick it off, only for a second, then third [Gargoyle] piled onto me.

I struggled as the three Primeval Demons pinned me down. I couldnt shake them off. Each one was so heavy so persistent. They werent strong, and their physical attacks werent the worst things I had ever endured. But one of the [Gargoyles] shone red. A crimson aura that seemed to shock me with a touch. I clenched my jaw as I felt my own strength drain from my body, then watched as another four [Gargoyles] charged to join the pile as well.

My right arm morphed into the scythe-like arm of an Evolved Centinel, and I slashed up with a cry.

[Divine Radiant Slash]!

I tore through the [Gargoyles] holding me down. Their arms shattered, and one of them even lost a head. But that attack alone wasnt enough to bring any of them down. It was just enough to get them off me. I spread my [Angelic Wings] wide as the other four [Gargoyles] reached me, then I took off to the sky.

[Divine Haste] let me speed past them. Even as one of the [Gargoyles] opened its mouth, unleashing what seemed like an ethereal fireball my way. I dodged that projectile, before weaving around a pair of the jumping Primeval Demons. I raised my claws into the air as I hovered high above these statue-like creatures.

How about this [The Call of Armageddon]!

And black flames coalesced in between my hands, only to explode, raining down below. It was magic not Divine power. Because of that, its effects were muted here in this dome. But that didnt mean the dark fire didnt rain down from above.

It crashed down amongst the group of Primeval Demons. I watched as the onslaught of attacks struck the [Gargoyles], keeping them back. One of the [Gargoyles] raised a hand, and chains shot out, targeting me in the air. But I dove out of the way as another [Gargoyle] leapt up at me.

I kicked the flying [Gargoyle] back down into the ground, but the chains caught me, dragging me down. I tumbled through the air as I cursed. I fell towards the Primeval Demon pulling me down. It was the first [Gargoyle] that had attacked me. It was already slightly hurt, but it still continued pulling me down, only for me to focus on it.

I targeted the [Gargoyle] with [The Call of Armageddon], and a flurry of black flames struck it as it reeled. A moment later, I crashed straight into it on purpose as I activated [Faux Limbs]. Each of my fiery limbs morphed into the shape of a scythe, letting me unleash an onslaught of [Barrage of Cinders] onto the Primeval Demon in an instant.

It tried to fight back, but I sliced it apart, and words echoed in my head.


I exclaimed, focusing on that single Grand Skill Point. I immediately expended it, and it vanished from my Status. With that, my Grand Skill leveled up.

[Available Grand Skill Points: 0]

[My Flame Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] - Lvl. 3

And I called for its power.

Im not going to die here to a bunch of rock Demons!

I exclaimed as an aura of wisping gray flames coalesced around my body. My scalded flesh immediately regenerated, and I raised my head. I emerged from the blazing crimson flames completely renewed. My eyes burned gold, lightning through the aura of invulnerability around me.

I bared my teeth down at the remaining [Gargoyles] as I flew up to the sky, carried by my [Angelic Wings]. Black flames rained around me, and I swept my gaze over this enclosed dome.

[My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends]. I see you.

I eyed the [Gargoyle] at the very end of the dome. The one who had created this antimagic barrier. It was still burning, slowly being eaten away by my [Sacred Hellfire]. I needed to get out of here. Even with my Grand Skill, I couldnt defeat all these [Gargoyles].

I glanced out of the crimson dome, seeing a few dozen other Primeval Demons waiting outside.

Not all of them.

I shook my head as I dove straight down. I just had to escape this dome, then I could teleport out of here. And to do that, I just had to take down a single [Gargoyle]. I sought out my target, even as the others tried to stop me.

Chains shot in the air, trying to intercept me. But there was a flicker of gray flame surrounding me. The chains shattered, immediately incinerated by the aura protecting me. I raised a claw as a fiery strike coalesced around my hand.


I crashed into the Level 168 [Gargoyle], and there was a flash of gray light. The Primeval Demon exploded in an instant as I struck it like a comet. It was like my attack had been empowered by both my Grand Skill and [The Holy Flames].

The dome collapsed as a few notifications echoed in my head.

Defeated [Gargoyle - Lvl. 168]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

Skill [Divine Strike] Gained!

Experience is awarded for the learning of a Skill!

I backed up, sensing my Class Skills returning to me. But I didnt have the chance to bask in this moment of reprieve, nor could I process what this brand new Skill I gained was. The [Gargoyles] waiting outside of the dome moved, and the ones trapped inside with me reached me. I didnt stick around to deal with them. I raised a clawed hand, pulling at space.

[Greater Teleport

I started, and the black flames raining overhead vanished. A cold gust of wind swept into the cave chamber as my teleportation failed. I blinked, feeling a hand grab me by the claw. I looked to the side as the aura of gray flames protecting me flared up, burning the person who had stopped me from escaping this room.


And the figure burned. He was lit ablaze by my Grand Skills newest effects, but he didnt even falter from the wisping gray flames. He held my forearms tight as his leathery flesh burned. I stared at him a man with gray skin, black veins, and locks of golden hair. He had a pair of huge horns protruding from his head, and a massive beard flowing down from his chin. His back was hunched, but he still stood at nearly seven feet tall.

I didnt know when he got here. It was like he was suddenly here. And his presence alone had dispelled [The Call of Armageddon]. He tilted his head at me as a prickle ran down my spine.

[??? - Lvl. ???]

Who are you?

I asked as I just gaped at this figure. His hollow gaze bore into me as he replied simply.

My name is Belphegor, and I am the Guardian of the Netherworld. Now tell me why are you destroying my [Gargoyles]?

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