
Chapter 533: Guardian of the Netherworld

Chapter 533: Guardian of the Netherworld

533. Guardian of the Netherworld

[??? - Lvl. ???]

My name is Belphegor, and I am the Guardian of the Netherworld. Now tell me why are you destroying my [Gargoyles]?

I stared at this towering Demon. He wasnt the largest Demon I had ever seen he was only seven feet tall, but his back was hunched. If he stood up straight, hed be at least ten feet tall. Maybe more.

But his arms were scrawny. He wasnt built like a twig, but in proportion to his size, he was rather thin. His body almost seemed to shrivel up into itself as he gazed at me curiously with a pair of hollow eyes. And they were hollow. They werent black or gray or silver it was like his eye sockets were empty. A black void that reflected no light. A darkness that consumed everything, including me.

I blinked, breaking free from his gaze a moment later. The Demon tilted his head at me with a quizzical look. He wasnt suspicious, nor was he angry that I supposedly killed his [Gargoyles]. He just seemed confused. It was a gaze filled with a childlike innocence that reminded me of Rachel or my children.

I stared at him for a moment, before scratching the back of my head.

Um I killed them because they were attacking me?

Belphegor paused. He tilted his head back as he stroked a hand through his beard. I hesitated. I wasnt sure if it was a good answer. But he just nodded slowly.

Yes, yes, yes. That is indeed a good reason to destroy them. Attack you. Yes, yes. I can see why youd do that.

He muttered to himself as I pursed my lips. I looked to his left arm. He was being burnt my Grand Skill. [My Flames Shall Burnt Until Eternity Ends] no longer just gave me an aura of protection. It literally lit everything it came into contact with ablaze. Not a weaker fire, either. I stared at the burning remains of the [Gargoyles] I had just crushed.

The heat from my Grand Skills flames were intense. They incinerated the stone-like remains of the Primeval Demon until there was nothing left. But Belphegor?

He barely reacted even as his leathery skin burned.

Youre, um, on fire, by the way.

I am? Oh, I am.

He blinked a few times, looking down at his left arm as he yanked me forward. I grimaced as I staggered. I weakly tried to pull back, but he was far too strong. Belphegor just continued holding onto me as he patted at the gray flames, extinguishing them, only for his arm to combust once more.

This is hot. Very hot. Hot, indeed. Why isnt it going away?

Because youre holding onto me?Updated chapters at

I answered as I tugged back hard. Belphegor didnt budge. He nodded at me.

I see. I see.

Um, can you please let go of my hand?

Oh, I see.

He repeated himself as he finally loosened his grip. I sighed in relief, stumbling back. Only for a nearby [Gargoyle] to pounce at me from behind. Its claws struck my aura of invulnerability as I frowned.


I protested, turning to Belphegor.

Your [Gargoyles] are attacking me again!

I kicked the statue-like Primeval Demon back, but a second and third flanked me from behind. I stood there as their attacks failed to hurt me. But even more of them charged my way, and I pointed accusingly at Belphegor.

Um is this place your Lair?

I asked as he blinked. He drew back as I tapped my feet a little bit impatiently. He shook his head.

In a sense, you can say this is my Lair. But in another sense, I do not believe this is my Lair.

Then what is it, then?

I crossed my arms. Belphegor tapped a finger on his chin. He didnt say anything as his fingers heavily beat against his leathery skin. I just pressed my lips into a thin line.

And Belphegor made a sound.

Ah. This place it is not my Lair. It is my tomb.

He spoke simply, but his words made me freeze. It sent a chill down my back as I stared at him for a moment. I opened my mouth.

Tomb? But what do you mean by that? Why is this your tomb hey, wait!

I called out, but Belphegor was already strolling back up the corridor. He glanced back at me briefly as I called out to him. But he didnt stop. He continued walking onwards as I hurried after him.

Why cant you just leave this place? What makes you the Guardian of the Netherworld?

Honestly, I was glad I could walk and talk with Belphegor. He was barely even walking as fast as I could crawl. He kept his gaze on me as we turned a corner.

Leave this place? No I cant do that. It would be ridiculous. Leaving my tomb? I cannot

Thud! I watched as Belphegor walked straight into the rock wall. He paused mid-conversation, rotating his head to face what he had bumped into. He blinked in confusion as I sighed.

Why not?

I rolled my eyes. But Belphegor didnt give an immediate response. Of course not. He was very slow. I raised a hand and poked his side.

Hey, I said

And Belphagor snapped his gaze towards me. He caught my hand, even as his skin burned once more. His grip tightened as the aura of invulnerability flashed then began to tear.

Do not touch me.

My eyes went round as I stared up at him. Belphagors back straightened, and he loomed over me. I saw the darkness in his eyes flicker for a moment as I backed away. He let go of my hand, his gaze still fixed on me.

I ok! Sorry! I did not mean to touch you!

I looked down at my hand, looking at his grip marks. He had broken through my Grand Skill. Somehow, just through sheer strength alone, he had overpowered the aura of invulnerability, nearly crushing my hand.

I glanced back up at Belphegor as his back hunched once more. But he spoke as his gaze continued boring into me.

You ask many questions. Now let me ask my own.

He walked straight up towards me as I felt a prickle of fear creep up my back. Belphegor twisted his head threateningly as I scratched my cheek.

Um, what is it?

He spoke simply at that.

Do you wish to see the Gate of the Netherworld?

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