Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1099, unprecedented 0.1%

At the time of Steve husband and wife, Li Feng smiled: "Oh, how do you plan to give me the most distinguished service?"

Shawn Wesley smiled and said: "This is the case, because you don't agree to accept the gift of Mr. Philip, Mr. Philip decided to sell the Star Series yacht to you."

Others are directly shocked!

A superhavo-free yacht worth 5 billion pounds, actually to play 0.1 fold to Li Feng, but the reason is because Li Feng is not willing to accept the gift?

Is this special difference between 0.1 fold?

Therefore, the great Philip Gutt, in order to please Li Feng, have you been a dog to this extent?

"That ... Mr. Wesley, I want to ask, who Philip is?" Steve asked with a misty water.

In fact, his heart has been guessing, and people who can determine the price of the Star Series Marina, the actual controls of Tianma Group.

Who is the actual control of Tianma Group? Isn't the Gutote family! Is Philip's members of the Gulit family? Have you heard of it!

Shawn Wesley face, his face reveals admiration and yearning: "Mr. Philip is the founder of the Guret family, he is my life most admirable ... No, it should be the most admirable People. "

I have never been a weird, I still have a long time, it's hard to do, it's not that the most admired person is Mr. Philip?

You are a bit too arrogant!

At this moment, Sean Wesley turned to Li Feng, and said with an extremely sincere feelings: "Now my most admire people are Mr. Li Feng, I have never seen the lofty personality like Li Feng. man of."

"Although just the first time, I have been deeply convinced by Mr. Li's lofty personality. I am willing to follow Mr. Li Feng in the days from now on!"

Are other people who are spit on the disgusting nausea by Sean Wesley? !

Are you so licking? You are also the CEO of Tianma Group. In the whole Western business community, you have a face, you are so easy to subvert the three views of others!

Since the most serious impact, his son Michael, Michael is proud of Li Feng, just because he is the son of Tianma Group CEO.

Now his father is so humble in front of Li Feng, can he be so good to be his son? It's just that I am sick!

The key is that his father is still in his mouth, he must also swallow!

Nausea, fuck, open the door, disgusting, I am going home!

As for Emili ... she received only second only to Michael, she took Michael to here today, it is to let Alice know that her boyfriend is excellent than her boyfriend.

As a result, Li Feng showed her face directly!

This is especially frightened, and Emisi has to vomit blood three liters!

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Follow me, there is no need, you are Michael's father, while Michael is an Amyi boyfriend, after all, they are married, you are my elder, I let The elders follow themselves, some are too much. "

Sean Wesley is a glimpse, then suddenly realizes: "For the right, Mr. Li is too right, Michael, today is a good day, you are marriage with Miss Emili."

Michael: "???"

No ... , I am playing with Emily, I didn't want to marry her!

Emily licks his mouth, surprise is too sudden, she can't believe her ear.

The family of Kofi is also very surprised. Li Feng should know the consequences of saying this, so he is intentionally combined with Emily and Michael?

Just this is not reasonable, Ji Mi Li and Michael are all former, Li Feng should dismantle them.

Just as everyone was in the case, Li Feng smiled: "I just said that they can walk together after two, I can't force it, let's continue to say to the yacht."

Can Emisli really have a relationship with Michael? He is looking for a reason to refuse Sean Wesley follow.

Emili only felt that a pot of cool water pockets and disappointed.

Michael is a sigh of relief, and only feels that Li Feng is too pleasant.

"Ok ... Ok." Sean Wesley nodded, put it now, I want Michael to say after my thoughts married to Emily: "Mr. Philip also said that the current Star Series of Tiangao Group is manufacturing. Yachts can be given priority to Mr. Li, do you see when we handle procedures? "

Li Fengbei picks: "Who is it belonging?"

"Mr. Bill." Sean Wesley said.

Others have a cold air, in order to please Li Feng, there is actually to put the pigeons of the world's richest world ... Tianma Group is forced, Li Feng cow is forced!

"Oh, okay." Li Feng nodded and turned to the Edward: "Uncle Edward, you come to sign a contract with Mr. Wesley."

Listening to this words, everyone put into the envy of Edward, how did they do not have a son-in-law like Li Feng, do not say to 500 million pounds of yacht, send 50 million pounds!

Edward linger: "No, this is too expensive, I can't want it."

Jennifer also nodded, even Alice persuaded Li Feng and his attitude was very resolute.

Li Feng put his hand: "This way, this yacht is placed in Alice, this is the greatest concession I can make."

Others are so stupid? I don't know what Kofi requires what you do! It is also a special gift to this.

Seeing Li Feng attitude firmly, Kofi husband and wife did not refuse, but turned to look at Alice.

Alice is sighing, knowing that Li Feng's heart has decided, she refused to go back, nod, I promised it.

The next time, Alice was handled with Sean Wesley, and Li Feng was very atmospheric to hit the full amount of Tianga Group's account.

Well ... not much, just 5 million pounds, after all, there is an unprecedented 0.1 fold.

At this moment, Edward's friends have already been separated by the texture wall, the trough, the value of 500 million yachts, 5 million will come!

After getting a contract, it is a banquet link.

In addition to reasonable reason, Sean Wesley take the initiative to stay in this family banquet, Edward is naturally agreed.

This can be difficult for Michael, this broken place he doesn't want to stay. Especially Li Feng always looks at him with a smileless expression, so that he has a lot of in his heart.

In this family feast, the guests know that Li Feng is the identity of the boss behind the LT group, and everyone's five-body trend of Li Feng.

As the holder of this family, Edward Kofi has a limelight in his small circle!

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