Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1100 Top Ten Stars Entrepreneurs

When the family banquet is over, it is already two o'clock in the morning.

According to Edward's arrangements, this family banquet should be ended before 11 o'clock in the night, but all guests are too enthusiastic, I still drink there at 11 o'clock.

Guests don't leave, don't be good for the owner, you can only accompany you.

Wait until all guests have left, Edward is on the sofa with Jennifer tired.

Confused Li Feng, Alice, the spirit of the two is still very good, there is no fatigue meaning.

Chatting and drinking, more than practicing ...

This point, Li Feng naturally can't walk, helping Kofi husband and wife simplely cleaned up, he and Alice took the second floor bedroom rest.

Looking at the back of the two, Kofi husband and wife smiled, everything was in the case ...

The next day, Li Feng returned to Chinatown with Alice and saw Tang Qiong and Aisa Na Ya.

In the face of two women, Li Feng told him about the things of Alice, and the attitude is very late, that is, frankly from wide.

The two women are both good and funny, you are all played, what else can they say?

Finally, it is naturally a three-gardst for sisters, all happy.

Next, Li Feng introduced Tang Qiong to Edward Kofi, and made a foundation for the LT Group and Kofi Department Store.

After that, Li Feng also met the Philip Gutthert Tongnad Lrony, and made a arrangement of the Action of the Y country after the two.

After finishing these, Li Feng is ready to bring Luo Tianzheng to Huaxia.

However, for the safety of Tang Qiong, Aisa Na, Alice, Li Feng decided to leave Liang Yuxin with Bai Xuelian.

In the Dark Parliament, the top of the Bright Parliament was smashed by a network, and there were two half-god peaks to take the town, and it can be said that it is unlunabar.

After the arrangement, I went to the separation time, Tang Qiong, and Alice were reluctant to Li Feng, and the brain was hot, I wanted to follow Li Feng back to Huaxia.

Unfortunately, the LT Group started to operate. Tang Qiong must sit in the Y country. Aiha Nay has a school to complete. Li Feng must not allow her to be obstructed.

As for Alice ... She just became the manager of the Suzaku Club, Li Feng also hopes that she will lead the Suzaku Club to hit Y Super, and I will return to Huaxia with him. How can he have a trustee to manage the Suzaku Club?

Fortunately, the three women are a very sensible woman. After Li Feng persuaded, they have dismissed the idea of ​​returning to Huaxia.

However, Li Feng will return to Huaxia tomorrow. Whoever cultivation with Li Feng has become a problem with Li Feng.

Li Feng thought about it, and smirked: "Do you want ... Let's practice?"

At this time, the three women can't help but red face ...


At the same time, Huaxia, Pearl City, Pearl Hotel Ballroom.

Today is the day of the top ten star entrepreneurs in Mingzhu City. This award is selected every two years. It is not a leader in a certain industry.

Because Pearl is China's economic demare town, there are many international-level companies to set up headquarters. This award is more component, so the selection of ten star entrepreneurs is extremely fierce, so they are widely concerned by society.

Originally, this selection was only received in the Mingzhu City, but this year's selection is not the same, because there is two beautiful entrepreneurs in the candidate - the future collection> Wei Yingqing's Su Wei in the Osweiler.

Wei Shi Qing did not have to say more. As a female president of the future group, she was a big beauty that he had a well-known, and her fans had already appeared in the Internet.

As for Su Wei ... The last half of the half-year is even more than the Wei Shiqing, because she is the president of Osweil, with the hot global world of Tong Yan, her prosperous beauty is well known to the world's netizens.

Two women have become a candidate, which has long detonated the network and is concerned by netizens across the country.

If the selection is in the form of a network vote, the two women will definitely obtain the first, second place, which is no suspense.

It is a pity that the selection of the top ten star entreprets of the pearl is the judge system. If a netizen can't help, I can only do anxious.

Fortunately, I didn't let the majority of netizens were disappointed after the results came out. Wei Bingqing was selected and Soviet. At night, they will come to the Ballroom of Pearl Hotel and accept awards.

In order to smile two top beauty, many netizens came from the field, handheld banners, light sticks, lights, and stand in the door of the hotel.

People who hold the party are all!

This is the top ten star entrepreneurs, not the top ten stars, but also ran out of fans to support group?

Fortunately, the behavior of these fans is more reasonable. If you don't make any excessive move, the person who holds the party will not take them away.

Time is slow, a luxury car came to the hotel door, from which a picture of a face with a face of the face is, whenever a famous current appears, the media reporters on the spot are a wild shooting, flashing flashes.

When I started half an hour from the award party, a black Mercedes-Benz S600 slowly came, and the vehicle stopped, the driver opened the rear drill.

Then, a woman wearing a white dress came down from the car. She took off the bus. The scene sounded a scream: "Su total of Su: I love you, just like the mouse love rice!"

Su Wei: "..."

Not ... she is not running the wrong film, is these people calling her?

"Su Wei sister, you are now a big star."

Just then, a ridiculous voice rang from her.

Su Wei turned his head, just say something, he heard a bigger scream sound: "Ah! Ice, ice, ice, smart! Wei, we all love you!"

Wei Yingqing, who just came out from the car: "..."

No ... What is the ghost? The ice is smart, is this lady also have a fan group?

In order to participate in this awards party, Wei Shuangqing deliberately wear a black dress, solemn, and a bit of a bit of mature charm.

She stood with Su Wei, a black white, each has a thousand autumn, turning the scene into the ocean of chasing stars.

After all, the two women have seen the big scene. After the initial peak, they waved their smiles, and they walked together to walk into the hotel.

In a suite on the 10th floor of the Pearl Hotel, a white man stands on the balcony and looks at the population below.

Half of half, he received his eyes, whispered: "Sure enough, it is a good one."

"Is Lu presence to them two tempted?" Standing in Xiao Lingya in the white man and asked in a session.

Lu Xuanji is picking up, turning his head to taste: "If I am so moving, will you jeal?"

Xiao Lingya is red, and the shame is: "Ling Ya dares."

Lu Xiujie flashed a evil light, then shook his head and smiled: "The award party started, let's go."

The voice is falling, he turned to go out.

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