Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1103 Su Yu injured

No ... Wei Bingqing broke up with Li Feng? How can this be!

Although Su Shi is a disaster level with Wei Yingqing, Wei Yingqing still has to press Su Yi.

If the satisfaction is 100 points, Wei Bingqing can play 99 points, Su Wei is 95 points, Li Shu will break up for Su Yong with Wei Yingqing? Normal men can't do this!

So is there any inside, such as Wei Bingqing, discovered that Li Feng went to the Rail Sui, so he gave Li Feng under the angry?

Just Li Feng is Osweil's boss, in order to get the offline sales of Osweil products, Wei Shuiqing did not completely torn face with Li Feng, and did to do sisters with Su Wei?

Human imagination is very rich, especially some people always like to see people with conspiracy, and there is such an idea.

Only Su Wei knows that Wei Bingqing is lying, what is broken, every time Li Feng returns to the pearl, Wei Sibi will occupy Li Feng more time? !

However, Su Wei also knew that Wei Shuiqing was a bitter feeling, saying that he was only protecting her with Li Feng, but she wronned her own ...

"Wei, why do you break up with Li Feng? Is it because of the three views?"

"Wei, can you talk about the relationship with Li Feng now?"

Wei Shi ... "

After a short shock, the media reporter once again launched a question from Wei Yige.

Wei Yingqing's eyebrows micro wrinkle: "Everyone, now is the awards, please don't delay everyone's time?"

Unfortunately, the media reporters will not easily give up the chance of reporting big news, and still inappropriately asking.

The person in charge of the party can't see it, pick up the microphone: "Dear media friends, please return to their respective positions, don't disturb the order order, thank you for your cooperation!"

After that, he secretly sneaked sweat, fortunately, it was not live broadcast, otherwise it was a big thing.

Think about it, a solemn award party, but it turns into an eight-point dog blood drama, spread out, is not a smile?

This is the face that lost the entire pearl city!

But now it is not relaxing, wait for the awards, he must talk to these media reporters, and must not report the things just now!

The person in charge of the party is a leader of the Mingzhu City. He talks or more. Although these reporters want to engage in a big news, they also know that it is extremely irrelevant. It is extremely unwilling to retreat.

Seeing the shackles, the person in charge of the party will relieve the tone, then said: "Since Wei's general has explained, I believe that this answer can be satisfied, then we will continue to give a award."

When the guests have nodded, since the plot is not like Xiao Lingya, then the dog blood, Su Wei does not have a third party, then there is no problem, Wei Bingqing is still in line with the winning criteria.

The head of the party nodded, and the entrepared entrepared entreparedness is more common, it is gratifying.

When he will continue to give a award, who knows that Xiao Lingya will break again: "Slow! I still oppose."

The person in charge of the party is microstruck: "Miss Xiao Lingya, your Xiao family with Mr. Li Feng's hatred, there is no relationship with the top ten star entrepreneurs, please don't fight again."

In this position, for some secrets or some understanding, Li Feng has spread between the four people.

Therefore, under the premise of Knowing Xiao Laoya, he still dared to stop Xiao Lingya from unreasonable, because he knew that Li Feng's strong relationship with Wang Sun's family.

He stood out to stop Xiao Lingya, one is to fulfill his own obligations, winning a good name is not afraid, and the second is to close the relationship with Li Feng, and will submit a sketchy for Wang Sunjia.

On the comprehensive forces, Wang Sunjia is much better than Xiao family.

"Our Xiao Jia?" Xiao Ling Yaowei is inverted, killing in the heart, the murderous is not controlled.

She didn't expect that she was all of them, and the other party dared to give her face. Did the Xiaojia's famous name is so bad?

After felt the murderous murderous murderousness on Xiao Lingya, Su Wei worried about the security of the party, and quickly traverse his steps before he was.

The person in charge of the party is a bit, Su: whispered how to protect him?

Just as he was forced, Xiao Lingya suddenly stepped into the stage.

This scene made the guests don't be calm, and they guess Xiao Lingya to do what is going to do, it is difficult to go to Sui Sudu ears? Don't play so big!

Lu Xunjie still keeps the posture of the Erlang Legong, and the mouth of the mouth briefs a smile.

Xiao Lingya, this woman is good, temper character is very in line with his appetite, woman, sometimes it is a little cute!

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiao Luya gave more faster, the more you got, the faster it came to the high platform, I jumped up.


Everyone couldn't help but took a breath. This woman is strong enough. The high-grade table is directly jumped directly. The key is that she didn't lift his legs. I was so straight to jump. Most men can't do this?

At the time of the crowd, Xiao Lingya came to Su Yi, raised his hand and pumped it on her face.


A crisp!

Imagine that Su Wei was smashed in the face of the ear, but the Xiao Luya's wrist was pinched by Su Wei!

"Well?" Xiao Ling Yatton time color change: "Are you also a martial arts?"

Although she did not use the true gas, she was a strong man in the late post, regardless of the strength, still the speed is far more than ordinary people, don't say Su Wei, a daughter, even if a man can't stop her!

Unless Su Shi is the realm of the martial arts that is higher than her!

"You go back to Beijing, it is not where you are in a place." Su Wei said coldly.

"Damn!" Xiao Lingya wratiforn, left fantawn, went to Su Yu face.

Su Wei shook his head and raised his hand to pinch Xiao Luya's left hand.


A sudden sound, the high platform under the feet of the two is stepped out of the road crack!

The person in charge of their recent party is even more invisible to the earthquake.

This scene shocked all the guests present, and the media reporters who have never been enthusiastic about the explosion news were shocked to press the trip!

What happened just now, why do their two women can make such a big movement?

"Hey?" Under the stage, Lu Xunjie's hippie, the face is surprised: "It is a powerful peak powerful? Interesting, it is too interesting!"

He didn't expect Su Yi to be a strong peak, and even didn't think that Su Wei was able to hide the breath.

The voice falls, Lu Xianjie stood up and raised his hand to Su.


A white light burst, and it was played on the shoulder shoulder.

Su Wei only felt that the body was shock, and the body was suppressed, and a blood was thrown out of the throat!

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