Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1104 gives Li Feng with a sentence

"Lying! What happened ?!"

"What is the white light, I look at the eyes?"

"I just filmed the movie, this is too fantasy!"

Most of these guests were scared by this scene. When they raised their hands, "laser" played out, Su Wei vomited blood, ourselves to enter the movie world? The three values ​​are submerged!

A small number of guests have participated in Wei Jiafu, and I have seen Li Feng shot, and I am very resistant to this scene, so it is not particularly surprised, but Su Yu is hurt to make them feel very angry!

There are two reasons for their anger, first, Su Wei is a parentest entrepreneur, is a person, Lu Xunjie is outsiders.

Second, Su Wei is a woman, Lu Xiujie is a man, and a man is in an omcious.

Now they are very urgent hopes that Li Feng appear in time, put Lu Xunjie into a pig head, and reported!

In an instant of Su Yu, Xiao Lingya took the opportunity to pick up the hand, burst back to Lu Xiujie: "Thank you, Lu Subduct!"

Lu Xunjie put his hand: "Small things, no need to thank you."

At the same time, Wei Shuiqing flew to the high platform, hugging Su Wei, began to help her check the injury.

"Sister, I, I ... I am fine." Su Wei shook his head and swayed a smile.

However, her spoke touched the injury in the body, and the mouth of the mouth was a blood spit.

Lu Xianjie is a strong in the late god. Although it has tried to control the power of the hit, but for Su Wei, it is still destroyed, and it is directly shocked to Su Yu's five organs.

Not only that, this true gas seems to contain the coldness of ice, so that Su Wei has a feeling of being in the ice gural, and it has to be frozen.

"Su Wei sister, you don't talk, I will help you to hear it now." Wei Yingqing put his hand on the back of Su Wei, and started to help her ferry into the initiative.

When she put her hand in the back of Su Wei, there was a cold power to pass the palm of her hand, let Wei Shiqing can't help but hit a cold, the handle is moved.

"How is it so cold ?!" Wei Bingqing's face.

Su Wei smiled: "Sister, Sister, that is quasi, if you help me hear, you will be implicated to you, you ... don't take me, let's go!"

Wei Shiqing shook his head and resolutely said: "No, even if you die, I will not leave you no matter!"

The voice is falling, Wei Siqing put his hand on the back of Su Wei.

This time she has a psychological preparation, and under the alert alert, she finally resists the erosion of ice.

With the help of Wei Shuangqing, the injuries in Su Wei were suppressed, and the feeling of cold bones was reduced.

"It's good to have a sister." Lu Xiujie patted his hand and stood up.

"What do you want to do?" Wei Yingqing was pleasing with cold, and the hidden murder in the beautiful eyes.

She has no confusing feelings with Su Wei, Su Wei's injury makes her have a killing of Lu Xunjie, but she knows that she is not Lu Xunjie's opponent, although the anger does not dare to take the initiative, so as not to irritate Lu Xunjie, give them two Kill the disaster.

"I don't want to do anything, just want you to give Li Fengzhu." Lu Xunjie smiled slightly, refeds to a bomb, and a white arrogance.

Wei Shuiqing's face, the moment is to avoid it.

The realm of Niwu Xiujie is too much higher than her, and she did not wait for her to leave the origin. The white arrogance did not enter her chest.


Wei Shuangqing only felt that the heart and lungs were painful, and the mouth spit out a blood!

Then it is a hot cold, let her have a feeling of frozen!

"The Sister, Sister!" Su Yu's face changed, and now you will see Wei Shuangqing's injury.

Wei Shi Qing shook his head: "Don't look, I can't die."

Su Yizhang opened his mouth, and finally made a sigh.

When Wei Yixi did not hurt, he can help her suppress injuries. Now Wei Bingqing hurts, she is also hurt, and who can't help the two.

Do they have two days to die today?

It is seen that Su Yi's worry, Wei Yingqing is comfortable: "Su Yu sister, don't be afraid, we can't die, Lu Xianjie's purpose is to let Li Feng, before reaching this purpose, he will not kill us. More ... "

Wei Shiqing paused, then said: "If we have the danger of life, Li Feng will appear in time, I have confidence in her!"

Su Wei is bright, yeah, every time she meets Wei Bingqing, Li Feng will appear in time, which has become the law.

This time Li Feng did not appear in time, did she explain that she is dangerous with Wei Shuangqing?

"Do you have such confidence in Li Feng?" Lu Xunjie smiled, he never seen such a stupid woman.

When they have dangerous Li Feng will appear in time, Is Li Feng not not know?

Even if Li Feng can not know, Li Feng is not his opponent!

However, the two women guess it, he did not kill two women's intentions, how many two women are like this, is it unfortunate?

Still have to stay with Li Feng, wait for him to kill Li Feng, these two women are his palm!

"Yes, we are confident in Li Feng. If you don't believe it, you can try it." Wei Bingqing wiped the blood and said.

Lu Xunjie smiled and shook his head: "No At that time, you are really dead. "

The two women have a slight change, and there is a horror in the eyes.

The guests who were scared, they were shocked, and they were shocked, they were shocked, and they thought that Wei Bingqing and Su Wei Xiang Yu Yu were feeling sad.

"Don't be afraid, as long as Li Feng appears in ten days, I will help you solve this hidden danger. At that time, I hope to hold hands with you."

After saying Lu Xiujie, he will turn away.

Just he just turned around, he took a meal. He said: "Oh, forget to tell you, if Li Feng has courageous to find me, let him go to Beijing, he knows the place."

The voice is falling, Lu Xiujie gave Xiao Lingya a look, Xiao Lingya swept with his arm, and the two forests usually walked out of the banquet hall.

Almost at the same time, Y country, LD city, Tang Qiong Apartment.

Just ending a round of cultivation, Li Feng, who was stared at the three female tiger, suddenly heard a system prompt: ", host, you have new tasks, do you see it right now?"

"This time is the task will be related to anyone?" Li Feng brows smashed, unknown hearts, there was a feeling.

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