Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1105, handsome, also have to add money!

"Task: Save the goddess Wei Bingqing (8)"

"Task Objective: Dispersion of the three-fairy man of the overseas three, the strong launcher Lu Xunjie left in the goddess Wei Bingqing, the task is limited to 10 days, if the task fails, deduct the host 20 million system points for punishment "

"Task Reward: 5 million experience value, 10 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"Task: Save the goddess Su Wei (6)"

"Task Objective: Dispelling the son of Overseas Sanxiao, Semi-Shenqi Lu Xunjie leaving the coldness of the goddess, the task is limited to 10 days, if the task fails, deduct the 2 million system points for the host punishment."

"Task Reward: 5 million experience value, 10 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"Task: Revenge"

"Mission Objective: Kill Lu Xiujie, for the goddess Wei Bingqing, Su Yi revenge, if the task fails, the host 40 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 10 million experience value, 20 million system points."

After reading the task, Li Feng kills!


A wind rises in the bedroom, a table and chair bench, a cup, a pillow ... In addition to the bed does not fly, other items in the bedroom are like breaking away from the stereotropic gravity.

Windows glass is even shocked directly!

This scene frightened Tang Qiong three, when they were shocked: "Li Feng, what happened to you ?!"

The three women's excitement allowed Li Feng to wake up from the state of killing, he first went to murderously, and the table and chair bench fell back to the original, he smiled: "Nothing, I suddenly remembered that there is an urgent need to catch back. Treatment, so I can't cultivate with you. "

Although the task introduction is a limited time, the side shows that Wei Yingqing and Su Wei are safe, but Li Feng does not want to delay before I saw two women!

Tang Qiong three people looked at each other, just cultivated, how did you suddenly have an urgent matter? I am completely good!

Is Li Feng afraid?

If it is not a hard look of Li Feng, the three women will ask if he is afraid!

How can the old driver will not see the doubts of the three women, when he will squat: "You are awkward, I am afraid, I am really urgent, this is a moment. I can't say it, I will explain it with you later. "

The voice falls, Li Feng is completely installed in the eyes of the three women's obstacles, and gives three women who have a branch of aliens, they will leave the room quickly.


In the suite of a five-star hotel in LD, Wei Bin is screaming in bed. Being next to him, lying a look, the body is a blonde girl.

"Wei Bin, do it!"

Just then, a low scream was around Wei Bin's ear, and he was surprised to sit and sat up, and the nine stove was taken in his hand, and he could go out at any time.

The blonde sister beside him was also scared, and she immediately shocked and screamed immediately after standing with a stranger.

Until at this time, Wei Bin found that the person standing in the bed is Li Feng. He put away the nine sessions, smiled: "Boss, are you coming in?"

"Is he your boss?" The blonde is amazing asked.

"Well, how is my boss is very handsome?" Wei Bin took a chance to give Li Feng to the principle of slaughter, and smiled.

The blonde sister nodded and said: "Well, it is very handsome, but the handsome has to add money."

Li Feng: "???"

Wei Bin: "???"

No ... , add money? !

"She is you spending money?" After a short thing, Li Feng knew it.

Nima, Wei Bin played very well!

"Cough, this is not just got a bonus ..." Wei Bin was slightly embarrassed, smiled. Tough, isn't it good to be a white in? "

Li Feng: "... ..." I said it is very reasonable! "

The blonde sisters look at Wei Bin, right to see Li Feng: "Do you want to add money?"

Wei Bin smiled: "The boss, this girl is a car model, you don't want ..."

"Roll!" Li Feng turned over white, laughed: "I am not having you so much! Hurry to put on clothes and return to Huaxia, there is a business."

Wei Bin listened to a work, and suddenly finished, with the fastest speed, then took out the pound from the arms to the blonde: "Tonight, your performance is good, the uncle, I am very satisfied, This is your tip, wait for the uncle, I will go to Y country and then go to you! "

The voice falls, Wei Bin came out of the suit again after Li Peak.

The next time, Li Feng called Luo Tianzheng and others, no exception, they all called one or two sisters like Wei Bin, fully interpreting what is old.

After the staff is completed, Li Feng opened the group space transfer ...

At this moment, in the banquet hall of the Pearl Hotel, Wei Bingqing has been surrounded by the media reporters.

"Wei, can you explain what happened, why can Lu Xiujie can take you in caustile?"

"Wei, I would like to ask if you are in the martial arts of the martial arts, is the laser that Lu Xiujie played?"

"Wei, I will tell Li Mr. Li, if Mr. Li knows if I know, will I go to Lu Xunjie to revenge?"

Wei Shi ... "

What happened just now has completely subverted their three views, countless questions in their minds, just like the claws, let them try to know the answer.

So they also guarded what the venue is discipline, and they will take Wei Bingqing on the high platform, Su Wei, a water, and the microphone is coming to the two women's face.

While Wei Yingqing was forcibly suppressed in the body, he said coldly: "You can not ask!"

The media reporters looked at each other and then an unsatisfactory query.

"I really can't ask, please don't ask again!" Wei Yige's heart is getting angry, relying on it, didn't you see that Miss is unstable? You still ask this question, is your eyes grow up?

The person in charge of the party also went over: "Dear friends, please return to your respective position!"

"We have the right to report news and seed oil!"

"Yes, we are journalists, there is a right to know the truth!"

"We swear to defend the right to know the truth!"

The journalists are exciting, and there is a great force that does not allow the answer to the answer.

Wei Bingqing is bombing with Su Wei, what is the relationship with you? Let us satisfy your right to know the truth? !

It is also impossible to let them run away these reporters, they are not Li Feng, can't do so overbearing, and the two will hurt, once it will increase the injury.

Just on the two women, I don't know how it is good, the door of the banquet hall is pushed open, and Li Feng, who is wearing a white suit, walks in.

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