Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1108 Super Lieyang Dan

"Hey, the 2 million system points are deducted, and the system intervention is successful."

"Hey, congratulate the host, ' can be harvested" The task is completed, the task reward is released ... "

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 50 conquer points reward."

Just in Li Feng got out of the scene, a system prompts the audio.

After the things from Wei Sibi, Li Feng allows the system to erase the memory of all people in the scene, eliminating all the impacts after Lu Xiujie.

Because of the large number of people, and some people's social status is high, the score consumed by this system intervention is also huge - systemic integral worth 2 billion Huaxia coins.

It is because the time is too tight, Li Feng has not come to the two women to disperse the coldness of the ice, and there is no life in the two women. They can only wait for the awards evening to do it.

Outside the venue, Luo Tianzheng et al., When Li Feng came out, he went around.

"What is the main situation? What is the situation? Is the enemy?"

"The main owner, let order!"

"The master, still hesitate, dry special!"

Luo Tianzheng and other crowds, the war is full.

Although Li Feng did not speak, his face murderous look is enough to explain the problem, as a subordinate, you have to learn to solve the leadership, take the initiative to invade the war.

Li Feng shook his head: "When you are still doing, you will find a hotel first, and I will notify you."

Since Lu Xiujie wants him to go to Xiaojia, he will go to Xiao family to go, play big.

Just destroy Lu Xiujie, it is not enough to cast the anger of his heart!

"Yes, the host!" Luo Tianzheng et al. Should be left.

After Luo Tianzheng, Li Feng stood alone in the venue alone, and at this time, the venue is still lively. In addition to waiting for the media, Wei Bingqing and Su Wei's fans also waiting silently.

Because Li Feng didn't look at these people waiting outside of the venue, now I found ... I went, the light board in their feet was like Wei Yingqing, Su Wei?

Wei Bingqing has a fans of the fans with Su Yun?

The key is that the girls in the fans are mostly?

One hour later, the awards party ended, and guests came out from the venue.

When I was coming to Wei Yige, when I came out of Su Wei, two of them raised their lights crazy shouting.

Although she shouted very crazy, they did not walk in the past as a star asking two women to sign, took a photo, because their powder Wei Bingqing and Su Wei's original intention is very simple, that is, the two women as a goal, I hope I have become Wei Siqing, Su Wei Such a new era woman!

If it is not the temperature of the Internet, if it is not this award party, they will not come to the scene ...

From this aspect, the fans of the two women are very sensible, and they are also very qualitious.

Two women smile, then go to S600, drivers open the door, two women, S600 will leave here.

"Wei, where are you going?" Asked the driver.

Wei Bingqing took advantage of Su Wei, and said with voice: "Yipin Jiangnan."

Yipin Jiangnan is the villa of Li Feng, Li Yuan has always lived, and the two women will go there over the night.

However, this time two female official businesses have not been there for a few days. Now Li Feng is coming back, and even if there is any more important thing, they have to go overnight overnight.

At the moment of the two female voice, a faint voice sounded on the car: "I still do two kinds of conscience ..."

"Skull ... Lee ?!" The driver was shocked, and his hand shook almost to give the car to the ditch!

If you see someone who suddenly appears on the driving place is Li Feng, a "lying trough" is coming out.

"Calm is calm." Li Feng smiled: "Are you Li Gang's hand? Drive, go back to Li Gang to receive 10,000 bonuses."

The driver's face is excited: "Thank you!"

His exciting is not for 10,000 bonuses, although he is just a driver, he can have 20,000 pieces of monthly salary, and there is a bonus at the end of the year, although a lot of 10,000, but not let him excite it.

He really excited reason is that Li Shao actually knew that he was Li Gang's hand, this shows that Li Shao remembers him!

Lying in the trough, I have blowing in front of the brothers!

Since the people who suddenly appear are Li Feng, the driver is not surprised, after all, is a small plum, this kind of thing happens in Li Shao.

Wei Yingqing and Su Wei were also calmed down after a short surprise, and the two women smiled: "You don't come back so long, who is not a conscience?"

Li Feng's mouth, I said that I said: "The things outside are finished, and I have a lot of time to accompany you."

Two women look smile, everything is in the case ...

After half an hour, Mercedes-Benz S600 slowly stopped at the door of the Jiangnan No. 1 villa. After getting off the bus, he went straight to the living room. Just hit the Song Yujun, who was watching TV with Li Yuan, was drawn in the flowers.

Li Yuan's three people are naturally happy, and they are inquiry.

"Ice Qing is hurt by Su Yu, I will help them hear, and other other people will say."

Li Feng did not dare to delay. After this sentence, Li Feng took two women on the second floor, leaving Li Yuan three people worried about standing in place.

After entering the bedroom, Li Feng said to the two women: "You are the coldness of the ice. If you don't scatter it in time, you will gradually become a ice sculpture."

The two women were deeply affected by the coldness of ice. After hearing this sentence, it was more frightened.

At this time, Li Feng played: "Of course, there is husband, I am in the district, and I will be able to solve my husband."

When two women are alive, when did you scare them? bad guy!

Seeing two women angry, Li Feng did not dare to play them again, and even the 2 million system points purchased two super-Yangyang Dan.

Listen to the name, I know that this supermilitant Dan is the advanced section of Ziliyang Dan and is more effective.

It is not that Li Feng must give two women to use the best, but the coldness of the two women is different from the cold of the cold before Alice, one is Lu Xiujie to give two women in the body, one It is caused by the poisonous drugs made by the Bright Parliament, and the power is very different.

If you want to disperse the coldness of the two women, you must use the supermilion of the order!

See Li Feng suddenly took out two red Dan medicine, the two women did not even ask, and they reached out to take the medicinal medicine, and the mouth swallowed.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "You are not afraid that I will take a poison?"

Wei Bingqing's style is white. He looks at him: "You are willing ... ah, there is a reaction!"

Su Wei also said: "It is like a fire in the body. It is very comfortable!"

Under the strong effect of Super Lie Yang, the coldness of the two women is completely dispersed, with ice and fire, the two women are like a rain, and the clothes are all wet.

Opposite, Li Feng, who saw two women so appearance, has changed ...

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