Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1109 is really a mother!

Seeing Li Feng, Wei Yingqing said: "No!"

Li Feng faces a colored, poor Baba asked: "Why?"

"Aunt is still waiting for you ..." Wei Yingqing said.

The reaction slowed down and half-shot, this is only a reflective, and it is also ashamed: "Every time you practice it. It will definitely blame us."

Wei Siqing nodded: "Yes, Auntie hasn't seen you for so long, definitely miss you, you have to distinguish the master!"

Li Feng: "..."

So is the two women praise him from the side? Should he be happy? Is it happy?

At this time, the system prompts the audio: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'Save the goddess Wei Bingqing (8)' Mission completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5 million experience, 10 million system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

"Hey, congratulations, 'Save the goddess Su Wei (6)' mission completion, task rewards are issued ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5 million experience, 10 million system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience: 40 million 100 million

System score: 135 million

Conquer point: 2560

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

After reading the personal property, Li Feng quits the system and smiled: "Well, let's go first, but I am going to say in front of it, this evening ... You can't run!"

After this sentence, Li Feng turned to the bedroom.

Wei Shi Qing looked at Su Wei, and then smiled, after laughing, two women were shamefully face, and then looking for clothes ...

Back to the first floor living room, Li Yuan three nature is a good question of Li Feng.

For the concern of the three people, Li Feng is warm, naturally it is known.

When Wei Shi Qing and Su Wei were changed down, Li Yuan asked: "Ice Qing, Su Wei, when you come back, the color is not very good, what happened?"

One panic in the two women, I'm busy and deny: "No, aunt, we are very good."

Li Feng nodded and: "Mom, you think more, I follow, what can they come."

Li Yuan glanced at Li Feng, cold, said: "What is your long? What is the eyes? You are brought from the small, you can't see it?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, didn't come again.

Indeed, from small to big, he lies to others simple, but it is difficult to deceive your mother, and every time I lie, I will be loved by my mother.

"Let's talk, what happened?" Li Yuan looked at Wei Yige and asked with Su Wei.

Two women look at the eyes, very difficult.

If you are lying in front of the future mother-in-law, they can only let Li Feng have solved such a way ...

"Well, I did something unpleasant." Li Feng sighed, and the matter of looking for Lu Xunjie was told.

Since it is fuck, it is frank, and Wei Yingqing is safe with Su Wei, and Lu Xunjie is indeed insufficient.

Li Yuan stood up and stood up: "What is there ?!"

"Mom, Ice Qing and Su Wei are not safe, you will never get angry." Li Feng walked over and persuaded.

Wei Bingqing also walked in Su Wei, and the arm of Li Yuan, who took the left and right, persuaded.

Song Yujun is busy with the flowers of the flowers and pour the water, I am afraid that Li Yuan will come out.

From this aspect, I can see that Li Yuan's position at home. She is angry, and everyone has a good luck.

"The two daughters have given people to the head. Can I not be angry?" Li Yuan glared at Li Feng, anger: "I don't care, you have to go to the name of Lu Xijie, Give Ice Qing, Su Wei avenge! "

The voice falls, she then gives Li Feng journal: "Son, can you turn Lu Xiujie? If you can't, you will slowly, wait for him to find him and revenge."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... feel the mother acts at this with Wei Shuangqing, this is really his mother!

On the side, Wei Bingqing is moving with Su Wei, and the mother-in-law is for them, can this a woman do not have good relations?

Song Yujun is also very useful with the flowers and the flowers. Li Yuan has always regarded colleagues. Today, we can make Wei Shuiqing, Su Wei, tomorrow, can be worried about them tomorrow.

Such a mother-in-law is a good mother-in-law!

"Rest assured, the Lu Xianjie is the Ti Telli Dog, tap the hand, waiting for me to accompany you at home, then I will give him." Li Feng took the chest and vowed.

"Really?" Li Yuan was somewhat uncertain, the son did not say this to the heart?

Li Feng hurried: "Mom, when will I defrace you? You don't know, I haven't forgotten the son in Y State, I haven't forgotten cultivation. Now it is a strong in the late god, and I will have a lot of half-God peak. Not my opponent. "

"That Lu Xiujie is also a strong in the late god, I can destroy him with one hand!"

This sentence made Li Yuan's peace of mind, but Wei Yingqing and others have a little taste.

I haven't forgotten cultivation in Y country? Hey, they have to see, Li Feng is cultivating how many women in Y country!

The next time Li Yuan also asked Li Feng some details, then hoped a yawn: "It has been 11 o'clock, older, sleep, you talk, I will go back to the house first. "

When she finished, she got up on the second floor.

Wei Yingqing and others face each other, Shen Ma is born, you are all, you are all respected, don't say 11 o'clock, you will not be trapped in two times!

Li Feng gave Li Yuan, whispered his thumbs up in his heart, and it was a mother. I knew to create conditions for my son, love you!

"That ... time is not too early, are we going back to the house?" Li Feng looked at the four women and said.

"We?" Wei Siqing four people first glance, then the same time was shameful.

Li Feng this guy is getting more and more broken ...

10th Floor, Pearl Hotel, in the Presidential Suite, Xiao Lingya said with Lu Xunjie.

At this time, Xiao Lingya looked at the time, then smiled and said: "Lu Premier, time is not early, Ling Ya first returned to the room."

Lu Xijie took a pick, it is like laughing: "Since time is not too early, it is better to stay here to accompany me."

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, and then ashamed: "Lu Premier, parents, I want to self-care, so I want to leave the first time to the night ..."

Lu Xiujie stared at Xiao Lingya for a while, and she was sprinkled with a smile: "Well, I respect your thoughts, you go out."

Xiao Lingya got up and rushed to Zhu Xiujie and gently heaven and turned away.

Looking at the enchanting back of Xiao Lingya, Lu Xunjie is slightly smashed, secretly marking: "It's a little demon!"

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