Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1110 Washes Rease

After Xiao Luya came out, he just had to go back to his room, and he hit a middle-aged man dressed in seven outbreaks.

I saw that they walked in the road, almost blocked the whole way.

Xiao Lingya brow is slightly wrinkled, leaning on the wall and stops, I want to wait for them to return to the room.

This is not that she is afraid of each other, but don't want to have a physical contact with the other party.

", , you see the chick, beautiful!"

"It's really beautiful, whether it is the face or a body, it is the best!"

"Lao Qiu, I will ask how much money, let's put her."

"I rely on, the old Wei, you are hurting me, if you don't miss the money?"

Wei Bin smiled, taste: "It's not enough to see how much she has, but how much you can give her."


Luo Tianzheng and others can't help but take a breath!

Lying in the trough, lying trough, the privilege of the Wei Wei said, they actually rebuttated?

Opposite, Xiao Lingya heard the eyebrows, this group of shameless bastards, actually treat her as a woman who can use money? court death!

"Old Wei, I think you said it very reasonable, a few of my brothers look at it, I will go to the fairy!"

Qiu Wei sorted out the next clothes, putting a pair of expressive expressions to Xiao Lingya, asked the gentleman: "Hey, beauty, okay?"

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "..."

Xiao Lingya: "..."

No ... You say hello to say hello, what is the foreign language? Is it a culturality?

Xiao Lingya spit a turbidity, cold and said: "I am very good, I will not see you."

Qiu Yuewei picks: "Beauty, , I will give you this number, how do you accompany me?"

While talking, Qiu Yu has reached a finger.

Xiao Lingya is sinking: "Are you humiliating me?"

"Who is humiliated you, I am talking about 10,000, pound!" After two words, Qiu Wei deliberately aggravated.

Ten thousand pounds, if they exchange into Huaxia coins is 100,000, which is not a small number for most people.

"Lao Qiu Lao Qiu, there are we, you give more."

"Hey, this reminds me of a joke on the Internet."

"What are you talking about, 'No matter how many people?"

"Haha, I know that I am also also!"

Luo Tianzheng is wretched.

Xiao Luya heard her heart, this group of bastards dared to charge her in words, damn it, damn it!

As the arrogant woman in the sky, Xiao Lingya never lacks lovers, but those lovers will be careful to please, even the annoying Li Feng, I only dare to put high-top posture in front of her, never This is humiliated her.

More critical is that the other party is a group of old ages, this kind of shame makes Xiao Lingya alive!

For some martial arts that do not have a holiday, the murdere is normal, is Xiao Lingya?

of course not!

If she has a holiday, she will not set up a spare tire army!

So Xiao Lingya is preparing to kill, and it is killing all the seven bad old men!

"Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you look now!"

Li Feng, who is doing thinking about Wei Yingqing, suddenly heard the system prompt sound, when he is a brow cry: "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess Xiao Lingya (2)"

"Task Objective: Drink retreat is equal, prevent them from hurting the goddess Xiao Lingya, if the task fails, deduct the host 4 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 1 million experience value, 2 million system points."

After reading the task, Li Feng: "???"

Not ... this task is what it means, why didn't Xiaoye understand? Xiaoye first ...

"So Lao Luo has encountered Xiao Lingya, the two parties have conflict? Since I have encountered Xiao La, then Lu Xunjie is there?"

"No ... Xiaoye and Xiao Lingya are enemies, the system makes Xiaoyu to save her, system neuropathy ?!"

Li Feng is somewhat angry, but he turned to think, if now let Lao Luo them with Xiao Lingya, Lu Xunjie, how do he still go to Xiaojia? That's it is not interesting!

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out the phone and dialed Luo Tianzheng's phone.

In order to prevent itself from being heard by Xiao La, he used the voice of the rename of the buddy: "Luo Tianzheng, no matter what you are doing now, give me a stop, don't ask, ask the order!"

In the hotel corridor, Luo Tianzheng listened to a face.

Not ... Zong Qian monitors them? Otherwise how can you know what they are doing? !

Now the problem is coming, this chick should not be a woman who looks like a host, otherwise the reason is so nervous?

Although I was forced, Luo Tianzheng replied to the first time: "Yes, boss, I know what to do!"

The voice falls, Luo Tian is just a way to convey the command of the main owner of Wei Bin.

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng suddenly answering the phone did not dispel the killing of Xiao Lingya, just delayed her time.

Waiting to Luo Tianzheng hang up the phone, Xiao Lingya is ready to shoot Luo Tianzheng et al.

Of course, Xiao Lingya will not kill them on the spot, but let them suffer from being injured, and after a period of death, Xiao Jia is stronger, can avoid happiness still try to avoid.

Just when Xiao Lingya is about to shoot, Wei Bin and others took out the phone and put it in the ear.

"Feeding Grand Sun thief ... What? Your grandmother is born? Is it a girl? Ok, I will go back!"

"Hey, the sow is my sow, I'm so good, I will go back!"

"The sports lottery bought yesterday? 50 million?! Lying in the trough, I will go back to the procedure!"

"You said? The national football is going to enter the World Cup? Don't say it, not drunk today!"

Wei Bin and others followed the phone, turned and walked, and Xiao Lingya glanced.

No ... The sports color is 50 million, it is normal, your grandmother is giving birth to the mother sow, what is the ghost, Dai Special absurbs!

Of course, it is better to enter the World Cup than the national football ... These things can't talk more.

So do these people suddenly collectively collective?

Because this scene suddenly changed, Xiao Lingya's heart is diluted, not only is not angry, she is inexplicably laughing ...

A unilateral conflict is also done in invisible.

At this moment, in the 11th house of Yipin Jiangnan, Li Feng received a tone of the system from the system: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'Save the goddess Xiao Lingya' task completed, task rewards are released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points reward."

"Lao Luo's reaction is very fast, complete the task so soon?"

Li Feng smiled, then exited the system to see Wei Siqing et al. "" How do you consider? "

Wei Shuangqing and others have seen the eyes and then shy.

Li Feng's heart is happy, know this thing tonight ... became!

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