Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1111 is in the master

After three days, I went to Beijing, Xiao Jia.

Xiao Ran is with Lu Xiujie to chat with Lu Xianjie, Xiao Lingya pours water in the next tea.

"It has been three days, and Li Feng still has no news, should he not dare to come?" Xiaoran took a tea cup and frowned.

Just then, a ringtone suddenly sounded, Xiao Lingya put down the tea cup, took out the mobile phone and saw it, and suddenly became slightly changed: "Dad is Li Feng."

Xiao Ran first, then looked up and looked up to Lu Xiujie: "This is really saying Cao Yu Cao."

Lu Xiujie's mouth hook, play taste: "Pick up, open hands, I want to listen to what he will say."

"Yes, Lu Premier." Xiao Lingya turned on the phone, opened the hands-free, laughed: "Hey, Li Brother, how did you suddenly think of calling to the little girl?"

"Pack, then loaded." The voice of Li Feng in the phone is cold.

Xiao Lingya Xiuyu Microstruck: "Li Brother, Xiaomei does not understand what you mean."

Opposite, Lu Xiujie was a thumbs up, which is very funny. He must believe in Xiao La.

"Xiao Lingya, what are you doing here?" Li Feng smiled: "Let's go back to Huaxia, I will go to your Xia Jia, let Lu Xianjie won't be cleaned tomorrow. The neck is waiting for the young! "

Decumbent, Li Feng hangs up the phone.


Lu Xiujie's tea cups became powder!

Xiao Ran was shocked, and he went to persuade: "Lu Pretest eliminates the gas, Li Feng is playing his mouth, he dare not come."

Lu Xiujie smiled coldly: "If he dares, Wei Bingqing will die with Su Wei."

Xiao Ran nodded, and then smiled: "Be bigger is not on the session, in case Li Feng Ning will let the two women die, but also keep their own little life?"

Xiao Lingya also nodded: "Yes, look at Li Feng on the surface, who knows what people in the back of the country? Know people know the heart."

Lu Xianjie brows, touched the chin sink: "You also say some truth, then we will prepare for both hands, so, Xiao Hao, you sent people to Wang Sun, Zheng, Lei, these three people to ask for post, There is a family banquet, looking for the old friends to narrative. "

"If Li Feng really comes, I will kill Li Feng in the face of the other three people, help you Xiao Jia Liwei, if Li Feng doesn't come, tomorrow is a common home banquet."

Xiao Ran nodded, then frown: "If Li Feng doesn't come, isn't it an endless?"

Xiao Lingya also attached: "Although Li Feng is not high, it is extremely strong. If he escaped, it is a huge hidden danger for our Xiao Jia."

Lu Xianjie stretched out his right hand, and he was holding: "Reassuring, since I can't get me, I flee my palm, I have a self-discipline!"

Xiao Ran's eyes are bright: "Lu pre-generation left behind?"

"Of course," Lu Xunjie played smile: "If I am Li Feng, I will try to give two female healing after I will see Wei Bingqing and Su Wei. After that, I stayed in two women's body, I will invade Li Feng. in vivo."

"Although this coldness will not hurt Li Feng, but can leave our Sanxian's unique imprint in Li Feng, there is this imprint, even if he ran to the end of the world, I can also find him! "

"Wow, Lu forever's means is very magical!" Xiao Lingya looked at Lu Xiujie, "Lu Premier, can I learn this method?"

Lu Xiujie looked at her and played: "As long as you become my couple, naturally."

Xiao Lingya was red, and he went down: "That time, it is the predecessor."

On the side, Xiao Ru left Lv Xijie, look at Xiao Lingya, touched the goat Hu Yahu's comfort of the chin.


The next day, the other three owners of the Xiaojia invited - Wang Sunhong, Lei Haoteng, Zheng Li, arrived at Xiaojia on time.

Wang Sun Hong has to say more. He is the only home owner in the last battle. Thunderiten is the big son of Lei Yunfeng, into the Shengfeng strong.

Zheng Li is the son of the first brother of Zheng Jia, is also a strong in the peak.

In addition to Wang Sunjia, the rest of the three have no power, this is the status quo of the four top ancient Wu Shi.

After the three arrived, Xiaoran personally went out, after a cold, Xiaoran led Wang Sunhong three people walked into the living room.

"Three housekeys, I will introduce you, this is Lu Xianjie Lu Seni, is the teacher of my second ancestors." Xiaoran pointed to Lu Xunjie on the master.

Listening to this words, Wang Sunhong's three-person color drama change: "Xiao Hao, don't you just join us, how can your family have a teacher?"

Xiao Ran, I will have this reaction, and I will smile in the moment: "This thing is said to be long ..."

When Xiao Ran introduced the reason, Wang Sunhousan became more ugly.

What is the death? Lying in the trough, it is a bad news for them!

The reason why everyone can keep balance, because they have similar to each other, they are stronger, once in one of them, it is a disaster for the other three, it is a disaster!

This is not what they worry, and the four students have been developed for so many years. It has already accumulated extremely huge wealth, resources. This is a big fat meat that makes countless people covepening three feet!

When there is strength protection, others can only pass the Harat sneak, once there is no protection of its strength, will usher in the hungry wolf!

Now Xiao Jia is the hungry wolf!

"It seems that I need to contact Li Feng ..." Wang Sun Hong thought.

Nowadays, people who can fight against the Xiao family will also Li Feng. Although Li Feng has always disagreed back to Wang Sun's family, Li Feng should not see the death of death.

Zheng Li and Ray Hao Teng also played their own little nineteen ...

"Three housekeys, don't stand, please take it. Ling Ya, giving three people to the three people." Xiao Ran straight back, took out the master's gesture.

Wang Sunhong three people looked at the eyes, and they found a good location.

When Xiao Ran sat down, he knocked on the tea several brewed, and he said: "Yes, there is another thing I want to talk to the three owners."

Wang Sun Hong's brow wrinkle: "Xiao Jia, please say."

In the past, Xiao Ran met him to give a late gift, but now he is talking to him with a pair of high half of the gesture, let Wang Sunhong are somewhat uncomfortable.

Xiao Rong took the tea cup and launched the throat. This slowly said: "Nothing, Lu Premier has decided to help us find Li Feng to report revenge. If you don't accident, Li Feng will come here at noon."

Wang Sunhong's three-year-old face!

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