Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1112 Xiao Lingya's vibration

Li Feng gives a Xiao family at noon? Why is he come here?

At the occasion of Wang Sunhong, I went to say: "Lu Premier went to the pearls a few days ago, gave Wei Bingqing, Su Wei, a gift, Li Feng, I would like to thank Lu Song at noon."

Wang Sunhong three people change again!

Lying in the trough, the god is a gift, it must be that Lu Xiujie has done a shameful thing for the two women!

This is the kind of death reh with Li Feng, which is not open!

"The three owners look very nervous?" On the host, Lu Xianjie opened.

Wang Sunhong did not have a sound, very nervous? Is super tension, good!

Li Feng gave them the impression of them, and she woke up because of many times because of their dreams at night.

Of course, this is to say to Zheng Li and Zile Tower, Wang Sunhong does not have this burden at all, but Wang Sunhong has an extremely profound understanding of Li Feng's power.

Now Xiao Ran called them here. If Li Feng is here, will it think they are with Xiao Ran?

This is a special to bake them into the fire!

Lu Xiujie laughed: "It seems that Li Feng has left a lot of psychological shadows to you."

Xiao Ran also shook his head smile, some ridiculed: "The three owners, Lu Premature generation indicated that the situation has changed, and now, we will take advantage of the wind, no need to fear Li Feng."

Wang Sunhong three people look at it, still there is no sound.

If they have not remembered, they also think so last time, the result is very talented by Li Feng, except for Wang Sun's family, the other three are being disabled.

People can't step into the same river twice, the same mistakes let them make another one?

Oh, they are still so stupid!

Lu Xiuji is picking up, and the face is unsatisfactory.

Xiao Ruyue has taken out the changes in Lu Xiujie, and I am busy saying: "Trinnamed, Xiao, I will come over today, I want to discuss four united things."

Wang Sunhong is in the heart of the heart, knowing that Xiao Ran came to the poor.

After a little bit, Wang Sunhong asked: "I don't know how Xiao's master is going to join?"

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "My second ancestors are clutching to impact pseudoons. Once the breakthrough is successful, the strength of Xiao Jia's strength will be proud of the Chinese ancient Chinese."

"Even if there is no breakthrough, it is the strong power in the Huaxia 's ancient Wujie in the Huaxia, the realm of my second ancestors."

"Moreover ... The support of the three fairy people behind our Xiao family, the strength of Xiao Jia said is the second, I am afraid no one dares to say that I am the first?"

Wang Sunhong is very depressed. Xiao Ran is a red fruit fruit in front of them, which makes them very uncomfortable, but Xiaoran said it is big, they are all unable to refute, this special ......

Seeing three people don't talk, Xiao Ran can't help but smile: "So ... I think Xiao Jia should be the first one, after encounter an emergency, I hope that you can stand with our Xiaojia."

Wang Sunhong's three men's face!

Xiao Ran, is it necessary to establish a leadership in Xiao Jia in four? A big ambition!

Although Wang Sunhong is unhappy in the hearts, Xiao Jia's strength is still the fact that the rest of the three is also the fact, not to say that Xiao Jia's second ancestor returns, saying that Lu Xiujie took the temple in the middle of the temple, not the rest of the three can confront.

Allow them to serve in the Xiaojia ... Who can I will work?

Do it is used to send a sign, who will be willing to listen to the command of others?

Seeing the three people still don't talk, Xiao Ran is sinking, cold tone: "Is the three owners not willing?"

Zheng Li, Lei Hao Teng also stopped, put it before, and if Xiao Ran dares to talk to Wang Sunhong with this tone?

Now he dares to talk like Wang Sunhong like this, and it is said that it is straightforward. This feels not too cool!

Wang Sunhong is so angry in his heart. If it is not Lu Xunjie sitting here, he will lead to Xiaoran!

"Xiao Hao, this is too sudden, you always have to think about it?" Zheng Li smiled and said nearly.

"Yeah, Xiao Hao, Zeng Body, we must go back to discuss with his family can be." Lei Hao Teng also smiled.

Nowadays, in addition to delaying time, Zheng, Lei two people can't think of other better ways, but in any case, they have to wait until Li Feng is coming again.

In case, they agreed to Xiaoran proposal. After the feet Li Feng gave Lu Xunjie, where did they cry?

Xiao Ran is somewhat angry, and the heart said that Laozi is so focused. You dare to give your face, really don't think I am?

Just thinking about the few words, let them recognize the reality, Lu Xianjie said: "You are worried that I am not Li Feng's opponent?"

Zheng Li quickly shook his head denied: "How can I be invincible, Li Feng is not your opponent!"

"Yes, Yes, Li Feng is just a strong in the early days, how can you be your opponent?" Lei Hao Teng also attached.

Rely, they are not stupid, how can I say real ideas?

Lu Xiujie smiled: "Do you think that I am stupid? Don't deny it, although I will not read the heart, I know what people love."

Zheng Li, Lei Haoteng still explains what, Lu Xunjie is a big hand: "You have this kind of concern, this world is the strong, I understand."

"So ... I will let you see it, how do I beat Li Feng!"

While talking, Lu Xunjie broke out all his breath.

The moment of this breath, Wang Sunhong has a feeling that is staring at the ancient beast, and is shocked.

Xiao Ran said with a little enthusiastic: "I saw it, this is the strength of Lu Premier, Li Feng is just a teenage dog in Lu Pretest!"

Wang Sunhong has compared it in his heart, and Wang Shuhong, who found Wang Sunhong, did a quantitude of Li Feng than the original.

Just then, there was a notification outside: "The master, Li Feng is coming!"

The living room first is a quiet, then Wang Sunhong three people can't help but exclaimed: "He is really coming?"

Xiao Ran is also a glimpse, then erase: "Li Feng is coming? It's good, come well!"

Lu Xunjie converges the breath, laughs: "A good Li Feng!"

In the corner, Xiao Lingya said, and there is a variety of emotions.

"Li Feng actually came true, is it to save Wei Shi Qing and Su Wei? For two women, it is infatuated, or silly?"

Also, Xiao Lingya does not believe in love, there are many reasons, the most important reason is the impact of Xiao Ran!

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