Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1113 Professional Team

Xiao Ran and served as Xiaipu's things were not secret in Xiao Jia, Xiao Lingya knew that his father will abandon his Dad.

Think about it, Dad is this man, what do you think?

Therefore, Xiao Lingya felt that men under the sky were reliable.

It is also because of this reason, Xiao Lingya will swim between men and play her beautiful man as a monkey.

Prior to this, Li Feng was synonymous with Slag, because he had a number of girlfriends, and Xiao Lingya won't like him.

Although Li Feng rushed to Xiao Jia in a critical juncture, Li Feng was so half a world, and the four people had only to respect the strong.

Li Feng is coming in the situation of self-knowledge and innocent, and later, the three ancestors appeared an accident.

This situation is different, Lu Xianjie is in Wei Shuangqing, Su Wei's body, and Li Feng should find his realm under Lu Xunjie when trying to give two female healing.

In the case of the hope, I have only one possibility, Li Feng is in order to save Wei Yingqing, Su Wei, for this, even if she sacrifice her life is also here!

Just like Lu Xunjie said, Li Feng is really a kind of infatuation!

How can I feel the shake?

"Lu pre-generation, what do we do next?" Xiao Ran was excited and asked.

"It's not a place where you are, let's go out!"

The voice falls, Lu Xunjie first stood up and went out.

Xiao Ran looked at Wang Sunhong, and Wang Sunhong three people reached out to Xiaoran first, Xiao Ran smiled and looked up.

Wang Sunhong's three people look at it, and this is worried.

"Call, no matter where Li Feng is coming, today, this robbery does not escape, just look at him last eye." Xiao Lingya is dark and whispering, and we have a living room.

At this moment, Xiao Jiajia who has also received the message has already gathered in the front yard, and what is said to each other.

"Is Li Feng really come?"

"This is also a fake? More than Li Feng is coming, he seems to have a professional team."

"What is a professional team?"

"I also listen to Xiao Cheng ... I will look at it later."

Xiao Cheng, that is, the person who came to Xiao Ran's news, he is a Xiao family, the main responsibility is to see the gate.

At this moment, Lu Xunjie stepped out from the living room first, Xiao Jiazhong closed his mouth, waiting for Lu Xianjie, Xiao Ran went to the front, they silently followed the two people.

Wang Sunhong, as a guest, turned down in the end ...

Haven't left to the door, everyone heard a music sound from the outside.

Dumong Dutong Dumo Dum Long ...

The tone is low to high, very rhythmic, some Xiao family can't help but twist.

There is also a part of the Xiao Jia people to hear it, this song is like a video of a video on the Internet, the video is called ... Black people lift it?

When you think of this, you will become a weird, lying in the trough, Li Feng is so hanging, put this song in the gate of Xiao Jiada? Who is he in this connotation!

Lu Xiujie naturally didn't know these, but this song is very strong, and it is also very resistant. He can't help but rise up: "Xiao Master, this song is your person is released?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "No, I didn't arrange someone to do this."

"Oh?" Lu Xunjie took a pick, then went to smile: "Wonderful, go out and see it."

The voice falls, Lu Xunjie stepped to the gate, and Xiaoran indicated the door to open the door.


Wooden door opens, the scene outside is reflected in the eyes of everyone.


Some Xiaojia people can't help but take a breath, directly in the original place!

I saw Li Feng in white suit standing in front of the gate, after him, seven wearing a black jacket, the man in white shirt was released in a geese array.

The people in the centrifugated were a black swallow, wearing a black round stove, hanging a few golden chains on the collar of the tuxedo.

Not only that, he also wore a red belt, embroidered with six golden big characters - professional funeral team, hand holding a gold-colored baton, stood there, looks there, looks ash Other temperate.

The rest of the six people standing on both sides are not too the same. They are wearing a black suit. They are wearing a sharp angle. The whole is black, and there is a white cloth on both sides.

The same is that they also have a brown sunglasses, and there is a golden necklace on the neck. Black leather shoes will be bright, and the same face is unfair to hold two hands standing in place.

I put a black coffin in their back, it looks very loudly.

As for the sound of music ..., it is passed from a black speaker next to the coffin, the Bluetooth speaker, the connection should be someone's mobile phone ...

After a short thing, Xiao Jia people screamed: "This ... this is really a professional team ?!"

"I said that this music is so familiar, it turned out to be a bgm of black brother!"

"Black brother smiles, life and death, the coffin is lifted, the world is white. Lying, these bastards are curse!"

Lu Xiujie listened to the brow, the gods, the gods? Black brother lifes a dog egg! What are these people say? !

For a person who just laid the world, I don't know if it is a black brother. It is normal. Even Wang Sun Hong, Xiao Ran and other older people, and have never heard of the black people.

But Xiao Lingya and other young generations know that because it is really hot recently.

The funny picture is equipped with brainwashing BGM, which is unforgettable, and can't help but look more!

It is because of this video, when they see Luo Tianzheng and others, I will show it to the "professional team"!

Say it back ... Why Xiao Lingya felt that this "professional team" looks a bit familiar, it seems that where did you see?

Xiao Ling suddenly flashed a bright light: "I am going, is this the seven ruins of the old age encountered in the hotel that night ?!"

"It seems that everyone knows what they do?" Li Feng was very satisfied with the reactions of Xiao Jiazhong, and his mouth came: "Yes, they are the professional team to send you Xiao Jia to funeral. Lao Luo, you What are you waiting? First give the customers to a song, test the goods! "

The voice is falling, he takes out the phone to select the "Astronomia" from the beginning, and there is also the volume of the volume.

Luo Tianzheng et al., The speed of action is also very fast. As Li Feng's order, they turned to the coffin, six people lifted, one person walked in front, jumping up and danced.

The opposite Lu Xiujie and others are seeing a face!

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