Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1114 I have been waiting for three days!

This is true to jump? are you crazy!

"Li Feng, what are you doing ?!" Xiao Ruye had a face and asked.

There are a lot of jealous people in Chinese people. When you look at others, you will be the most taboo!

Xiao Ran didn't know if someone else had encountered this kind of thing, but he only wanted to play the seven dance baubles!

It is a very strong in the young people who are young. The video will always have aesthetic fatigue. Suddenly see someone to come to a wave, really fresh!

However, Xiao Ran yelled, and let these young people came back from the appreciation state.

Yeah, Li Feng is an enemy, which makes people dance in front of Xiaojiamen, is in the connotation Xiao Jia, Nima, can't bear it!

"Give you inspection, don't give you inspection, how do you know how much our service value?"

"How, now I see the level of our professional team? This dance ..., ,, do you want you one million?" Li Feng said.

Li Feng is really not intentional quartan Zheng and others. He gave Luo Tianzheng and others three days of training time. This equipment is to find someone else.

For those who do not have any dance foundation, it is very big for three days. Luo Tianzheng is not only practicing, but it is more than blue, the overall effect will exceed the real professional team!

Of course, this is not to say how high the dance talents of Luo Tianzheng, but their control of the body is too powerful, just remember the action essential, they can dance!

At this time, Luo Tianzheng is more energetic.

The magic dance is equipped with a dynamic dance. Hey, it can invade the deep place in his mind, it will not be dissipated for a long time.

Xiao Jia and others have changed again!

Professional funeral service ... one million ... inspection ...

Nima, Li Feng think he can destroy the Xiao family? Too arrogant!

After Xiao Jiazhong, Wang Sunhong's three owners looked at each other. Li Feng was so arrogant, and did not explain that he is confident in his strength?

Next, there is a good show!

Xiao Lingya Xiuyu is slightly wrinkled. She always feels that Li Feng is too confident, but she doesn't understand Li Feng from the confidence. After all, Li Feng is only the early days of the gods.

Although Li Feng's cultivation talent is really enchanting, he can't always break through the late days of half-God in such a short time?

Half of the world, Xiao Jia Sanzu closed the road for decades of promoting a small stage!

Xiao Ran is so angry, and now, I will start my life to fight back, but Lu Xunjie has stopped him in time: "Are you Li Feng?"

Li Feng lifted his eyes: "Are you Lu Xiujie?"

Lu Xiujie took a tip, then shook his head smiled: "I heard that you are very arrogant, I didn't expect you to be arrogant than the rumors, you are very good."

Li Feng shrugged and ridiculed: "This makes you feel arrogant? Your knowledge is as small as your brain."

Lu Xiujie: "???"

Xiao Jiazhong: "???"

Wang Sunhong, three owners: "???"

No ... Li Feng talks to the macade, where he learned these horses, and the same is as small as the brain, do not bring such a world!

I have been accustomed to Li Feng often say that the Mazheng, who is often said to the worm, because of this sentence, there is a deviation on the action, and the coffin on the shoulders will almost fall.

This is true, they have to accept the black brother's gaze ...

"Hey! If you die, you still dare to be so arrogant, do you really dare to kill people?" Lu Xunjie was completely angry, with his vocabulary, he couldn't think of other languages ​​that can counterattack Li Feng. Intimidate each other.

"You dare, but don't mean you." Li Feng shrugged, then slamming the look, the cold voice asked: "I want to interview with you before I started, you have a big man, how is it, how to hurt two Woman? How do you think about your pig brain? "

Speaking here, the killing of Li Feng is a bit inhibited.

He waited for three days, not to prove how significant yourself, but to apply Lu Xiujie to Wei Shuiqing, Su Wei's injury is more than a hundred times!

It's just his first step!

In this case, Lu Xianjie did not be angry: "Heart hurts? Haha, I am distressed, I will seek me, maybe I will see you sincerely, save them?"

Xiao Jia people laughed out, laughing very fast.

The fear of Lee Feng, as this laughed, all the smoke, from now on, Xiao Jia once again stood up again!

"Do you think I am here to let you save them?" Li Feng hooked a smile, this surname Lu is too self-feeling good? "

"Isn't it?" Lu Xunjie scratched: "I gave them the coldness of the ice, except for the half-level strong in the three fairy, there is no one can be relieved, of course, the strong except."

"However, the people of the Shoutun are no longer a category of people, and how many years have not been there, I don't think you have the ability to relieve the coldness of the ice."

"In this case, can you have other options in addition to me?"

Xiao Ran couldn't help but smile: "Li Feng, you have killed my Xiaojia so many people, and today you have come to the price!"

After saying, Xiao Ran felt not addiction, turned to Zheng Li, Ray Haoteng said: "Zheng Jia, Lei Hao, do you have anything to say?"

Zheng Li, Lei Haoteng's mouth is tensive, and I have a smile after half of it: "That ... we really don't want to say."

The two are the surface smile MMP, Xiao Ran does not face, this time I want to pull them two water? They are not stupid!

In any case, they have to wait until Li Feng and Lu Xianjie have a winning and negative, and then talk about station team issues.

"Xiao Ran, is it so much to forget it? Oh, if I tell you, Ren Xiaole is already my woman, what would you think?" Li Feng said.

Xiao Ran is like a thunder, and the whole person is stupid!

Xiao Jiazhong also saw a ghost expression in the same day, and he was on the spot.

Ren Xiaole is a taboo of Xiaojia, although everyone does not dare to mention this name, but does not mean who they forgotten Su Lei!

Li Feng actually talked with Xiao Lei. Is it a big blue-green great?

At the time of everyone who was forced, Xiao Lingya suddenly asked: "Are you not with Xiao Ling? How can I follow my little bud?"


Xiao Ran spurted a black blood!

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