Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1116 Sword!

Lu Xunjie exclaimed, let Xiao Jia people have fallen into the state!

How can Li Feng may be a half-time? How many months is he still in the early days? This is the speed of the upgrade is too enchanting.

Wang Sunhong can't hurt my heart!

In the late days, they also have a strong in the late god!

Although Li Feng has always denied the identity of Wang Sun's future generations, the blood relationship is not denying will disappear, and the blood is full of water, and Li Feng has denyed that Wang Sun's words encountered the crisis, he should not see himself.

Zheng Li, Lei Hao Teng also likes the earth, and is half-way.

They are liked that they have no probabilies, and they are worried about Li Feng, which has brought the huge injuries. They are afraid of revenge!

After a short shock, Xiao Lingya is weird whispered: "It turns out ... It seems that I am still high."

She thought that Li Feng didn't care for love. She once thought that Li Feng was still prepared, huh, men, really can't want to think about it ...

"You really make me feel a bit surprised." Lu Xunjie spit out a bit of turbidity, and the completion is slightly dignified.

Made, isn't it to say that Li Feng is just the beginning of the premiere? Now, what is the ghost in the late god?

Of course, this is not said that Lu Xiujie is afraid of Li Feng, he is only surprised.

Everyone is half-god, and the martial arts will be seen in the same situation in the same situation, and the skills are more powerful.

Don't look at Lu Xianjie, I have a young young, in fact, he has already fifty six this year, and he has been in the late days of the past three years.

He did not believe that the accumulation of his three years would be more than a few months of Li Feng!

What's more, Sanxian School has a lot of magical martial arts, and he has full confidence to defeat Li Feng!

"Is it surprised? This is not the result I want." Li Feng ridicules.

After the body, Luo Tianzheng, who is jumping and dancing, has also stopped the magical dance, shouted loudly: "The boss, this kind of jumping beam clown is handed over to us!"

"Rely, I dare to arrive in front of the boss in the late stage, you are afraid, don't know how to write words!"

"MMP, like you like you, simply don't bring your boss personally, I can hammered you!"

"Oh, Sun thief, you are afraid, don't know how terrorate our boss?"

Xiao Jiazhong: "???"

Wang Sunhong three: "???"

Not ... These seven people are a fool, dare to say this?

In the eyes of Xiao Ran, this seven people are Li Feng to spend money from the society to find a nausea, from their "boss" to Li Feng, you can see it.

Just Lu Xunjie has been released, they will see it. Can we wear a sunglasses?

"Lying in the trough, you ... You dare to humiliate me?" Lu Xunjie said that it would be unfavorable.

Li Feng was arrogant in front of him. This seven bad old age dare to arrive with him, and they are so tired.

Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "Lu Xunjie is mine, no one will grab me! Of course ... I will be killed by me, you have to dance on his coffin."

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the face, Qi Qi Zhi Li Feng yelled his thumb.

On the disgusting people, they are not the opponent of Li Feng! They are still a long way to walk this extent!

This sentence is like a barrel of gasoline, poured on the Rating of the Xiong Xunjie, "Bang", Lu Xunjie's anger violent increases!

But next, Lu Xunjie will go to anger, and smiled and said: "I want to anger, let me lose reason, so that you can take it? You are too small to see me!"

When he was very small, his father taught him to be angry. The more emergency, the more you want to calm, only calm can find the enemy's flaw!

To this end, the father has given him a long time to be a long time, that is, find the disciple of the door to deliberately provoke Lu Xiujie, and force Lu Xunjie to control his own fire.

This kind of training is not done after he became a strong sense of half a sense.

First, the general provocation is can't afford Lu Xianjie's anger. If you do a similar training, you will rose to greet your family, who dares to greet Lu Xunjie's family?

Second, Lu Xianjie is enough, you can lose ten people, then do a similar training to Lu Xiujie's improvement.

So Lu Xunjie's angry kung fu has been returned, but the foundation is still, which makes him adjust the emotions in a short time.

Li Feng turned over white: "neuropathy."

Lu Xunjie's inner play is too much, who wants to irritate him? They have some words!

"Sword is coming!" Lu Xunjie no longer took the gun gun with Li Feng, and his right hand lifted, and a stitching of the stars was held in his hand.

"Wow, Lu Senior is so handsome!"

Lu Xianjie's movement made a woman who did not have a pavilion excited.

Have to say, Lu Xunjie's movement is really very comfortable. The sword is really good, the cyan sword is dotted with a star, which makes people look at it.

Xiao Ran's mouth smoked, low and drink: "Don't hurry back to back ?!"

The two half-gods will be played immediately, but also shouted. Not afraid of being killed by the remaining wave?

Xiao Ru's low drink immediately wakes up the Xiao family girl in the flowers, and then the Xiao family will burst out.

Lu Xiujie nodded, and he didn't worry, it was waiting for Xiao Jia people to retreat, or shook a large piece, he is not good to explain with Xiao Shi!

"Who will be put on?" Li Feng smiled, and he also shouted a sword. Shenwu sword was taken in his hand.

Not only that, the gods are also taken out by him, and they are worn on their body.

"Cut, good ugly!"

"Golden golden, the aesthetics is good!"

"There are a lot of grades compared to the sword of Lu Pretest!"

A Xiao family girls have spit up the equipment of Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, this is a goddess of the system, very domineering? This woman is really not an eye!

"Is this?" Lu Xunjie hooked a smile: "How do I cut your sword!"

The voice falls, Lu Xianjie raises his hand is a sword!

The long sword is on the starlight, and a star is sprinkled.

This sword is made with Lu Xunjie to build with the sky, the sword is thin, but it is very hard, sharp, and the star is inlaid in the sword with a very cold crystal.

These stars are not to look good, but to ... homicide!

"Wow, a beautiful star river!"

"God, what is the fairy weapon, I also want a one!"

Xiao Jia's girl has a small star in his eyes, and you can't wait to pick up the Star River.

In the moment of this star river, the Thunder, which was like a lot of ill, and after the back of Li Feng, at the same time, Lu Xunjie's sword came to Li Feng!

Two-sided feet!

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