Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1117, three sides

"Boss is careful!"

Luo Tianzheng is equivalent to the face, and now you have to help Li Feng.

"Don't move!"

Li Feng is like the long eyes behind, and the perception of Luo Tianzheng and others have issued a low heel to prevent their movements.

At the same time, Li Feng used time to go!

Time flow rate is ten times! Lu Xunjie turned into a slow motion in his eyes!

"Sweeping the World!"

Li Feng waved sword sweeping, and a lingering sword rushed to kill Lu Xiujie.

Then, Li Feng turned and a sword, directly under the star river behind him.


A loud noise, such as the joy of the tacks, the star river is opened by Li Feng, broken into a star!

For Li Feng, it is not too difficult to crush this star river, but when he crushed the Star River, he pericated that there was a cold and sword to invade.

When Li Feng runs the throne, the cold is against the cold, and the sword immediately settled with a layer of ice, then the gods of the swordshed a red light, ice crystal melted, violently a group of white fog, the air around Li Feng Temperature plummeted!

On the other hand, the fierce sword swept in the world greets the starry sword of Lu Xianjie.


A crisp, the starry sword appeared sharply!

Lu Xianjie took a hole, and then smiled in his face.


The starry sword made a humming, the next moment, the star is big, and a unbeatable energy broke out from the star tide!

The moment of energy broke out, swept the horizon of the world, was scattered, and the starry sword returned to the original state!

"Hey?" Li Fengbei picks, the face is surprised.

The energy of the starry sword broke out is different from Lu Xianjie's breath. Is it ... This sword itself contains horrible energy?

This is not scientifically, the Shenwu sword has no function, is the star of the legendary artifact?

Just as Li Feng was suspected, his group was suddenly gathered together, and the heart of Li Feng was stabbed in the back of Li Feng.

"Boss is careful!" Luo Tianzheng once again sent a excitement, but this time they didn't pay back to Li Feng before the claim.

Li Feng browned slightly, and it was a sword.


It is also a loud noise, and the Jian, which is composed of Xianghui once again opened his sword, and turned into a star.

The same is the same as the last time, there is also a cold in the cold, and Li Feng has the last experience. After the last experience, I will only ferry the true gas into the priest, and the Shenwu sword lit up a red light and offset this. chill.

It is also a group of white fog rises, and the temperature will drop again!

"Star!" Lu Xianjie swing, a white sword, as a meteor, fell to Li Feng's head, and his speed was so beautiful as a meteor.

However, under the influence of time hourglass, this speed is in the eyes of Li Feng.

" !"

Li Feng turned around, and a sword stabbed to the real gas.

A group of rays gathered in the Shenwujian, burst, crashing on the opposite white swords and broke out!


Horror shock wave 4!

The wall of Xiaojia Old House is directly destroyed by this shock wave!

In the distance, Xiao Jiazhong was shocked, and the strength was lower than that of the superfield and even shocked the internal injuries.

"Good ... good!"

"We have been away from it, just the explosive shock waves can also hurt us, is this the strength of the half-god?"

It is obvious that Luo Tianzheng et al, this level of impact wave is just letting their clothes and hairstyles, they still stand firmly in place.

This scene made Xiao Jiazhong very surprised: "When they don't work? I should not spend it ?!"

"Can you resist this shock wave, their strength is at least a super extraordinary?"

"Are you ignored? They are not far behind Li Peak, in the center of energy outbreak! Their strength is definitely not just a super-level!"

"They have just said that I can deal with Lu's predecessors, shouldn't it be true?"

Xiao Ruyan is slightly changed, exported to: "Don't say, they can't be a half-level strong!"

Although Xiao Ran has saved the person, this guess is like a seed species in the heart of Xiao Jia, so that Xiao Jia people have a shadow in their hearts.

"Hey, I took my constellation, you really have two minutes. But ... you can only go here!"

"Star Explosion!"

The voice is falling, and the breath of Lu Xunjie has skyrocketed, and suddenly it came to the peak of halfpoint.

The virtual god behind him has also become condensed, and it has been shrouded a layer of star!

When the breath skyrocket, Lu Xianjie waved the sword: "Star Yao!"

The starry sword is skyrocketing!

At this moment, Xiao Jiazhong felt that he saw the sun, and the next consciousness closed his eyes.

The strong light change made Li Feng also appeared in a short, his eyes slightly, the movement of the sword has a hidden hysteresis.

At this time, the group was once again condensed into a sword once again, and his heart was stabbed in the back of Li Feng!

Not only that, the virtues behind Lu Xunjie have also moved, and the right hand is a trick, Tian Shi Xinghui!

Numerous Star Hui is condensed into a giant light sword, rumbled down!

The giant light sword has not fallen, and a sharp gas has been directly grounded, the dust is flying, the ground is cracking!

This kind of power is like a big land to be two half!

There is a starry sword before, there is a star Huili sword, there is a giant light sword, and there is three sides!

In addition, Li Feng was hysteresided by the movement of the Star Yao's stalk. At this moment, he has already caught the desperation!

Luo Tianzheng is still unable to stand, and you will take help.

"I said, he is mine!"

Li Feng snorted, a circle of cyan mountain peaks appeared around his body, surrounding him slowly rotating.

At the same time, the atmosphere on Li Feng has skyrocketed, and the realm is also upgraded to the peak of halfpoint.

However, at this time, Lu Xunjie has arrived, and it is necessary to hit Li Feng.



A white light flashed, Li Feng disappeared from place!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The three giant sounds sounded, and Li Feng originally standing the place where it has been brought into a huge deep pit directly nearly 100 meters!

"Is it hit?"

"Strong destructive power, Li Feng is dead this time!"

"Lu Premier! Lu Premier is invincible!"


Xiao Jia people opened their eyes and hired!

Just Lu Xunjie's face did not have any joosket, just clearly saw that Li Feng disappeared from the place, it is absolutely not an illusion!

So his three sides failed? Where did Li Feng went?

At the time of Lu Xiujie, Li Feng's figure suddenly appeared in place.

The cheers of Xiao Jia people have stopped!

Lu Xianjie took the hole, and the sound ""!

"Is this level?" Li Feng hooked a smile: "So next, I am attacking!"

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