Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1119 Destroy Lu Xiujie!

After this vain appears, it starts to condense, but he stopped in half, it seems to be a little illusory, transparent.

When I saw this vain, Li Feng was stunned.

Is this a special? It is said that he is a virtual god, but the body is nothing to do with normal people, and his face is very clear, it is a bad old man, which is more than Lu Xunjie.

Say he is a personal ... He is a bit illusory, just like the holographic projection in the sci-fi movie, the difference is that this vain expression looks a bit sluggish, just like there is no soul.

So is this?

"Lao Luo, what do you look at this east is like what?" Wan Zi said is unshold.

"How is I know, I have never seen this kind of thing before." Luo Tian is staring at the vain, and the same is too amazed.

Although I don't know that the other party is something, this virtual shadow always gives him a particularly dangerous feeling, it is too horrible, it is more horrible than the peak of the half!

Because Lu Xiujie blocked the sight of Xiao Jiazhong, Xiao Jiazhong did not see this vain, but from Li Feng, Luo Tianzheng et al., They can also hit something.

"Lu pre-made a big trick ?!"

"It must be, you haven't seen Li Feng, are they scared?"

"Lu Premier!"

"Lu pre-endure invincible!"

Xiao Jiazhong is like playing chicken blood, and it becomes excited again.

Just then, the expression of the vivid shadow suddenly became smart, he first glanced around, see Lu Xiujie behind Lu Xiujie, tangible: "Jiener, you hurt ?!"

When you come out, the parcel is a quiet!

Lying in the trough, this vain is actually a pseudo-neck father in Lu Xunjie? No, he is not in the Sanxian Island in overseas, how do you suddenly come here, transient?

"Father! It is him, that is, he hurts me, please let the father will revenge for me!" Lu Xunjie doubled his eyes and pointed to Li Feng's resentment.

"You dare to hurt me Jie," Implea shadow turned to look at Li Feng, the body is big, the breath is like a white flame in white. "

The top of the flame vibrates, gives people a feeling that will tear at any time.

Seeing, Luo Tianzheng et al. Couldn't help but took a breath: "lying trough, this is the power of pseudoons?"

"It looks very hanging!"

"It is stronger than the" Bright Parliament I met before, "the Dark Parliament is strong!"

Even Li Feng couldn't help but a pupil, and his face revealed the color: "You are really Lu Xunjie's father?"

"It is asking you!" Lu Long recruited three degrees, almost sharp.

Li Feng shrugged: "Not ... You look like Lvsujie's grandficiency, so I am very doubtful to the true relationship between Lu Xunjie."

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "..."

Xiao Jiazhong: "..."

Wang Sunhong three: "..."

No ... You can't be so strange, our brain circuit is not going to keep up!

But the words come back ... Lu Long looks still in seven old eighties, Lu Xiujie is only two people, it is indeed enough grandfather.

Lu Long noodles change again, step forward: "Do you dare to insult me? Looking for death!"


A big sound, Lu Long stepped into the collapse of the ground, and the white flame on his body turned down and down, and the vibration of vibration sounded.

Li Fengbei picks up, the face is quite a high: "Is this?"

The gesture is coming out, and the gods also said, but did not work with him, and the thunder is heavy.

Lu Long brow wrinkled: "Are you not afraid of me?"

"Are you afraid of useful?" Li Feng hooked a smile of laughter: "The husband of the men is going to meet, how do you be a pseudo-odor, I must fight you?"

"More than ... This is not your body, it may be just your projection, the power you get out is really amazing, but you can't see it."

After Lu Long appeared, the system did not release the task, and the previous task reward did not change. What is explained?

The difficulty is not changed!

If Li Feng is not the opponent of this vain, the system will indifferent?

Based on this judgment, Li Feng can see that this vain is from the strength!

Moreover, there is no meaning to do after Lu Long appeared. If Lu Long has confidence to defeat him, will he see that his son is so seriously injured, and I haven't ended this.

Not uncommon!

Therefore, Li Feng pursue this vain is just Lu Long's projection. It is like the kind of self-motivation to the children's future generations, and you can summon his projections when crushing.

Listening to this words, Xiao Jiazhong is no longer so excited, because they also got out wrong, for a while, the silent side of Xiao Jia has.

"You have a very eye, it's true, this is really my projection." Lu Long received a recognition, and then said: "But even my projection, it is not difficult to pack, I don't have a hand Just have the heart of your love. "

Li Feng brow is microstruck: "Oh, it is original, I am not afraid!"

Wei Bin took a breath: "There is a picture!"

"Lying, I also have the same feelings!" Qiu Wei nodded.

"Rely, what are you talking about, what is a picture, what is the same?" Luo Tian is listening to a fog.

Wei Bin said with a plan: "It is the sauce burst in the movie" Kung Fu ", in the face of the clue of the star!" There is also more exciting behind! "

"Kill one me, there are thousands of me!" Qiu Wei is attached to the road.

Li Feng's mouth, the god is very boiled, there is a picture of a dog egg, the Xiaoye has not thought it is not good, it means it!

Opposite, Lu Long has a moment, Nima, these people are not normal? Laozi said that love talents, not love money!

After half, Lu Long spit out a touch: "I will give you a chance, worship me as a teacher, I can resolve yours with Jeather's hatred, otherwise ... death!"


"Lu Zhengmen actually wants to collect Li Feng as a teacher?"

"Resentment with morality, it is really good to complain!"

"Lv, the heart of the heart is really a sea!"

Xiao Jiazhong sighed, but they also worried that Li Feng is a teacher, then he will not become a second ancestor, they don't want to call Li Feng seniors?

"Receive me as a disciple? You don't qualify! And ... I am with the hatred between Lu Xiujie ... you can't open it!"

The voice falls, and Li Feng suddenly sword.

A lingering sword was born from the void, and went around Lu Long and rolled over a strange arc, and went straight to Lu Xiujie.

The sword is too much, the void tremble is almost broken!

It is the seventh style of the sword method - !

"Father saved me!" Lu Xianjie made a big, while avoiding it.

However, next moment, this sword has passed his body!


Lu Xiujie is two and a half!

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