Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1120 This is unscientific!

In the moment of Lu Xiujie, Lu Long rushed over, if he was 0.1 seconds, he could block the sword.

It is this 0.1 second time, let Lu Jiafang son are always separated!


Holding the body of Lu Xianjie, Lu Long Yangren!


A horrible gas is to open around the center, and the dust is flying, the ground is shaved and the thick layer!

In the distance, Xiao Jiazhong is directly shocked. The people under the masters are directly broken by the epitracy of the earthquake, and some are dead!

For a time, Xiao Jia's side of the soldiers and horses, crying in the ears.

Wang Sun Hongxin has an awkward, which is no corresponding strength, but it has to be doped with the top of the top of the top.

The long-handed hit by the top-hunting hit is enough to harvest the life of these people, they also have to fighten the top of the strong ...

silly? sorrow?

For the crying of Xiao Jia, Lu Long didn't care, he cared only his son, now Jieer is dead, he is hateful: "How do you dare to kill Jiet ?!"

Lu Long must be sent, and the eyes want to see Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth evoked a little laughter: "You have been fun, people have already killed, you still ask me how to dare, your brain is as narrow with Lu Xunjie."

At this time, Luotian is waiting to smile.

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you!" Lu Long was crazy, and the right hand came, and the star of Lu Xunjie flew to his hand.

The starry sword that has been bleak, and the star is getting vigorously gradually, and finally the light is bright.

Xiao Jia and others saw the sun again!

"You will follow it!"

Li Feng felt a small threat from Lu Long, and he was so busy ignorant Tiantian.

Luo Tianzheng and others did not dare to hesitate, and suddenly fell out, at the same time, Lu Long Yijian stabbed Li Feng!

"" ""

The starry sword has passed, the void is torn, and the sound of the slap is amazing.

"It looks very strong, but it is not used. I will stand here to let you play, hurt me to win." Li Feng shook his head smiled and secretly opened an enemy aura.

Rely, the power of this sword has caught up with the seventh style of the Tiansian King method. Broken void is not playing, no invincible, only by Qingshan Guardian is afraid to stop.

Li Feng's Torr made Lu Long more shame, electric light flashes, the star sword came to Li Peak, the next moment, the sword was stabbed in the chest of Li Feng.


A loud noise, Li Peak has violent bright light, just like a miniature nuclear bomb, a mushroom cloud.

After that, the shock wave spread in Li Peaks, and Xiao Jia, who was a heavy casualty, and the people who were injured were all live in this wave of shocks!

Evergreen's superner, it is also injured!

at the same time……


The swords of the Star Sword showed a crack, followed by inch, and finally turned into a small dust dissipated in the air!

Lu Long noodle dramatic, then said sadness: "Jieer left, accompanied his star swords for many years ...

"I just blame, I have just thought too much. I didn't kill Li Feng in the first time. This caused this consequence, Jieer, father sorry you!"

Lv Long is still in the sky, and then began to speak from the voice: "Jieer, have you seen it, I will help you kill Li Feng, my father revenge for you!"

"Jiener, if you are in the sky, will forgive the father ... lying in the trough ?!"

Just when Lu Long, smoke disappeared, showing Li Feng's figure.

I saw Li Feng's gods, the light of the gods, the dust is not dyed, even the hairstyle is not chaos, as for injury ... it is not!

"Damn, how can you die ?!" Lu Long was complete, he had borrowed the power of the body, why didn't you kill Li Feng?

If you don't kill it, you will not be injured. This is unscientific!

Li Feng shrugged: "This level of attack is tickle for me."

"It's impossible! It must be hidden by you!" Lu Long did not believe in evil, and the body flashed in the same place.

Li Fengbei picks up, the corner of the mouth bruises a smile, still standing in the same place where there is no evil.

Next moment, Lu Long suddenly appeared behind Li Feng and refers to the heart of Li Peak after the knife, the fingertips storm, and the heart.


After Li Feng, he turned into a golden light, just like a small stone in a quiet golden lake.

If it is carefully distinguished, it will find that Lu Long's fingertips and Li Feng have not been exposed to, and there is a nearly 1 mm gap with nearly 1 mm!

"This ... What is this?" Lu Long was round, and the face did not dare to confuse.

Just then, a golden light flashed, Li Feng counter handed the Shenwujian from the left arm and the voids between the body to the chest of Lu Long.

Lu Longben shocked, lack of vigilance, Li Feng's movement is extremely fast, plus this angle extremely drilled, Lu Long responded in the moment.


Just like a needle into the movement of the balloon, Shen Wu Jian is deeply deep in Lu Long's chest!

Then, Lu Long's body is like a cracked crystal, and the number of white lights will be accepted from these cracks, just like the sparkling bullet in the dance hall.

However, Lu Long is like not awareness, continues to why: "Why can you ignore my attack, do you wear this armor is the artifact? No ... It is impossible, the artifact is not we can master!"

The artifact, as the name suggests, is the power of the god-level powerful equipment, and the power of the artifact wants to complete the artifact is impossible.

But if it is not because of this armor, Li Feng can still ignore his attack?

Martial arts? Practice? Still a realm?

"Just guess you guess, Xiaoye I will not tell you." Li Feng laughed and pulled out Shenwu Jian.


When the Shenwu Jian pulled out, the cracks on Lu Long became more, and finally, the broken crystal was sprinkled, and the trendy is dust, and the wind is blown. ...

There is a small island from 300 hosae, from the outside, this is island is small, but also a football field size, the island is ridiculous, and inch is not born.

But if you can enter this small island, you will find that there is a hole in the hole, the area is bigger than the outside, and the island is rich in lush, animal and plant is rich, and a thriving scene.

There is a large-scale architectural group in the center of the small island. There is also a low bungalow, and there is a huge area of ​​green bricks, and there are still more than ten meters of modern buildings.

At this time, the most in the middle of the hall came out of his resentment: "Li Feng! I want to break your corpse!"

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