Others have slanting them directly.

As soon as I got a ton of dog food, can I love this more beautiful than this?

Of course, the situation of other people is still good than Xiao Ran, who has a green oil on the head.

"Cough, low-key low-key, spicy" look ... "Li Feng did not expect Ren Xiao Lei to be so unrestrained, and he went to his full of fire, he had to be melted by the enthusiasm of Su Lei ...

"See what it happen, let them envy." Ren Xiao Lei turned over white, then hook Li Feng's chin: "Come, let's first."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "No, play so big?"

He can guess the idea of ​​Suizu, isn't it to cause a crit? If he is just Xiaoran in this, he is very willing to cooperate, but it is a little bit of spicy, he can't open it!

"Are you not an old driver, I am afraid of this?" "Said Xiaipei.

Li Fengbei picks: "Give me the general law? You win!"

The voice is falling, Li Feng hugs to be buds, come to a long-term French ...

The surrounding eating melon people can't see it, I rely on, Xiu En will have a limit. You are so easy to make friends!

Since you can't see it, they can only go to Xiaran, see this scene, Xiao Ran's mood is definitely very complicated?

Under the complex eyes of everyone, Xiao Ran secretly smashed the double box, the face became more and more red, more and more red, finally ...


Xiao Ran vomited again!


Everyone made a long sigh.

To say this, it is a man who will not be able to stand, but it is still very few like Xiao Rujing to vomiting blood.

Because Xiao Ran vomiting blood, Li Feng followed that Xiaolei also stopped showing Xiu En, and looked at Xiaoran.

"Oh, someone seems to vomit blood, it looks quickly and died." Ren Xiaole took his mouth and pretended to be surprised.

"Psychological tolerance is too bad." Li Feng shook his head and said slightly.


The speech attack of the two once again made Xiaoran vomiting blood.

Xiao Jiazhong took his hand, can't bear to see it, Xiao Lingya is a sideless look, just like it is not true.

"If you want to humiliate me, then your purpose is reached." Xiao Ran wiped the blood of his mouth and laughed.

Li Feng shrugged and looked at Ren Xiao Lei: "Do I want to avoid it?"

Before the Herba, Li Feng deliberately contacted the Deli, because he wanted to destroy the Xiaojia, so it is necessary to inform the bud in advance, after all, Budei once has a source with Xiao Jia.

Then ... Suizu followed it with the active requirements.

After coming to Beijing, Li Feng naturally arranged her to wait in the distance, so he would be able to wave the way. Now, now the battle is over, and the bud is moving out. If there are a few words, I have to say to Xiao Ran.

"No, I haven't seen anything between him." Ren Xiaole shook his head and turned to Xiao Lingya: "You are Xiao Ran and Ye Lian's daughter's daughter? Longsheng Longfeng Shengfeng, Yelian The daughter has acting, the ancients are not bullying. "

Li Feng is dark, and the little buds have erected a thumbs, although it sounds not so rhyme, but at least it is very smooth, and the skill of temporarily change the line can not be ordinary people.

Well ... It is also possible to be a long-awaited line with Jui.

Xiao Lingya is changing: "Ren Auntie, this is not much related to my mother, please don't be implicated to my mom."

Ren Xiao Lei nodded, agreed: "It is also the main reason, it is in your incompetent dad."

"The words come back, is your mother?" Ren Xiaole glanced a circle, did not find Ye Lian, and asked.

"My mom returned home." Xiao Lingya replied.

"Good luck, escaped a robbery." Ren Xiao Lei smiled and looked at Xiaoran: "Frank, before this, I hate you in my heart, now ... I don't think I shouldn't hate you, but should thank you."

"Thank I?" Xiao Ran heard a bit.

Xiao Jiazhong also heard a foggy water, and where is Xiao Ran worthy of Bud Bud thanks? I am completely unhappy!

Only Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, and it seems to guess what is going to say next.

Ren Xiao Lei, the balance, Liu Hai, taste: "Yes, thank you for the first time, this makes me encountered Li Feng. Li Feng satisfied my fantasy for men, he is more excellent than you. Too much too much. Regardless of which aspect is compared. "

At this moment, Xiao Ran only felt that the arrow was worn, and it almost spurted a blood.

"Okay, I am finished." Ren Xiao Lei said to Li Feng.

Li Feng: "... Is it so short?"

He also thought that Ren Xiao Lei said to be a dozen or twenty minutes, in order to vent the dissatisfaction of the heart in the year.

"I wanted to say, but I found him after seeing him ... I was really in the past. I didn't stay in love at all," said that Xiaolei is a pretty half of the domineering.

People always don't forget the people who have lost, but when you see that person, you will find it ... these years have never forgotten just to miss the past.

Those beautiful, those who have been sad, those familiar, even if they will return, but there will be a feeling of illusion.

Just like now, Ren Xiao Lei really has a lot of words before I saw Xiao Ran, I want to tell him, love hate hanged ...

However, see Xiao Rong, these words are all in order to have.

Li Feng nodded, and his heart was dark.

How do you say, even if he has a strong confidence in himself, it is also afraid that Xiao Lei will return to Xiao Rihui, after all, it is hard to neglect.

Now, he can see that Xiaole is really letting it, and there is no love for Xiao Ran. It is a stranger.

"What should I do now?" Li Feng asked, according to his intention, even if he did not kill Xiao Jia people, Xiao Ran, who culculled, and Xiao Lingya were also dead.

However, before this, he still had to ask the opinions of Bud.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Wei Wei, half-awaited: "Abolition of their martial arts and repair them, to expel them from Huaxia, and will not set foot on the land of Huaxia, this idea?"

At this time, Xiao Jiazhong is a cold and chestnut!

This punishment is really a poisonous, lost for a force, go abroad, isn't it the fat meat?

Li Feng's eyes are bright: "This idea is good, just do it!"

Just in Li Feng wanted to start the martial arts of Xiao Jiazhong, a delicate is from the distance: "Mom! Li Feng! You are so bad!"

This voice makes Li Feng face!

I rely on, how come Xiao Ling? !

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