"I rely on, how is Ling Hao?"

Ren Xiao Lei is also a face.

Li Feng is stiff to the head: "Do you tell her?"

"I will tell her this?" Ren Xiaole turned over white, and then worried: "Listen to her tone, she seems to know what?"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "I also listened."

After he followed the little bud, he had been holding Xiao Lingya, no way, this is too late, Li Feng ever thought about his face, and I don't know how to explain with Xiao Ling.

Opposite, Xiao Jia people exchanged each other with their eyes: "Do you want to take the opportunity to escape?"

"Escape? How to escape? People are the strong in the late gods, our strongest is only a superfront, but it is still hurt, and it is dead!"

"Where are we waiting for this?"

"Waiting for the dead, didn't listen to him, just abolished our martial arts, so dying is not as good as living, we have no military road repair, don't you have money? "

"Lying in the trough, what you said."

That is, there is a tacit understanding between a family. I changed the meaning of others who didn't understand the expression of each other.

At this moment, a shadow was rushed to Li Peak, she was wearing a red long dress, a beautiful face, and her body is Xiao Ling.

"Ling Hao, how did you come." Ren Xiao Li asked.

"Mom, this will ask you." Xiao Lingzhen snorted, then turned to look at Li Feng, but did not speak.

This is the same as the boss of Li Feng in the heart of Li Feng, this eye is awkward, the young master is afraid!

"How can I ask me?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yimei took a charm, and then said her face: "You track me ?!"

Xiao Lingzhen shook his head: "Not just track, I still put a listener on you."

Ren Xiaole: "???"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... still put a listener on Ren Xiao? Xiao Ling is enough, I actually listen to her mom?

"I will say, I have seen so abnormal this time, it turned out to be in love, love the object or ... Hey!" Xiao Lingzhen glared in the eye.

Li Feng was forced to squeeze a smile: "That ... I ..."

"You give it to me!" Xiao Lingzhen glanced at Li Feng and said to Ren Xiao Lei: "Let's talk, how do you intend to solve this thing.

"This will then say ..." Ren Xiao Lei went down, and his fingers were placed on a piece of circle.

Li Feng looked up and launched a sentence: "Today's weather is really good."

Then ... the two don't talk, and the atmosphere in the scene is silent.

at this time……


"I have a spicy bar, do you want?"

"Hey, you must have ah, eat a spicy stroke, and enjoy the top!"

"Cut a watermelon, I took watermelon."

"The melon is taken again, this is not enough to eat ..."

"Peanut, eight treasure porridge does not?"

"Beer drink mineral water also gives it."

Not far away, Luo Tianzheng et al. Takes out a variety of essential artifacts to watch the lively, laughing, and a lot of lively.

Li Feng took out three black lines, and the feet rushed to them. One person visited them a chestnut: "Oh, Xiaoye's melon, you dare to eat? Let's play!"

Luo Tianzheng and others took the head to kneel down, and I got to say: "Boss, we are the action of consciousness ..."

"To the right, under the ..."

"Rely, the wool is conscious, you are interested!" Li Feng turned a white eye, then turned to Xiao Ling, he said before he and Xiao Lei: "It's not eating melon ... no, not talking place, let's change a place chat."

The voice falls, he seized Xiao Ling, and the right hand grabbed the bud, and flew away from the distance.

"Lao Luo, abolished Xiao Jiazhi, to deport them to Huaxia's task, give you, don't let me down."

The distant air came from Li Feng's shout.

I thought that Xiao Jiazi, who was nothing, suddenly issued a mourning.

"He just ignores me?" Xiao Lingya couldn't believe his eyes.

She feels that she is not even a beautiful woman. Li Feng should leave her, but Li Feng is so embarrassing, and she hasn't taken her alone?

So, is she still have to be abolished and revived, expelling Huaxia? !

When I think this is possible, Xiao Lingya is black in front of him, and the whole body is desperate.

Wang Sunhong is also very lost. Li Feng said that the kid did not tell him from his head to his end. He is also a grandfather of Li Feng. Is this really good?

However, he turned to think that Xiao Jia was killed, but Wang Sun's family was not involved, it was a lucky one ...

"Hey." Lao Luo et al., Laughing and laughing and walked to the Xiaojia people.

I saw Qiu Wei smiled: "The male leaving gold and silver treasure, women take off ..."

While talking, his pair of thieves look at Xiao Lingya, just like self-with perspective.

"Take off, take off your sister, there is a woman who looks at the boss!" Wei Bin rewarded Qiu Wei, attached to his ear.

"No, the boss didn't take the positive eyes." Qiu Wei did not believe.

"Are you still stupid? There are two parent tigers that have just been in this, the boss can show this meaning. You are not enough to die," Wei Bin hated the iron and said.

Qiu Wei took the brain spoon: "I rub, you said it is very reasonable, thank you, the old Wei, you saved me once."

The main owner is very good to the woman, nothing to do for the rush of the crown, if he puts Xiao Lingya, then he has to be by the main owner ...

I am afraid of it!

Xiao Lingya has been ridiculous, and the Miss this is the last or Li Feng's light? Oh, it is really ironic!

"Okay, work."

Luo Tianzheng turned to the neck, rushed into the Xiaojia people, burst of screaming ...


She was in Beijing, the unmanned corner of the forest park.

"What do you bring to us here?" Xiao Ling's uncomfortable and broke the embrace of Li Feng, and asked coldly.

"Cough, there are more eyes, some are not convenient to say ..." Li Feng said clearly.

"When you are embarrassed?" Xiao Lingzykhe said: "You all give my mom ..."

When I said that Xiao Ling, I closed my mouth, then she really can't export!

Li Feng's old face is red, did not dare to scream.

At this moment, the two hand of the buds: "Xiao Ling, I am free love with Li Feng, you have no right to interfere with my personal emotional problem, I will play me in the future, let's all the words!"

It is said that it is still not addictive, but also adds two words: "I am sauce!"

Li Feng: "..."

Xiao Linghe: "..."

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