Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1127, 1145, two words floating

Are all people who have been shocked? What is the 1000 super fire? 2 million!

Everyone looks for a few minutes!

The super tube of the tiger shark is alarmed!

This is said that this poem is in the end of the year, how do he like this to might? Before or a whiteboard, now it is already a 91st big ...

After a few seconds, the barrage flew up, chatting the box was brush, and all netizens cried and shouted to hold Li Feng's thigh.

Because this 1000 has a super fire, the heat of live broadcast has broken through 10 million, and the number of online people has skyrocketed to 100,000!

To know that it is a little more than a live broadcast of the live broadcast. This point can have 100,000 real online people, you can have a new line of frontline!

In the picture, even Liu Shi Han wear a mask, everyone still seeing she is a little crying.

Yes, Liu Shihan is really a little crying, it is a small matter, she can get it, and Li Feng actually personally finally, but also brushed out of 2 million.

How old is a good battle with a child, this money is asked?

While feeling fun, Liu Shi Han is still sweet ...

At this moment, the special effects of purple gold appeared again.

: "Oh, more money than me? You also match?"

Li Feng's mouth hooked a little laughter: "Don't accept it? Continue to brush, brush it to you."

"Okay, then I will make up the previous."

After the words were sent, 900 superfire was brushed in the world.

"Lying in the trough, the two might began to fight, this time there is a good show!"

"These wave gifts brush, can the beauty anchor can get 2 million? My God, envy and hate!"

"Ah, ah! Tianya brother, poetry wine year China brother, you also give me a gift, Xiaomei is a four, three-dimensional, is ... The room number is ... Love you, what? ~"

The netizens in the live stream were mad, and they were launched, and the popularity of the live broadcast was as rising as the rocket.

Before Li Feng came in, the heat between live broadcast was only 200,000, and only two thousand online people, only a recommendation in a righteous angle in the secondary page.

Now the heat of live broadcast has reached 20 million. Super tube has also arranged a home-by-reference room for Liu Shihan. The number of online people has broken through 200,000!

Liu Shihan naturally will not spend money to buy data, so the online online is not doped with any water!

This is entirely the level of top anchors! Places are all brand people!

"Hey, more than me more than the money? Silly X!"

On Beijing, a luxurious office, a young man dressed up, put down the phone, and spit the mouthpiece and spit the mouthpiece, and the evil.

His name is the only child of the property owner. Yu's real estate is a listed company, 50 billion market value, and the father and son have a 51% shares of the property.

Counting other property, Yu's father and son's body is nearly 30 billion Chinese currency, is a frequent visitor in Huaxia.

Without the pressure of survival, the business of the real estate has always been smooth, and the life of the power begins to boring.

Of course, boring is not meant to be simple, after all, I have lived every day.

Top private clubs, luxurious cars, beauty, when sitting in a private plane from time to time, such a life, such a life, no, no, no, no won, a cuisine.

It's just that life will become bored, and I haven't played before I want to play.

Sentimental time, I was addicted to a online game, and I took 20 million to go in, it became the whole district, not to hack people with brothers, just on the way of hacking people with brothers. Brakery.

Then he gave this value of millions of accounts to the wife in the game - a small net red, announced the refrigeration.

After returning, I found a new entertainment in the power - watching live, boating.

That kind of little money can make the female anchors called Dad's feelings really cool.

Just after playing, his large number will become a legend of the Tiger Shark. Every time I open the large number, I will cause a lot of sensation to jade.

This makes it hard to get boring, so he registered a new account, I want to play a pig and eat tiger, and then I have discovered Liu Shihan who just started doing live without a few days.

Although Liu Shi Han wears a mask, her temperament is too good, and he attracts his attention.

Originally, he thought more, then Li Feng came, Liu Shihan said to Li Feng, "Love you", in the bar, on the bar ...

After another, I took a smoking ring, I was fighting for the word: "I have brushed 1,000 super fire before and after, I've been pulling flat, then do you want to continue?"

He has already set up ideas, as long as this is called the poetry wine, he will brush 1000 super fire, and a stick will kill the poetry wine!

Two words floating in the sky: "Oh"

Then it is a superficial color effect x2x3x4 until the X2000.

Two thousand have a super fire, 4 million Huaxia coins, the foot is brush for nearly 10 minutes!

The netizens in the live broadcast are so stupid. Is this special? What is the sacred?

Also ... this should be a great god of the Tiger Shark platform for the shortest time?

If you need 6 million Huaxia coins, the poetry alcohol has already spent 6.1 million, and he is full of money in less than 20 minutes!

God is prostate!

Liu Shihan's mouth smoked, take out the mobile phone, start to give Li Feng information, express the meaning, don't brush the money, half of the money to the platform, she is all sad.

When I saw the information, Li Feng's mouth hook, I returned: "Nothing, I earn billions of pounds again this time. I said, for poetry and civilian baby, I will not stop me!"

Liu Shihan: "???"

That is to know that Li Feng is not the kind of person who loves to brag, or Liu Shihan will definitely take the nose, tens of billions of pounds, how much? Liu Shihan's head is not enough ...

However, Li Feng said like this, she seems to be so distressed, my heart is still a little excited?

"Hey, arrogant! Too arrogant!"

Yu Li was smashing a cigar and waiting for a joke. As a result, Li Feng has been in the 2000 consecutive super fire, and he will throw the cigar on the spot!

"Made, compared with me, is it, line, Laozi is satisfied today!"

After angered, I took the mobile phone to play the word: "2000 hair? It is a bit mean ..."

After the purple gold special effects dissipated, it directly brushed 3000 superfire.

After brushing, I smiled and smiled and said: "More than you have a thousand, you look at it."

After the two worked hard, after 5,000 super fire, the room was exceeding 50 million, and the number of online people was more than 400,000.

Several online front lines are not live broadcast, the special trip with a bunch of water friends to see the two gods.

The room of the room is high, and the number of online people is also rising, and it can break the room of the tiger shark's room.

Just then, a system prompt sound rang in the Li Feng's brain!

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