Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1128, 1146 Tiger Shark Platform

"This time is the task, will it be related to anyone?"

Li Feng is confused, and then said "View".

"Task: Tiger Shark Platform First Perside"

"Task Objective: Be the first God who has opened the Tiger Shark platform, leaving a legend in the live broadcast world. If the task fails, the host 10 million system points are deducted to punish."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 10 conquer points."

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Is it so unfair to the system publishing task now?

If you spend money, you can complete the task, you can get the experience value and system integral reward, lying trough, system, you are now getting more and more casual!


I like!

Because I don't know much about the might experience in the live circles, how much Li Feng doesn't know the first gods of the previous gods, but 5 million system points exchange into Huaxia coin is 5 billion.

Li Feng estimate, can you complete this task without spending so much money?

After exiting the system, Li Feng began to fight: "Brush Super Fire is not awkward, you have to play, let's brush the fireworks, how?"

When the sword of the sky, Li Feng looked at the giftball, and found that there is also a more expensive gift - Shengshi fireworks, 100,000 Huaxia coins.

This Shengshi fireworks are launched in the 6th anniversary of the platform to celebrate the platform, and they have been widely praised by the majority of anchors since the launch.

Unfortunately, the high price of the gift will make the vast majorcasts to see the bloom of the Shengshi fireworks in their live broadcasts. It can only go to the top anchor or to find a video on the Internet.

In Li Feng's view, 100,000 gifts are good, 100 will be 10 million, if you brush the super fire, you have to brush 5000, even if Li Feng's hand speed explosion, you have to brush a big one, too trouble .

"Shengshi fireworks? Lying, do you want to play so big?"

"The cattle is forcing the cattle, it is a sense of arrogance, and it is not meaningless."

"Shengshi flames is good, the effect is too fried, and the whole live broadcast is a good firework!"

"Ah, I also want to show the fireworks!" The top female anchor of a tiger shark began to brush the screen.

"Hey ... Little Fish, there is a Tuhaxy to brush 10 Shengshi fireworks before the day before yesterday?"

"Hey, what is the mood, look down on us, always?" The name is Shenhao! "

"Is that I can always be called Large Hao? That is the total humiliation, it should be called the Shenhao! Tiger Shark first Shenhao!"

"You said that there is a total vest?"

"This is not possible!"

A netizen has made statistics, and the Shengshi fireworks have been launched in three days, and a total of 20 gods have been brushed 99 times, one of which is the total number of expenditures, reaching 30 times.

And this is also a goddess of the new rise in the Tiger Shark platform in recent months. It is quite a trend to become the first god of the tiger shark.

Tiger Shark's Shenhao is then then there, and today I will bounce out two open numbers. Netizens will naturally be known to their association.

I was very proud of the mouth of the mouth of the mouth.

The Tiger Shark platform still has a lot of rich in playing, and it is also a power of the United States in the rich in a rich man.

This is not a virtual name, but there is a real benefit. For example, the female anchor is a good value, the body is excellent, the voice is also very sweet, and there is no shortage of navigation, but no one can be a pro.

Yu Li's head of the first God of Tiger Shark, three days in the live broadcast of the small fish, before and after the front, I lost 5 million, I finally gave a fish on the day before yesterday. , Take the small fish.

After winning the little fish, I feel that I didn't taste it, and I have built a small number to find an interested female anchor.

"Well, the Shengshi flames brush up more energetic, how much do you want to brush?" Yu Force field.

At this time, the sky floats two Zijin big words: "You guess?"

Then I saw a beautiful fireworks on the screen.

Shengshi fireworks X2X3X4 ......

The netizens in the live broadcast already have immunity to the two Shenhao's big hand, but when the Shengshi flames are brushed to 50, the netizens can't sit.

"Lying in the trough, is he not to brush one hundred?"

"How much is a hundred? Which hanging netizen is coming? I am now chaotic, I can't come out."

"Wipe, it is a tens of thousands of big brothers! You can buy a good house in Beijing to buy a set of sites!"

"Ten thousand ... poverty limits my imagination ..."

Under the brush of the netizens, the Shengshi fireworks quickly went to 100, just when everyone thought that the poetry liquor was stopped, the speed of the digital change was accelerated!

"The trough, it has been more than 100, how many of him is going to brush?"

"Come, I bet, I bet, I gambling the poetry, the year, the big, the big, more than 500, is there anyone?"

The next netizens have published their own opinions, most of the netizens do not believe, but there are two netizens to play.

A user called 'I will say "said:" 500? That is 50 million, no matter what others believe, I don't believe it! If he really brushed more than 500, I lived in the scene.! "

A netizen called "Your Dad is dead" said: "I don't believe it, he wants to brush more than 500, I live in the electric fan!"

"Two upstairs, I have already saved evidence, I look forward to two performances."

"The same screen, look forward to it."

Because of the two netizens' bets, everyone is more high for Li Feng. The expectation of the fireworks.

As the number is close to 500, the netizens in the live broadcast are nervous, and the power in front of the screen is more tight, and it is necessary to breathe.

Because 50 million is a limit for the force, he should carefully consider the problem that the value is not worth it!

Every time I am looking forward to, the number behind X finally came to 500!

Netizens in the live broadcast are crazy!

500 Shengshi fireworks, 50 million Hua Xiaoxin, just brush it out, this poem wine is not a boss of the tiger shark?

"Lying in the trough, is I witnessed history?"

"50 million, the poetry wine year Hua Da is the first of the tiger sharks!"

"The cattle is forced, I am excited, I am shaking!"

"Ah, ah! Poetry wine years, I started your little fans from now on!" The female anchor named small fish directly set off the pomegranate skirt, worshiping under the jeans in Li Feng.

Not only the small fish, the number of female anchors are all privately confident, but they are crazy asking for care. This is a goddess, just hold this thigh, make money, become famous or dream?

"The two gambling buddies have just been present now!"

Users "I will smash" exit live broadcast ...

Users "Your Dad is dead" to exit the live broadcast ...

Everyone: "???"

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