Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1132 Medical man

"It seems that Liu Shi Han should be no boyfriend, and the person who is taking out the 100 million gift for her is one of her pursuits?"

"If I gave Liu Shihan to the blind date, wouldn't it be the front of the poetry?"

Yu Force, the brighter, he swear in his heart, today must be successful, and you will take Liu Shihan!

"Hey, you are, I am, I have heard your name for a long time, your academic ability is the first in the industry, I am your fan!"

When I went to Liu Zhengdong, I took out the most ended attitude to Liu Zhengdong.

It is undeniable that the imperial conditions are very good, once the attitude is correct, it is easy to give people feel good.

Liu Zhengdong carefully examined him for a while, secretly nodded and laughed: "It is my granddaughter Liu Shihan, she is a lawyer, you have two good talks."

"Good Liu Grandpa." Yu Li smiled, turned to see Liu Shihan: "Miss Liu, I am very glad to meet you."

Liu Shihan sighed and said with the hands: "Hello."

After the two sides met each other, they left one by one, and they entered the dish.

Liu Zhengdong is nothing elite for eating this piece, and the steak eats, and eats a nest, just click on a soup.

Liu Shihan is very like food, but the other person is not interested in people, nature is also interested, just click on the two dishes, put the menu to the power.

Yu Liyi only two dishes and one soup, I am not happy when I am.

How is it, look down on us? This meal is not enough to be around 10,000!

Thinking here, Yu Li's self-propelled point for four hard vegetables plus a few bottles of famous wine, the price of this meal is directly over 200,000.

Opposite, Liu Zhengdong brows, he doesn't like to lay a waste of people, but it has not been shown. After all, it is the first time, the other party value is normal.

The kung fu of the vegetables, the atmosphere is leading at the wave.

Yu Bo is in the mall, the ability to drive the atmosphere is first-class, under his lead, the atmosphere is very good.

Liu Zhengdong is also an old head, no matter what you want, you will not show it, and it is very enthusiastic about the wave.

It is just that the protagonist of the blind date, is a bit plain, which is a bit of strength, which makes it feel uncomfortable.

At this time, I asked Liu Shihan parents in the wave. Under normal circumstances, parents helped the children of Zhang Luo, very little grandmother helpers.

Of course, Yu Bao has learned from the introduction person, but in order to find a topic, he asked.

"The parents of Shi Han are biologists. At present, they have been scientific in a biological laboratory in the country. They have signed a 10-year contract with this laboratory." Liu Zhengdong said with a smile.

"Ah!" In the wave of the wave, it was surprised, and he did not understand why they signed the contract, with your position in the Chinese academic world, are they not better? "

The force is also attached to the head.

Liu Zhengdong shook his head and smiled: "The biological science of rice is too much in China, especially in genetic editing technologies, they can learn most advanced technology in Miki, and can better serve the country."

Listening to this words, in the Buffes and sons, the two of the two: "Mr. Liu, the husband and wife, is a model!"

"Good one month, their contracts have expired, our family can finally reunite." Say that Liu Zhengdong looked at Liu Shihan, flashing in the eyes, looking forward to the color.

I nodded in the wave, "If the poetry and men can find the intention, the poetry will find the temple of marriage, then your Liu family is not a double happiness?"

"Hahaha, I hope so, but this is a poetry and me, I can only look forward to it." Liu Zhengdong said with a smile.

"Yeah, now it is not in that year, it is a marriage free. Let's do the elders can't intervene, but you can advise." At the point of the wave, I went to the front: "From a father's point of view, I am poetry Chan is very satisfied, if it is a force to marry the poetry and men, it is definitely the luckiest thing in this life! "

Yu Li's face is red, storing: "I think so."

Seeing, Liu Zhengdong laughed, no matter what, his granddaughter is praised to praise a happy thing, isn't it?

The intermediary of this blind date is the old colleague of Liu Zhengdong. They have worked in the University of Online. After retirement, they have often gathered together, and the feelings are very good.

However, there is a lesson of the last time to spend the flower city, Liu Zhengdong is also a survey, and the results of the investigation are also in line with his expectations, and then this time.

Liu Shihan is slightly changed, no .

Before she came, she could pay a good job, first deal with this blind date, back, said that it is not suitable, grandfather can't force her to agree?

Yu Big son said, Liu Zhengdong, this smile is very deep, is it to explain that he is very satisfied?

Just get Liu Zhengdong, it will not be far from the distance, Liu Shihan!

"Shi Wan, what is your usual?" Yu Force ready to use iron.

Liu Shi Jian wants to say: "Read the book, travel."

"I also like to read the book and travel. You do you usually like to travel. Let's go to travel next time?" Yu Li hit the snake.

Liu Shihan extruded a smile: "Well ... Let's talk again."

Yu Li listened to the meaning of the perfunctory in Liu Shi Tsai, the heart is slightly uncomfortable, but it is still smiling on the face: "Travel is really a matter of planning, then let's talk about something else."

Although Liu Shihan feels very bored with the strength, it is said to be polite or say: "What?"

"What type of man do you like?" Yu Force asked.

Liu Zhengdong does not talk to the wave, they want to create an environment in which young people enhance the feelings.

Liu Shihan sinks for two seconds: "Man who is medical skills?"

Yu Li: "???"

Yu Bo: "???"

Not ... What is the man who is a doctor? Do she want to say art men?

I thought that Liu Shihan said in a smile: "In fact, I have some research on art, I ..."

"Mr. Don't misunderstand, I am talking about medical skills, exactly is a Chinese doctor." Liu Shihan has directly reduced the scope, which should be able to break the fantasy? "

Liu Zhengdong's face is weird, he has a kind of premonition, and Liu Shihan said that the man who said, is it ... Li Feng?

In fact, he is very good for Li Feng, but it is a pity that Li Feng has a non-married wife ...

Yu Li is a little bit, if Liu Shihan said something else, he can still have a set of herself, but the Chinese medicine does not work, and if there is no system, you can't say that you are Chinese medicine.

When the face of the wave suddenly became gloomy, as a business big crocodile, how would not hear Liu Shihan? She is not interested in power!

Just as the atmosphere was almost solidified, knocking on the door sounded, then a low boy voice came: "Do anyone need TCM services?"

Everyone: "???"

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