Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1133 I am an extremely excellent Chinese medicine

Not ... Chinese medicine service? Is the Star Fashion Restaurant now starts providing Chinese medicine service?

We are not a patient, give us a wool Chinese medicine service? !

However, Liu Shi Han just said that she likes the man who likes medical skills, and some people have to knock on the door. If there is any service, it is absolutely not as simple as it!

"Li Feng?" Liu Zhengdong turned his head to the Liu Shihan, and asked a face.

Liu Shihan nodded, and the face was geek: "It is him."

"Liu President, you know the outside people?" Asked in a surprise.

Liu Zhengdong is a little bit: "He is a forgotten year, but I don't know why he will come here."

It nodded in the face of the wavefront color, and then turned to the force.

Interchange between the eyes, the father and son have reached a consensus, and then the smile: "Since it is a long friend, then let him come in."

"For the right, the friends of Liu, the grandfather is our friend, I will ask him."

The voice is falling, and it will get up to the door to open the door.

Outside the door, Li Feng, who is walked in a white slim suit, smiles, smiles: "Hello, my name is Li Feng, is an extremely excellent Chinese doctor, I am very glad to meet you."

Yu Li's mouth is slightly talented, and it looks at Li Feng.

Not ... You are an extremely excellent Chinese medicine, have you give your face on your face?

"Hello, I am, my name is the executive vice president of the real estate." Yu Li is not a jumble, and after the short-lived, I will put my hands with Li Feng, and start a self-introduction.

Don't say that you are an extremely excellent Chinese medicine, even if you are the holy, can you have to have to have a second generation?

"Yu Shi Real Estate?" Li Fengbei picks up, then play taste: "Sorry, I have never heard of it, or you tell me what is doing, how big is it, or tell me directly, or tell me directly Assets in home? "

Yu Force first, it was anger from the heart.

Made, you said that he is an extremely excellent Chinese medicine. I didn't let you take a closer introduction. You are excellent, Laozi said to be a real estate, you start, isn't you?

OK, is this? That Laozi will introduce it to let you envy!

"Cough, Yu Shi ..." Yu Li just blew himself, Li Feng suddenly wiped him into the private room: "Liu Lao, what are you here?"

Yu Li: "???"

No ... You haven't seen me to talk, is it so embarrassing?

If he had to express a gentleman in front of Liu Shihan, he will pull Li Feng back, let Li Feng listen him to hear himself!

At this time, Liu Zhengdong also stood up and greeted Li Feng. "I really want Mr. Li since the flower city. I have never thought of meeting in this way, really a bit surprise."

"I thought that my appearance would make your old man scared, but it's just a surprise." Li Feng said half joke.

"You are a little." Liu Zhengdong, ç Li Feng, and some of the mouths smile.

Something, the feelings of the father and son are more strong.

Although Liu Zhengdong retired, his person is still there, if it is not in Beijing, but other cities, Liu Zhengdong is definitely a big figure in the city.

How many talents have been cultivated for the country? Liu Zhengdong, this predecessor, as long as the arm will receive how many people support? This is the energy!

Therefore, hundreds of billions of family of Yu Bao should also be old and old in front of Liu Zhengdong, and talk about it.

It is very casual in front of Liu Zhengdong, and Liu Zhengdong is not intentionally, it looks still very happy ...

What is the relationship between them? Li Feng really is just the doctor is so simple?

"The poetry and men have seen Mr. Li." After the Liu Shihan, Li Feng, after Liu Zhengda, he looked a little bit, in fact, her heart panicked.

It's finished, I have to discover her blind date by Li Feng. How do Li Sum will think of her, will she think that her behavior is a betrayal?

"Miss Liu is beautiful when I meet last time." Li Feng said with a smile.

Liu Zhengdong is picking up, although this sentence is praising the poetry, it is slightly light ...

"Thank you, Mr. Li praises, you are more handsome than when you meet." Liu Shihan said.

Liu Zhengdong: "..."

Yu Biki: "..."

Not ... this is still touched each other, is it interesting to think?

"Miss Liu, what are you doing?" Li Feng glanced on the audience and pretended to ask.

Liu Shihan's mouth is tense: "We ..."

"You let me guess ..." Li Feng interrupted in time, touched the Look at the time, hit a knot: "You are opening a classmate party, right?"

Liu Zhengdong: "???"

Yu Bi Dai Double: "???"

Not ... , have you seen two old two less classics gatherings? Classmates, age gaps so big?

are you crazy!

Liu Shihan wants to cry without tears. She knows that Li Feng is in this mocking, it is over, Li Feng really is angry!

"Hey, let you lie to me, tell you that you are in the gathering party, let's know that I am so powerful?" Li Feng gave Liu Shihan.

Liu Shihan is so dead, how can she forget this skill?

Sure enough, there is no military strong, some skills will degrade.

"I ... I don't want to be like this ... In short ... I ..." Liu Shihan explained with the sound.

"Okay, you don't have to explain, I understand, I don't blame you, just kidding you." Li Feng was afraid that Liu Shihan was in a hurry, and quickly relocated.

Liu Shi Han is dark tone: "Well ... In short, I will explain it again later, now you tell me what you are doing."

She is afraid that Li Feng makes what is not rational, and then tired in the father and son, then it is big.

Li Feng rushed Liu Shi Han grinned, and the sounds said: "Put relative!"

"Ah!" Liu Shihan screamed.

Liu Zhengdong followed the father and son to see a face, not, you will still have two eyebrows, and suddenly exclaiming? !

Yu Force, I couldn't stand the heart, standing out: "Mr. Li, I am coming to the Poetry, if you don't have other things, can you avoid it?"

"Blind date?" Li Peak is surprised, and then the face is ugly: "Do you make a mistake, the poetic and men have a boyfriend, how can you know you?"

Yu Force first, I went on: "How can you say!"

"I have no nonsense, because I am a boyfriend of Poetry." Li Feng turned to the head to see Liu Shihan: "Shi Wan, what are you right?"

Liu Shihan: "..."

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