Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1135, 1153, do not suffer, not afraid of thunder

On the side of the way, I wanted to listen to Li Feng and Liu Zhengdong. However, when they didn't hear it!

At that time, the father and son were angry. This is unscientific, and there is no one meter from Liu Zhengdong, they should not hear a word!

Where is the Presbyake I know that Li Feng had a real air barrier in the surrounding cloth ...

After a few minutes, Li Feng finished the words, withdrawing the real air barrier, then watching Liu Zhengdong, his faces kept changing, and spit out a touch of violent road: "What are you talking about?"

Li Feng nodded and died: "Of course, if there is a hypothesis, I will let Li Feng will let the thunder, I can't die!"

Liu Shihan's consciousness is to go to Li Feng's mouth, but he is stopped by Liu Zhengdong.

What happened? As long as Li Feng does not lie? Not afraid of being lost!

On the contrary, if Li Feng is cheated, hey, he only wants to get a little bit when thundering!

Li Feng is aware of Liu Zhengdong's ideas, will feel it.

What happens to say that he also saves Liu Zhengdong's life, is there such a savior?

Liu Zhengdong silently, spit out a turbidity: "These words are just your words, how do I know if you are lie?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and the heart said that I have died, you still don't believe me, then what I just didn't happen?

"This is the passport I got in ST. ST is a husband and wife, this should be clear." Li Feng took a passport and handed it to Liu Zhengdong.

Yu Big son's face is forced, the feelings of Li Feng have thought of this, he is to set the idea to have a few more?

Liu Shihan is also a misty water. She really didn't know that Li Feng actually got the ST passport ...

Liu Zhengdong took a passport, suddenly the brow wrinkled: "Isn't you become a cooking?"

Huaxia does not recognize double nationality, Li Feng has achieved ST passports, and must not have nationality of Huaxia, and Liu Zhengdong is a very traditional Chinese old man. He does not want his granddaughter to marry a ritone.

The Big son was attached to the side of the blessings, and the two were turned into the head by Li Feng. I didn't dare to continue with Li Feng.

"I haven't said to you before, I have a way to get ST passport while having the nationality of Huaxia." Li Feng blinked and laughed.

Many members of the shadow of the dragon have double or even triple nationality, this is a need.

Although Li Feng exits the shadow of the dragon, but with his relationship (head), let the faucet help a double nationality is not easy to add?

"Okay, even if you can get double nationality, how do I believe that you can let the poetic and me ..." Say it, Liu Zhengdong looked at the father and son, put the back, swallowed back.

Yu Big son is busy a look at the sky, pretending that you don't exist ...

"Lao Ge, you can rest assured that we will forget all our conversations when they will leave." Li Feng laughed.

Liu Zhengdong: "???"

Yu Bi Son: "???"

Not ... you should not try to kill? It's also a poisonous point, we haven't heard the information!

"Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"Oh, oh, oh!"

The two of the blessings shouted with a plan, strongly expressing their own desire.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Don't excite you don't excite, I don't want to kill you, which is to let you lose some memories with hypnotism."

Liu Zhengdong is a big Zhang, Li Feng actually does this?

Yu Bi Son is slightly peaceful, no matter what Li Spring will hear, as long as you don't kill them ...

"Poetry, you come to the old master to show the ability to respect the respect." Li Feng turned his head to Liu Shihan and smiled.

Liu Shihan is shocked: "Really, make sure I want to do this?"

The two of the blessings heard a mist, , can you eat?

"Well." Li Feng has focused on nod.

Just now Li Feng tells Liu Zhengdong, but also this, but he also said that the benefits of becoming a martial arts, such as prolonging life.

Among them, Li Feng deliberately mentioned that Liu Shi Han is already a peak, at least 150 years of life.

Like Liu Zhengdong, this traditional elder generation, general reasons can't be said to be in love with Liu Shihan, love with other women.

Only by subverting the three views of Liu Zhengdong, let him know that he has a super-departure capability that he has a super officer, it is likely to agree!

It turns out that Li Feng's approach is correct, and the attitude of Ji Liu Zhengdong is not as determined as before!

"Good." Liu Shihan nodded, and then the body was suspended in half.

"Ah, yeah! Ah!" Yu Li's horror pointed to Liu Shihan in the air.

"Ah, oh, oh!" Yu Bao is also a face.

Liu Zhengdong's mouth is big, full of shock: "My God, this ... this is amazing!"

"I saw the old man? This is one of the ability to sustain the peak, the empty flight."

"In addition, the Supreme Strong can do a lot of people who are unimaginable, such as email, picking leaves, hard-resistant missiles ... Hey, routine warheads should be."

Li Feng said finally, with his inferior, the Supreme Strong, the hard anti-conventional missile should be no problem, but he did not try, so he did not dare to be 100% affirmation.

The more you loudly of the blessings, the brighter, my day, the respect of the strong, is so hanging, it is better than the superman!

"Of course, the most important thing is the great increase in life, and it is a bit of a problem in 150 years old. It is also very likely that 200 years old is very likely. If the realm is improved, life is even 500 years old!"

Li Feng once again focused on the matter of life.

Liu Zhengdong nodded and didn't come again.

"Wow wow!"

"Ah, yeah!"

Yu Big son crazy took his finger with himself, and then made the meaning of please.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "You also want to be a strong force?"

Yu Bi Son is a crazy nod, lying in the trough, such a hanging thing, how can they not want? They are willing to take out half of the property to change the opportunity to be the power!

Li Feng turned over white: "Oh, no door!"

The two of the blessings were covered with the chest and suffered this crit.

Just as quiet in the private room, Liu Zhengdong suddenly sounded a ringtone, his face was slight, and took out the mobile phone.

After a minute, Liu Zhengdong is a drama, "Jinghui they have an accident!"

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