Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1136, 1154, deceived!

Li Feng noodles micro-change: "What happened to Liu Shushi?"

Liu Shi Han said before, her father is Liu Jinghui, and her mother is Xu Fei.

Liu Shihan is more nervous: "Grandpa, what happened to me?"

Liu Zhengdong put down the mobile phone, and the face is ugly: "You look at it yourself."

After that, he handed his mobile phone to Liu Shihan.

Li Fenggang went to see it together, listening to Liu Zhengdong said: "Li Feng, there is a smoke, come."

Li Feng first glance, then smoke out.

Liu Shihan face color micro-change: "Grandpa, you have quit smoking for many years ..."

Liu Zhengdong is more than five years because of the problem of heart problems, and if you smoke it, isn't it former?

Liu Zhengdong Zhang Zhang did his mouth, and finally waved his hand: "I have to take the smoke and cool, and the poetry, you will let Grandpa to break once."

"Shi Wan, what do you forget? What do I do? Since the father wants to pick it up." Li Feng advised himself.

With his ability, don't say smoking, even if you take the drug to take the drug, Li Feng can also save Liu Zhengdong.

Liu Shihan nodded: "Yes, I almost forgot you, then you have to give your grandfather."

After I finished her, she looked at the phone.

Waiting for Li Feng to help Liu Zhengdong put the smoke point, smoke, Liu Zhengdong's face finally recovered a bit of normal.

Li Feng is temporary, and it is busy looking at the mobile phone around Liu Shi Han.

Look at the interface, this should be an email, the sender is Liu Jinghui.

The email is very long, about a thousand words, Li Feng's ten lines, soon, I will know what the letter said.

According to the contract signed with the Trudley Biological Laboratory, the two will leave from the laboratory in the laboratory in accordance with Liu Jinghui.

Just a week ago, they had submitted the departure application to the laboratory. I hope time will come, they can leave it normally.

However, the person in charge of the personnel department of the Trudley Biology Laboratory has put forward extremely demanding conditions, requiring them to continue to engage in biological research work after returning to China, nor can they reveal them in Trudley Biological Laboratory. Work content.

They must sign a new confidentiality agreement with Trudley Biology Lab. If they violate, they must not only compensate for 10 million dollars to the laboratory, but also bear criminal responsibility!

This week, Liu Jinghui couples have been negotiating with Trudley Biological Lab, and the process of negotiations will make Liu Jinghui's husband and wife feel less optimistic.

In order to prevent accidents, Liu Jinghui's husband and wife specially write this email and set the timed transmission function. Every day they will turn the time to post the time. 24 hours.

Once they lose personal freedom, then this email will be sent automatically!

Now Liu Zhengdong has received this email, indicating that Liu Jinghui couple has lost personal freedom!

"Made, this bullie is too big!"

Li Feng is anger, what kind of laboratory does not have to sign the Overlord Agreement with people, but also control the personal freedom of others, can you be more shameless?

Don't say that Liu Jinghui's husband and wife are his future father-in-law, even if they are just strangers, it is also Li Feng's compatriots!

Li Feng didn't know if it was, and he must manage this.

"Li Feng, have you have to bring them back from the rice?"

Liu Zhengdong threw away the cigarette butt and asked.

Li Feng is in the face, just talk, listening to Liu Zhengdong said: "As long as you can bring them back to Huaxia, you with the things of the poetry ... I am right! The ideological work of Jinghui couple, I will do it!"

Li Feng: "Do you have no jokes?"

What is the simple solving? I rely on, is my father? Is it too small to see him?

Liu Zhengdong is slightly changed: "Is it difficult? If there is a danger of life, even if I will not do this kind of victim."

He just listened to Li Feng to describe the power of the martial arts, and he didn't have a close you. Naturally, I didn't know if this mission was difficult to Li Feng.

Moreover, Trudley Biology Lab is the official support of rice. The security level is very high. The average people can't even get the door, let alone break through the heavy blockade to bring people back to Huaxia.

Although he is worried about the safety of his son's daughter-in-law, he will not sacrifice his life.

Li Feng urged: "Lao Master, you don't misunderstand, this matter doesn't have anything to me ... Well, it is still a little difficult, but it is not difficult."

"I just want to ask ... If I am making it, should your elderly people will repent?"

This matter may be very difficult to do in Liu Zhengdong, but it is simple to say that Li Feng is, it is a way to transfer, and then the group is transferred back, nothing more than consumption system points ...

Such a simple thing can solve his lifelong events, it is more cost-effective!

But he can't say it too simple, don't you subdue it?

"You can really do it? It is to follow the old rice army ..." That said that Liu Zhengdong looked at the father and son.

Yu Big son is almost tearful, Nima, so long, they finally have a sense of existence!

"Nothing, they will naturally forget these things." Li Feng played.

Yu Big and son squeezed a smile that was difficult to cry, this kind of feeling is not as good as the air!

Liu Zhengdong nodded and continued: "In short, there is a heavy soldier around Trudley Biology Laboratory, and there is also a very strict security system internally ..."

Li Feng shook his head: "Nothing, security for me can also enter the unmanned environment."

Liu Zhengdong is a big Zhang, and he can't say a word.

Yu Big son is also a face, and I feel that Li Feng mouth is big.

Liu Shihan said: "Grandpa, Li Feng can, I believe him!"

For Liu Shihan, if anyone can save her parents, then Non-Li Feng is!

Liu Zhengdong has changed several times, and finally bite his teeth: "In this case, then I will please, wait for you to come back, I will do the work of Jinghui couple!"

Li Feng nodded: "Let's behave!"

"Hey, host, you have new tasks, is it immediately viewed?"


"Task: Speed ​​Rescue"

"Task Objective: Travel to the Trudley Biology Lab, find Liu Jinghui's fallen, rescue their battles back to Huaxia, and all copy of the research information of Trudley Biosury Laboratory, handed over to Dragon Soul."

"Task Reward: 5 million experience value, 10 million system points, 100 conquers points."

After reading the task, Li Feng is a little bit, not ... The system also added the task to him? Saving Liu Jinghui couples are finished, but also copy the research information of Trudley Biological Labs ...

"Don't be too late, I will go to Mi Country now. Before this, I will solve them first."

Li Feng smiled and looked at the father and son, Yu Bi Zi suddenly scared the faceless ...

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