Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1137, 1155, one way

"Liu President, since the poetry and men can't see the dog, then we don't bother, say."

Yu Bao Liu Zhengdong arch was arch.

Liu Zhengdong's mouth is slightly, I don't know what to say.

"Hey!" Yu Wai Liu Zhengdong did not take care of himself, the face is sinking, with the power sleeves.

Liu Zhengdong is a face!

Just now Li Feng lies in the forehead of the Buffet and said, said a few hypnotic terms, and Li Feng left the private room, and woke up in the blessings, and said a word.

So they are not only cleared, and have been revised some memories?

After a minute, Li Feng pushed the door into the private room: "They are gone?"

"Well, left ..." said the complexity of Liu Shi.

She also saw Li Feng showed this ability for a while.

Li Feng nodded and smiled: "Well, then I will go to the country now, and I will bring my uncle aunt before."

Liu Shi Chan is slightly changed: "Hey ... It doesn't matter slowly, you must pay attention to safety!"

She is afraid that Li Feng is too impatient to make her parents who are sinful, with white to add a lot of risks.

Liu Zhengdong also advised: "Yes, just guarantees that their safety, there is no relationship between time."

Li Feng does not understand what they mean, when he will play: "I will meet the machine, you can rest assured."

The voice falls, Li Feng hugged her before Liu Shi.

Liu Shihan is stiff, secretly looked at Liu Zhengdong, Liu Zhengdong cough and twisted his head.

Li Feng immediately went to "front", he closed a eye, there is no one, no more ...

After hugging, Li Feng is in the wind and is easy to swear, and turn around and leaves the private room.

After coming out of the star restaurant, Li Feng found a unmanned corner, and the body flew, all the way to Dongfei.

Since Liu Shi Han and Liu Zhengdong persuaded him to be safe, then he does not waste system points, after all, in Beijing, Trudley Biological Laboratory, there is more than 10,000 kilometers from the distance, with his flight speed, 5 hours It is also flying, and he can use this time to develop a plan.

And the space transfer is 1 km to consume 100 system points, this is more than 1 million points, is there not good?

Of course, this is not the most important reason. It is important that Li Feng is afraid that he left Huaxia, Lu Long finds it to go to the door, keeping a space transfer can let him catch back.


5 hours later, Li Feng broke more than 10,000 kilometers away from the sky in HSD.

The Trudley Biological Lab is named after name, where the place is the suburbs of Trudley.

According to Liu Zhengdong, Liu Jinghui has rented a house near the laboratory. They live there in the work time. Li Feng decided to go there first, put the things that can take it into the system with the system with the system. There is no time when the two are walking.

According to the address of Liu Zhengdong, Li Feng quickly came to Liu Jinghui's husband and wife.

At 12 o'clock at NY time, Li Feng found a unmanned corner to land, and used the stealth to go to the door, observed with perspective.

At this point of view, Li Feng joined the heart, I saw an abnormality in the room, everywhere was thrown on the ground, just like a thief.

However, Li Feng knows that the family is not a thief, but wearing two white people in the security uniform!

"Jack, there is no valuable thing here, report to the headquarters."

", don't rush to report, I think we can still find it again."

The white man named Jack turned out of a few ladies in the wardrobe, and he smelled in the nose and said.

"Rely, Jack, do you have this good?" Jason asked in a contempt.

Jack smiled and played: "Don't you think Xu Fei is very taste?"

Jason neatly nodded: "There is really a taste, and Dr. Xu Fei has a unique temperament of oriental women, and she is very good, not like a woman in four years."

"So, don't you like to collect a few pieces of Xu Fei's clothing?" During the speech, Jack would put the closeness of the clothes in his hand.

Jason feels that Jack said it is very reasonable. In the moment, you will learn Jack to collect a few pieces of Xu Fei passing through the clothes.

"I said ... What are you too shameless?"

Just then, a ridicule sound loudly in both people.

The two people shake, and they took a full shock gun and took the muzzle to the direction of the sound.

The other two is surprised that there is no such thing as an empty, even a personal shadow!

On the occasion of the two, the two shouldered it was taken, and the two were scared to turn the trigger.

" "

The housing fell on the ground and made a burst of jokes.

When the bliss bomb was finished, Jack began to breathe the gas.

In fact, this time two people are still in the state of illness, their eyes are still no focal length, blurred in front of them.

Just then, the light sound was again sounded again in their ear: "Is it too much to shoot at home in someone else? If you can't die, you can't help you!"


Jack and Jason were played back later, then the two came back like a wall like a wall.

When two people stood stabilized, I felt a flower in front of it, and a figure was standing in front of two.

"Hey ..."

Li Feng opened two hands, and a grain yellow Chengcheng fell on the floor.

Jack two people look at it, and suddenly the face!

The dead, that is a one-piece warhead!

They have just played two Safari bullets, all were composed of this Huaxia man in front of him?

This person is terrible, he is a devil!

"Be a self-introduction, my name is Li Feng, from Huaxia, I want to pick up two elders." Li Feng shrugged and played.

Jack two people face each other, I don't know what to say.

Li Fengbei picks: "As a response, do you want to be a self-introduction?"

"I ... we are ..."

Jack Zhangzhao, but was directly interrupted by Li Feng: "Forget it, or ask you to answer. Are you a Trudley Biological Laboratory?"

Jack Face Micro - change: "We are not!"


Li Feng is in his face: "Writing on the clothes, dare to lying."

Jack covered with cheeks and cry without tears!

Nima, since you have seen anything, this is not an interrogation of the prisoner, even a male is a woman, you can see it!

"Second question, what are you coming here?" Li Feng asked.

Jack sinks for two seconds: "Dr. Xu Fei's personal clothing?"

Li Feng: "???"

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