Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1140, the thief is not dead

"I ... I don't, I just worried that the information is damaged, so copy one in advance, I will not take it out." Nick forced himself to defend himself.

"Yes?" Beapped in the hipper and turned to the staff: "Do you have other information backups in your lab?"

"Well ... this ..." The staff looked at the Nik, no sound.

As a laboratory person in charge, Nick's authority is unquestionable, he does not dare to speak.

"Oh, that is, there is still." Besson is cold, look to Nick: "Now I have been arrested by the captain of the super bureau, you have the right to keep silence, you can also say something casually But I think you have to stay in prison for a long time. "

"Give him me!"

The voice falls, and the two sunglasses behind him have to catch Nick.

Nick scared and raised his back: "The owner saves me!"

Besson and others are amazing, but the owner of the gossip, Nick has a relationship here? !


At this moment, a sigh sounded in the void, and immediately appeared in front of Beapong and others.

Besson color changes: "Who are you?"

One person can quietly appear in front of him, what does this explain?

Swoid is impossible, and there is no stealth in the super bureau, so this person must be hiding in the room, may be under the desk, or the curtains may be behind.

But in any case, he did not find the breath of this Chinese people. The other's realm is likely to be above him!

"Who is not important, it is important that I want to greet your Stairs Director's whole family." Li Feng came to Nix, and played.

The last super service, Rretan and others jointly smashed to the Dragon Soul, almost let Shen Ziyan Xiang Yu Yu, Li Feng can remember.

Bei Song 2 seconds: "I thank the Secretary for Trieton."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Is this guit? Xiaoye greets the whole family of Rretan, you specialize for Thank you for your specialty? Have cat cake!

Ok, maybe the Mi people don't know how to greet the family is a swearing ...

"Mr., is you a friend of the Director of Reretton?" Besson asked.

Li Fengbei picks, ridiculed: "When you talk to me, can you take a hand from the mouse?"

Besson has changed, and now you have to click cancel, but his actions are fast, and Li Feng's movements are faster.


A true fire, directly break down the fingers of Beusong, broken bones, and blood in the blood!

"Ah!" Bei Song screamed, a burst of retreats came to two hands under the body, to put them forward, then he ran.

This is a shield under your own!

The two men are very exciting, but they are pushed by Beneu, this huge force is not only they can resist, the two can only rush to Li Feng!

"Interesting." Li Feng shook his head, quickly got out of the two fingers, and at the same time, he came to Besson.

"Do you think you can run?" Li Feng juggled in both hands, and lifted his foot to the small belly of Beneu.


A sudden sound, Besson was kicked directly by Li Feng!

At this time, the two arrogances out of Li Peak also penetrated the two hands.

In the blink of an eye, the three strong people of the super bureau fallen!


The staff turned over white, then two eyes closed in the ground, and fell to the ground and twitched a few times, spit the white ...

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "This is scared, and the psychological quality is a bit bad!"

"Master, you are really too powerful!" Nick's eyes flashed and worshiped, and said.

"The things that shoot the fart are slow, you first see if the information is copied." Li Feng is busy to interruption, he doesn't want one such a fan.

"Yes, the owner." Nick's face, went to the computer, watching: "There is still 5%."

"Well." Li Feng nodded, then asked: "What is the study of Trudley Biological Laboratory?"

Just now Li Feng has asked Nick's things about T virus. It is similar to him. The T virus is a virus that can stimulate human body, which will lose a part of ration, become a virus who only listening to some people's super warriors.

Different, this virus is not contagious, and it will make others become a super warrior.

At present, the study of T virus is close to the end, as long as you find a suitable ratio.

Li Feng is concerned that such a large laboratory cannot only study the T virus, will there be more terrible than T virus?

"In addition to the T virus, this laboratory mainly studies the manufacturing of the anti-virus, ceiling, stagnation, flu ... and so on by editing DNA."

With Nick's story, a horrible picture has emerged in front of Li Feng, and he saw the human purgion!

"The research information of this laboratory, where is there back up?" Li Feng Ding, asked.

Since I know what this laboratory is doing, Li Feng wants to destroy all of these research materials!

"The server of the laboratory underground, as well as the server of the superior headquarters building has backup." Nick thought about it.

Li Feng faces micro-change, and the laboratory underground five-layer server is easy to destroy, and the server headquarters' server is a bit troublesome.


"System, do you have any way to destroy all the information in the server's headquarters server?"

Li Feng asked.

"Yes, but need to consume 10 million system points." The system replied.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Do you need to consume so much points?"

"There are a lot of strong people in the superior bureau, and the consumption of 10 million system points can reflect the value of these strong people." The system replied.

Li Feng: "... well, for the world peace, this 10 million system points I have been!"

At this moment, Li Feng himself touched himself, 10 million system points, exchanged in Hua Xia curian is 100 billion!

But now it is not a hand ...


At this moment, the copy was completed, and Li Feng was plugged into the system backpack, and the Nick met: "Take me to find Dr. Liu Jinghui."

After that he used to use the stuff, he walked at the five layers of Nick to the laboratory.

As a laboratory person, Nick is unimpeded to have a room in one room of the 5th floor.

The two security people who guarded the door first gave Nick salute, and said that the face was weird: "Director of Nick, Zhane's captain just went in, he did not let others go in half an hour."

Nick 50th: "Damn, Shawn actually not dead to Xu Fei's thief ?!"

When you come out, the surrounding temperature drops!

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