Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1141, 1159, no sense

The two security people at the door couldn't help but play a cold, and then whispered: "Rely, who suddenly opened the air, neuropathy!"

Nik is slightly changed, and he has already felt this before this temperature change. It is not the reason for the cold air, but the owner moves with killing: "Open the door!"

Two security people face the color: "Director of Nick, Shawen captain gave us a dead order, no matter who came, you must wait for half an hour to go in,"

"Yeah, that Xu Fei is a prisoner who is going to be sent to Brighton prison. Director Nick is not necessary for her to conflict with our Shawen captain?"

Although Nick is the person in charge of the biological laboratory, the security department does not directly belong to the laboratory, but is attributed to the Supermanship Management.

On the general problem, Nick can be made to them, but when they are related to their interests, they can react to the super bureau, let the super bureau come to Nick talk to Nick.

Sean is a formal member of the Supermanship. Nick now does not break the good thing for Shawen Captain now?

So this door can't open.

"You ..." Nick said something more, suddenly heard the emotion of Li Feng: "No, you are waiting here!"

Nick 50mallow: "Okay, I will give you a face!"

Two security people have seen the eyes and ridicule inclusions from the eyes of each other.

These researchers may have strong scientific research capabilities, but there are not a few bones.

At this moment, Li Feng has already used the wall into the room behind these two security personnel.

This room is not large, only 20 square or so, in addition to the bed, there is no matter what other than the toilet, it looks very void.

Such a small room, the bed and the toilet can naturally be too far, the living environment is very bad.

It is such a small room, but it stands three people, wearing the white big man of security uniforms, and the two of Liu Jinghui, who is wearing white coat.

Liu Jinghui's appearance is a look of intellectuals, wearing golden glasses, stabbing, and bottom upside down a scientist temperament.

And Xu Fei ... To be honest, if you don't have this white coat, Li Sum will think she is a lady.

She is exquisite, high temperament, nunna, elevation beauty, it seems that it is more than 30 years old, and Liu Shihan seems to have six or seven points, really a very attractive woman.

More importantly, Li Feng smelled a familiar taste from her, which is the taste of Liu Shihan!

No wonder Jack wants to collect her personal clothing!

At this moment, Liu Jinghui is alert to the front of Xu Fei. Xu Fei is only pale, but the look is still calm. If you look at her eyes, you will find a strong man, it is already What decision did it.

"Use suicide to threaten me? Interest." Shawn shook his head smiled: "However, you can't work, because I have the ability to control you before you commit suicide, you can try it."

In this case, Liu Jinghui couples together!

Just now, Xu Fei made a threat with suicide, so that Shawn stopped the advancement, so her gaze will have a firm color.

They thought that Shawn would be difficult to retreat, and I have never thought that Shawn doesn't care about her to commit suicide!

Shawn shrugged and smiled: "I haven't worked now, I feel that this kind of thing is to be happy, what do you think?"

Xu Fei face changed: "Hey! Who will be with you, I don't even know anyone!"

Shawn first, I went angered: "How can I, I am a security captain Sean, we will meet every day, how can you not know who I am?"

"Is there?" Xu Fei Xiu Xiaobai wrinkled, followed by shaking his head: "Sorry, I am in scientific research, so I really didn't pay attention to you."

Sean only felt that he was hit by millions of points.

Made, he is also a person in the laboratory. In Xu Fei's eyes, there is no sense of existence? Is can't bear it!

Li Feng in the state of stealth is that the rid of the ridiculous, the mother of the poetic and men is very set. This murderey is not inferior to Ren Xiaole.

"Call" Shawn spit out a turbidity, yin said: "Since you have said this, then I have nothing to say, although I am not your love, I will be somewhat is not perfect, but life is not one after another. Is it perfect? ​​"

"In any case, Dr. Xu Fei, you are really charming, I am fascinated by you from seeing your first eye. Now, I will finally be able to pay for it."

This words, Shawn but didn't lie. He is indeed a love for Xu Fei.

However, before Xufei is a research personnel in the laboratory, it is still a woman in the husband, and Shawn is arrogant and can't be moved by Xu Fei.

Now Xu Fei has become a prisoner, soon it will be sent to Brighton prison, Shawn has no scruple, you can do it.

The voice is falling, and Sean will walk to Xu Fei.

"Jinghui, let's do a husband!" Xu Fei said to bite his tongue.

Liu Jinghui faces grief, and it hates the sky!

Shawn's face is slightly changed, and the body flashes to rush over to prevent Xu Fei.


A sudden sound, Shawn flew out faster than the time, hit a sudden sound on the wall.

At the same time, Xu Fei only felt that the body lost his strength, even the movement of the bite could not be done, and the heart was shocked!

At this time, a calm voice sounded next to her ear: "Auntie, don't be afraid, I am a boyfriend of the poetry, I will save you."

Xu Fei: "???"

Liu Jinghui: "???"

A boyfriend who is a boyman, is there a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell them such a big thing? !

Outside the door, the two security people have heard that the back colors have become weird: "The captain of Shawn is too fierce, this is quiet ... Hey."

"After all, it is the first beauty of the laboratory. If it is my words, it is estimated that than Shawen captain will be fierce."

After finishing, the two smiled, everything was inhere.

In the room, Li Feng is currently shaped, and Liu Jinghui, the couple, wake up from the state of force: "You ... you are a male man ... boyfriend?"

"The young man is very handsome, the poetry and men are good." Xu Fei got up and down Li Feng for a while, laughed.

Li Feng's heart is happy, laughs: "Thank you Xu Xu praises."

"This death, who is you?" At this time, Shawn climbed from the ground, and shouted.

"Uncle Auntie, I first resolved this baba first." Li Feng rushed to Liu Jinghui couple apologized, turned to see Sean: "I will stay in your life is to tell you, this is my Liu Shushu and Xu Ayi Who dares to hurt them, Xiaoye makes the man die without burial! "

The voice is falling, Li Feng raises his hand is a punch.


A loud noise, Shawn root does not have to respond, and the strong feelings will be broken!

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