Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1142 High Bomb

Liu Jinghui: "???"

Xu Fei: "???"

No ... a punch to explode, the future son-in-law is a fist? When you die, you will die.

Because Li Feng scruples have the feelings of the two, this punch is more complete, and the flesh and blood in the moment of Shawn exploded.

This scene looks shocking, but it is not bloody.

"Uncle, aunt, is this enough for you?" Li Feng turned around and asked seriously.

Liu Jinghui nodded and gentle, people were dead, they must be unbearable!

However, this guy is so fierce, in case of the quarrel with the poetry, the poetry is not ...

Xu Fei nodded and said weird. "It's really quite aper, but ... are you really a boyfriend? What is your name?"

"My name is Li Feng, Auntie calls me Xiao Li or Xiaofeng. I am really a boyfriend of the poetry, I am here to save you." Li Feng is very polite.

Although Liu Zhengdong agreed to help him make Liu Jinghui's work, but the iron still needs itself, and if Li Feng does not perform well in front of Liu Jinghui, is it aimed at the initiative?

"Hey ... Are you working in HSD?" Liu Jinghui asked some questions.

The time when he sets the email is NY time at 7 o'clock in the morning, although he didn't see time, but in his feelings, it is not in the afternoon.

Li Feng arrived here so soon, in addition to itself, will there be other possibilities outside HSD?

"No, I am from going to Beijing, um ... exactly said that it is flying, I know that you are hard to understand, but I do will fly, because I am a martial art."

"This will be difficult to explain it in a time, wait for me to bring your safe back to Huaxia, I will explain it to you, do you?"

Li Feng said with a business tone.

Liu Jinghui looked at Xu Fei, Li Feng's words were a bit of their three views. What is the martial arts that flies over?

Two two of them have been involved in scientific research, don't say that the martial arts is only a few talents know, even if they are called, they can't call several.

At the time of the two people, Li Feng's ear moved, he said: "People outside find us, we must leave here as soon as possible."

Although the sound insulation of this room is very good, Li Feng has just turned too much, and the two security personnel at the door still discovered.

However, the effect of has not been released, Nick has dragged two security personnel, temporarily they will not come in.

Of course, if they can't enter, it doesn't matter. He just didn't want to kill people in front of Liu Jinghui.

While talking, Li Feng took a missile article from the jacket pocket.

This item has a long one meter, with a diameter of 20 cm, it looks very much!

This thing is the high-explosive bomb that he spends 100,000 system points. It is equivalent to the mother of the bomb, enough to destroy the entire laboratory, and the high temperature produced can kill all the viruses!

If Li Feng uses martial arts, it can also destroy the laboratory, but it is hard to say that it can kill the virus ...

So in order to prevent it, Li Feng bought this high-explosive bomb.

Liu Jinghui couples are fascinated!

No ... How long is the meal, how can Li Feng come out from the upper pocket, Dora a a dream? Is he?

This is the three views that are subversited by Li Feng, which completely collapses it ...

"Well ... If I say that I will change magic, should you believe?" Li Feng said slightly.

He has a storage space, Liu Shihan knows, Luo Tianzheng and others also know that more people know more.

However, things that are not in the store are not three words, and Li Feng can only be paid to the past.

Liu Jinghui shook his head, and Xu Fei shook his head.

What is the might of magic? Is this what the magic can come out? Are you stupid?

"Oh ... well, this is really not magic, what is it ... I will explain it with you."

The voice landing Li Feng wants this high-explosive bomb, and then uses the upper group space to return to China.

Just when I started, Li Feng suddenly thought of a question ... He must tell Liu Jinghui's side effects of space delivery, or the two people have gone, but still don't fight with him?

Even if you don't fight with him, the two will have a resentment to him. When he is not Huang with Liu Shihan?

Thinking of this, Li Feng's face said: "Uncle Auntie, I have to talk to you ..."

In the moment, he tells the things of space transfer.

Then Li Feng said: "I will prepare clothes for you. After the end, I will throw clothes on the ground, and then leave, you can rest assured that you can do it."

Liu Jinghui's husband and wife nodded, they now have completely embarrassing, can only listen to what they listen to Li Feng ...

Seeing, Li Feng is dark, then the detonator on this high-explosive bomb is pressed.

After pressing the detonator, it will explode after 5 seconds, and Li Feng has waited for 3 seconds before opening the group space transfer.

A white light flashed, Li Feng's three people disappeared from place, followed by ... The high-explosive bomb on the ground fried!

A huge fire rushed, huge explosion shock waves bombarded the wall of this room in a moment, countless crushed block burned, gasified in a dramatic high temperature ...

Then it is next, down, one again ...

The power of the high-explosive bomb produced is really not covered. In just 3 seconds, the explosion shock wave will cover the entire laboratory.

If you look from the outside, you will find a fire from the bottom of the ground, the laboratory is quiz, and then disappeared in the fire sea.

The Trudley Laboratory, all of the fires, a variety of viruses that brought huge disasters to the world to destroy ...

Trudley Lab has become a history, until a certain day, this frightened, anger history will be unveiled, let people around the world know this horror truth ...

Huaxia, Shangjing, a five-star hotel presidential suite's bedroom.

A black crack appeared in the air, then a pair of hands opened this crack to force, then Li Feng came out of the past, throwing two sets of clothes, said: "Uncle Auntie, I will give you this, I will go out and make a call. "

After saying that Li Feng got out of the bedroom, took the door to the phone and dialed Liu Shihan's phone: "Hey, Shi Wan, I will bring your parents back."

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