Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1143 is too easy to eat too much

At this moment, it is two o'clock in the morning of Beijing, but Liu Zhengdong's home is the lights, and Liu Zhengdong is coming back in the living room. Liu Shihan holds a mobile phone sitting on the sofa. It seems to have some soul.

At this moment, the ringtone suddenly sounded, and Liu Zhengdong stopped to see Liu Shihan.

Liu Shihan is a shock, pick up the mobile phone and look at the eyes, and it is awen: "It is Li Feng to play!"

"Pick up, open the hands-free!" Liu Zhengdong came to Liu Shihan and said.

Liu Shihan nodded, and the phone was turned on after deep breathing, and prescribed: "Hey, Li ..."

"Hey, Poetry, I took your parents back." Li Feng came from the phone.

Liu Shihan is shocked, and it is all over the whole body.

Liu Zhengdong first stunned, then the face of the madness: "Do you ask him? I can't believe it."

Liu Zhengdong's voice is shaking!

Liu Shihan nodded and asked again to deeply breathed mouth, and asked: "" â Li ... "

"It's true, your parents are in bed now ..." Li Fenggang wants to say that they are wearing clothes in the bedroom, and they will swallow back to the mouth.

Wipe, Liu Shihan should understand what he is saying, but Liu Zhengdong is not necessarily, or not to cause any misunderstanding: "They change clothes in the bedroom, the clothes wear dirty, uncomfortable. Waiting for them, let them Say with you. "

I heard it, Liu Zhengdong finally believed that Li Feng did not lie to him, and a big stone in his heart fell. A mobile phone who took Liu Shihan said: "It's good, Li Feng, you are too good, I thank you. , I agree with the things of the poetry, I will do my mother's work! "

Listening to this words, Li Feng is essay!

Rely, do you want this result? This is true this evening, he is really white!

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Liu Shihan (4) task completion, task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquer points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, the speed rescue task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5 million experience, 10 million system points, 100 conquers points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience: 5802 million 10 million

System score: 169 million

Conquer point: 2680

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

"Very good, leaving a breakthrough in the world."

After reading the personal property, Li Feng quits the system.

At this time, Liu Jinghui, who wore clothes, walked out of the bedroom.

"Is it true here? God, everything is like a dream."

Just now, Xu Fei has seen the outside night view through the window, and found that it is the hometown of her thoughts, and the dead escape and returning home. This excitement has not been described in words.

"Yes, Xu Ayi, it is indeed in Beijing, you go home." Li Feng went to Liu Jinghui to Liu Jinghui: "Give Liu Laosians and Poetry to report a safe."

Liu Jinghui's trembling passed the mobile phone, unsurely said: "Hey?"

This word let the Liu Shihan crying on the phone: "Dad, you finally come back, hey ..."

Liu Jinghui has a painful color, and it is busy comforting: "Your hoe, I am not coming to your mother, cry? Don't cry, happy, from now, our family can live together."

Xu Fei also came over and said: "Yes, the poetry, happy, don't cry, I will go to you for a while."

Li Feng smiled, and he was slightly envious.

If there is any sentence, a family is a whole, a whole, a full talent, is a happy family, and he ...


After a few minutes, this pass phone finally ended. Liu Jinghui walked out of the suit in Lee Feng's leadership, and went downstairs to play a taxi straight to Liu Zhengdong.

After half an hour, a family finally met, naturally a scene that let Li Feng enjoys ...

After a long time, Liu Zhengdong found Li Feng who was "cold".

"Li Feng, this time, thank you, thank you, I don't have much to say, you will talk to Jinghui couple now." Liu Zhengdong came to Li Feng, so he said.

"Hey ... I don't have to be so anxious, Liu Shushi is just coming back with Xu Ayi ..." Li Feng is sinking, and even a little guilty.

He is afraid that Liu Jinghui couple will know when he is ...

"My Liu Zhengdong has always been a sputum, and this is not too late, you can rest assured." Liu Zhengdong knows that Li Feng is worried about what, when you take a chest.

Liu Jinghui's husband and wife have a little doubtful, can Li Feng have a happiness with the poetry? Didn't they already know?

At this moment, Liu Zhengdong told Li Feng's feet about two boats, and then Liu Jinghui had a fascination.

Not ... Is there such a thing in modern society? If you feel pain, they have to think that I am dreaming!

Fortunately, Liu Zhengdong is a master, very majestic, Liu Jinghui couple just questioned it, he began to say Li Feng's original original that originally said it.

Not only that, Liu Zhengdong also said that he was saved by Li Feng. You were also saved by Li Feng, Xiao Zhi's emotional, and finally finally convincing Liu Jinghui couple.

Li Feng junkly gave Liu Zhengdong with his thumbs up in his heart.

After all, Liu Jinghui's husband and wife are intellectuals, or the science is born, that logic has nothing to say, Li Feng is telling them, it is feared that it will be by himself.

Regardless, after convincing Liu Jinghui couple, Li Feng is set up with Liu Shihan, and then Li Shan will find a chance, then disclose Song Yujun and Su Wei's things.

I have to eat a bit, so too much to eat too much.

Because the time is already too early, Li Feng also went to the Dragon Soul, although Liu Zhengdong retreated, he still found an excuse.

After the Liu family came out, Li Feng dials the phone of Shen Ziyan and said things in Trudley Laboratory.

Shen Ziyi is very interested in this, plus it for a long time, I have not seen Li Feng, I miss it, let Li Feng hurried to her residence.

At the same time, the other side of the earth, the Tri-Board Headquarters, because Trudley Laboratory has been blown up.

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