Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1144 This is a war!

"Damn, who can tell me how this is something ?!"

The Superman Director Rretun Bains slammed the desk and shouted.

In front of him, the four deputy deputy director of the Superman, Kevin Brend, Norman Michael, Donald Salas, and the long-term members of all the brigades are low, and the silence.

Trudley Biology Lab is fried, all staff have no escape, they still don't know who is dry, this is a huge shame for the super bureau!

Even if I last with Shadow, I was just two deputy director who was caught the left arm.

Although the loss is equally heavy, at least people are still installed, and the strength does not fall.

And the opponent is a powerful dragon soul, which is also the same.

The Trudley laboratory was bombed, and this laboratory was a laboratory of focusing on the top support, with great strategic significance.

In particular, the laboratory engrabs the biochemical warrior research project, which is very popular. For this, it also specializes in the super bureau to open a meeting, and it will focus on the security situation of the laboratory.

The Secretary of Rentton said that the chest was taken. He would definitely guarantee the safety of the laboratory. If the security issue has leaked, he will see it.

Write in the ear, today's laboratory is blown ...

No one has to happen!

Just as the atmosphere was close to the ice point, the urgent knockout sound suddenly sounded.

Ratton Bains brow wrinkle: "Who ?!"

"It is my director, I have important things to report!" A nice woman voice came from outside.

This woman is Ruth, which is the secretary of Retton Bains.

Rectun Bains is slightly: "Come in!"

" "

The door opened, a white woman wearing a black dress, black stockings, and foot on the black side of the black side.

She has a golden wave long hair, the gorgeous face, the body is very explosive, high heels are tapped on the ground, " ", just like being tapped in everyone, it is very difficult.

Just Kevin Bray and others know that Ruth is a woman's woman. They are even if they are still difficult, they can only be tight, and they don't dare to have other ideas.

The emergence of Ruth makes Rretton Bains have a little smile: "How is it, what is it?"

"Well ..." Ruth looked at other people, and he would say.

Reden Bains knows her meaning, when you waive: "They are the core of the superior, there is nothing to avoid."

With the level of Ruth, she does not touch any confidential information. The people in the office are members of the large captle level, the confidentiality is higher than the dew, Rretton Bains is naturally not afraid of Ruth. Be heard by these people.

In this case, he may wish to take this opportunity to draw a person.

Kevin Bray and others have a touched color, so that it is really touching or false, then only they know.

"Yes." Ruth nodded, then said: "The server in the bureau was attacked, and some of the information was completely destroyed."

"What ?!" The Ratton Bains Face has changed: "What information is it?"

There are many confidential information in the superior server, and some are unique information. If these materials are destroyed, the loss of the super bureau is too big!

Just the security level of the superior server is the top, even if the top hacker wants to invade, it will trigger alert, and then the programs hired by the superior high-paying will take the other party to go out in the shortest possible time.

This time, there is no police, the information is directly destroyed? Rretton Bains is somewhat can't believe.

"Research materials of the Trudley Biological Lab." Said the whispered.


Ratton Bains is tumbling, murderous!

The Trudley Biological Lab was blown up, and the backup research data stored by the Superman Headquarters server was destroyed. These two things must be the same person!

Others are also anger. They joined the Super Board for so many years have not been, Mad, they must find this bastard, then take him into smashing!

"I pass me command, everyone immediately puts down the work of the hand, and fully find the people who blow the Trudley Biology Laboratory and the person who destroyed the server information!"

"Guys, this is a war, the super bureau must win, have you understood it ?!"

Rretun Bains shouted.

"Understand!" Kevin Bray and others responded, then turned to leave the office and started to convey the command of the Director of Reutton with the fastest speed.

Soon, the "gear" "screw" on this huge material is all mobilized, it is like a chariot, vowing all the people who dare to provoke the superior bureau!

Huaxia, Shangjing, a house of a villa in a certain place.

Ending a round of cultivating Shen Ziyan leaning on Li Feng should said: "Calling ... Although the process of cultivation is very good, there is no real world to improve the improvement."

Shen Ziyan now especially missing the feeling of flying around Li Feng. At that time, Li Feng was still a super-level, and she was respectful.

Now Li Feng became a half-time, she has been carding in the supreme peak ... Let her have a little more sensation to completely control Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and quickly comforted: "When I step into the king, you can break through."

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye: "When will I wait? That's more, I don't want to be with you, I want to be higher than your realm, so you can't do my things."

Li Feng's mouth is tensive, and it is said: "Hey ... I don't dare to do things, I am sorry."

"Yes?" Shen Ziyu smiled, pinching Li Feng's chin: "What do you talk to me, what did you do during the Y country?"

Li Feng faces slightly changed: "Do you know?"

Those things made in the UK have not intended to hide, but they have not come to Shen Ziyi.

Shen Ziyan turned over white: "Hey, Y is a Chinese psychian doctor, and has created a company with a beautiful company to sell Osweil products. This news will not pass our dragon soul."

Contact the above two points, plus Li Feng said that he wants to go to Y national treatment, if Shen Ziyu can't guess the person is Li Feng, then she don't do any purple dragon.

"Cough, this is what I originally intended to tell you ..." Li Feng's heart is imaginary, it will tell him from the head to the end from the head to the end.

"It's late, I am angry, but it is not a way to solve it." Shen Ziyu's eye is turned, smiles and tastes: "As long as you practice ten times with me today, I will forgive you."

Li Feng is first, then the heart is hot ...

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