Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1145 Legend of the man

Waiting to 10 times of cultivation, it is already noon next day.

Even if the two are very hard, Shen Ziyan's realm is still in the supreme peak, which makes her very depressed.

Li Feng hit a depression in Shen Ziyan, and the taste smiled: "Don't worry, I have a lot of Tian Ma Dabao, and the stone, as long as you work hard, you will always step into the semi-god."

The voice is falling, and he took out some of the Tianwei Dioli and the lathe, and he placed in front of Shen Zi.

After seeing these things, Shen Ziyan's eyes were bright, then she became a change, "I have a bad guy, since you have these good things, why do you have to give it to me early?"

Li Feng "" smiled and said: "I am not afraid that you don't want to cultivate with me after seeing these things ..."

Shen Ziyan first, then turned over white: "How do I feel that I have not cultivated my cultivation?"

The meaning of this, and the small expression of Shen Ziyan, let Li Feng are hot again.

"Stop, don't mess, this is noon, I still have anything." Shen Ziyan got out of Li Feng's intention, and quickly stopped.

"Hey ... What can be more important than cultivation?" Li Feng said something else.

"A group of new members of this afternoon should be reported that I have to go to the dark face." Shen Ziyu put on the purple shuttle skirt, said lazy.

"This is ..." Li Feng nodded, then took out the mobile hard drive: "The information is in this, you bring it back to the ends."

The clearance of cultivation Li Feng has told him that he saw him in the Trudley Laboratory, and the next thing can be handed over to her.

Shen Ziyan looked at him, and his eyes took a turn: "Don't, you follow the past, by the way to the child."

"I am going to class?" Li Feng pointed to his nose, and asked in a face: "What lesson I gave them, I am not a member of the dragon soul."

Shen Ziyan picked up Li Feng's clothes, and he lost his hand. This said: "There are a few genius in this person, it is very arrogant, I need you to tell them what people have a day outside the world."

Li Feng sinking for two seconds: "... go to the special dragon soul dream?"

Shen Ziyi's mouth is pushing: "Not so exaggerated, it is to let them not be too arrogant, so as long as it is planted."

Li Feng nodded, considered the meaning of Shen Ziyan, but ...

"Why didn't you experience this time when I join the dragon soul." Li Feng wore clothes while talking about the doubts in his heart.

I remember that when he joined the dragon soul, Jiang Yunzhu found him directly, and later introduced the dragon soul, gave him a card and added a small book.

"You are coming in behind the door, can you follow these members selected through the layer?" Shen Ziyu twice, slightly displays.

Li Feng: "... ... is a purple!"

In the laugh, the two came out of the villa, and Shen Zikai drove to Li Feng to the headquarters of the Dragon Soul.

One hour later, the two came to an entrance of a training school in Beijing.

This training school is a school that provides professional skills training for social youth, such as opening excavators, car maintenance, how to make a delicious crayfish ... and more.

However, this is just a look, and its real role is to bring new members to the dragon soul. Here you can learn to drive tanks, airplanes, and even submarines, and learn how to use food to assassinate alone.

What hassic skills, multi-language, hypodegenesis, camouflage, are also routine training subjects of this school.

When the two Dragon Soul B members of the school, I saw the driving of Shen Zikai, and quickly saluted, and then quickly opened the door.

After Shen Zikai, a foot vent door, Mercedes-Benz big g rushed into the school gate.

"It seems like a man on the car."

"Self-confident point, put 'seems to' remove it."

"I rely, who is the man, can you sit in a car with Zilong?"

"You don't know that Zilong has a Lord that has been famous? If I guess, the person is the legend of the man ..."

"You said ... Li Feng ?!"

"Yes, it is definitely him, he has come, today has a good show, but unfortunately, we can't go in and watch the show ..."

"The few guys who have to fall in love with Zilong, afraid that they have to be critted by 100,000 points ..."

Two security people at the door, you speak, say that Li Feng is long, and it is yearning.

"Is I am famous in the Dragon Soul?"

Even if the Mercedes-Benz big G has already opened very far, Li Feng also listened to the ear of two security personnel at the door.

The legendary man ... one sentence, just put his mystery, powerful, to tell the truth, Li Feng also likes this styled.

"Oh." Shen Ziyu turned a white eye and did not speak.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Is it so difficult for your man's excellent?"

Shen Ziyan, this chick, just want to press him ...

"Well, you have indeed a big name inside the dragon soul." Shen Ziyu smashed, some creating.

Since Li Feng and Xiao, Zheng, Lei Sanyu For a war, the legend about Li Feng is spreading inside the dragon soul.

One of the 20s of the twenty, put into the early days of the gods, and where they are all looked up!

"Hey, are you very proud of me?" Li Feng asked.

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye, but she rushed to the true thoughts on her heart.

After a few minutes, Mercedes-Benz Grand G came to the sideline behind the teaching building. At this moment, nearly 2,000 Dragon Soul Reserve members of the college uniform were already.

On the chairpers, the faucet is to the end of the world, Ren Cangsheng.

The arrival of Mercedes-Benz Gri has attracted the attention of all the people, especially the reserve members on the mid, I have long been looking forward to the legendary purple dragon.

After seeing the purple shadow on the driving place, some of the interested interests of some men have been thoroughly improved.

When I went to Shen Ziyu, everyone finally saw her face with the long phase, and she was excited.

Then, Li Feng walked from the car, and then he walked to Shen Ziyu, holding his little hand.

In an instant, the air over the blood was solidified, and hundreds of killing eyes gave up to Li Feng.

If the eyes can homide, then Li Feng has been thousands of holes at the moment!

On the chairpers, we have seen each other in the world. How did Shen Zikai bring Li Feng? Let it bring it, how can I still have a love?

Is this show the occasion of Xiu En?

Just as the atmosphere was solidified, a big shout suddenly sounded from the crowd: "Zilong makes it, I want to launch a challenge to you!"

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