Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1146, let's go together.

Li Feng came to see, but someone who said that it was a young man who had two people. This man is very handsome, and the body has long, wearing a white dragon soul reserve uniform, is a face, looking at him. .

The first is a quiet, then it is a burst of sound from the crowd!

"Meng Chengwen, good!"

"This is what our recognized genius should be like, Meng Chengwen, I am optimistic!"

"Meng Da Shuai, don't you consider me? I am also very good."

"Meng Jiaxong, although I don't want you to launch a challenge for other women, but your behavior is very admired, come on, boy!"

In addition to the sound of the sound, there is still three or two or two uncommon sounds in the crowd: "Hey, Meng Chengwen, let you lead a step, I hope you can grasp this opportunity, otherwise ... I have to follow you. Grab the wind! "

"Hey ... Is this so anxious jump out? Also, let you first try the best of the other party ..."

"Intercourage! Even the other's identity did not figure out, jumping out, was spoken, and he didn't know if it was a gun, this kind of person did not match my Liang Hui's competitor."

On the chairpers, the four people in the world becomes weird.

They want to find a sharpness of the head to kill these reserve members, and have never thought that someone took the initiative to jump out, and the object is still Li Feng.

Hey, Shen Ziyan took a good time!

"I haven't seen it, I have no eye to jump out, do you want to teach him in the past?" Shen Ziyan hooked a smile of playing, and smashing a genuine barrier, whispered next to Li Feng Ear.

In the crowd, Meng Chengwen saw Shen Ziyu stickers in the ear of Li Feng, and there was an explosive of the embarrassment in the heart.

This is, the dragon soul of him, so that the man is close to other men, can't bear it!

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "No, then the kid is just the late post, I am going to be too bullying."

"Will n't, he took the initiative to challenge you, half of the gods, even if you kill him, no one picks out your problems." Shen Ziyan said.

"Don't you want me to settle their sharpness, why do you say so euphemist?"

Li Feng turned over white, killing people? Don't make trouble, this is the elite of the dragon soul. He will not really have any troubles, but they can remember him in the end.

"So do you want to cooperate with me?" Shen Ziyu exposed a spoiled little daughter, swaying Li Feng's arm said: "As long as you cooperate with me, then you want to do anything this evening."

Li Feng listened, suddenly became hot.

Shen Ziyi is different from Wei Yingqing, Su Wei, she likes to master the initiative in her own hand, which also leads to Li Feng with her, there is no way to practice.

With Shen Ziyan, can he be for what you want?

"Why, don't you dare?"

See Li Feng and Shen Ziyan to continue the end, Meng Chengwen's angry flaming.

He is a pride of Fengcheng Meng family, and the 22-year-old age stepped into the late posture. It is the most hope that Meng's most hopes to enter the respect in the year!

Speaking of Fengcheng Meng's family, in the Huaxia's ancient military border, the existence of the Bang family is the old name into the Shengde, and there are two of his brothers and sisters, and there are two holy.

According to the classification of the ancient Wu Shijia, Meng Jia is a proper large ancient Wu Shi.

Born in such a family, it is a military genius that is difficult to meet in a hundred years. Meng Chengwen's proud is imagined.

He joined the dragon soul. First, he wants to achieve the breakthrough of the help of the dragon soul, and the second is to the legendary red dismissal water.

Shen Zikin came to have the beautiful name of the first beautiful woman in the Huaxia, that is a high-top purple dress, but also a color that many men's warsenes are difficult to erase.

When the young and qi Meng Chengwen, I would like to pursue Shen Ziyu. As a result, I found that she had an object. How can Meng Chengwen can bear?

Must challenge!

"Remember what you just said." Li Feng looked at Shen Ziyi, and then standed out to see Meng Chengwen: "There is no darenness in the dictionary of Xiaoye, it is you ... no one I don't know," I have to challenge me, are you not having a brain? "

Meng Cheng Wenxin's anger value direct explosion table: "No bra? How do you teach you when you join the dragon soul? Who is the enemy? What is the identity is the 'two words!"

"Since it is an enemy, then if you want to do everything, you will fight him! So, what person is to challenge you? I just make sure you are the enemy that I am going to knock down!"

"well said!"

"There is a bone!"

"This is the discouragement of our Dragon Soul!"

"Meng Chengwen cattle force!"

The sound of cheering in the population.

In front of the crowd, several Dragon Soul's tutorial had three black lines.

They are so taught new students, but the enemy is different from the enemy, and then, they also said that they have to make an action plan after they have to figure out the strength of the enemy.

Meng Chengwen lifted Li Feng's strength, I didn't know, I jumped out of challenge, and I also said that Li Feng became my own enemy ... Meng Chengwen is afraid to know how to write about death?

However, the faucet has not said anything to the four dragons. They can only be able to see them. I only hope that Li Feng will not really kill the hand ...

Li Feng shook his head and spit out two words: "idiot!"

"Do you dare to humiliate me?" Meng Chengwen did not dare to believe his ears, long so much, no one dared to point to his nose, he was idiot!

"You think I am in humiliating you, actually I am just a fact." Li Feng shrugged, ridicuing: "You even have no clear understanding, you have to challenge me, what is it?"

"You are young people, I can't walk with the beauty, and I have a good force, I have to fight with the man around you, and the fastest to perform the task is your kind."

To the end of the world: "???"

Several instructor: "???"

Meng Chengwen and other students: "???"

No ... What is your young people, how old is it to tell you, do you not only come to 20?

"Since you come out, I will give you a class, let's go together." Li Feng took the front step and swept the audience.

Meng Chengwen brow microstruck: "Where?"

Other students are also a foggy, challenge him is not Meng Chengwen, where is "you"?

Li Feng arrived at the audience, ridicuing: "Yes, all the students are on one, otherwise I am not intended."

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