Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1150's Paradise with Qianren

For the idea of ​​going to the world, Li Feng is agreed.

The rules of the world have said that the end is the hardships who are hard, and most of the Chinese history is the first strong country in the world. Where is the first to reward in some ways? As long as you don't have evil like some countries.

In the process of great rejuvenation, Li Feng is willing to contribute a thin force, because he is the first of the Chinese people, followed by Jiu Huanzong, the world super rich ...

Besides, he still wants to make a dual nationality to the end of the world. Although this system can also get it, just like the ST passport he taken, but consumes the intensive points of an astronomical figure.

If you can save this part, why not?

The next time, Li Feng took out the mobile hard disk and carefully explained the evil behavior of Trudley Biological Laboratory.

After listening to Li Feng's story, I am excited to the end: "This is a good thing to pick up!"

Mo asked Tian and others nodded: "With these evidence, the dragon soul has reason to do it for the super bureau."

"Yes, let's take it into the joint investigation group, investigate Trudley Biology Lab, the super bureau certainly refuses. At that time, let's have a name!"

"The teacher has a famous teacher, and the momentum is different. Let's talk about this matter, they don't have to play the blood, I am going to find a super bureau trouble?"

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "Hey ... that ... Trudley Biology Lab has been blown up by me."

To the ends: "???"

Do you ask the day three: "???"

Not ... a big laboratory, Li Feng actually blows it? Is this fierce?

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye: "I think Li Feng is doing, don't blew it in the New Year? It is a place to produce countless sins, and there is more risk to the world."

"Ok, this thing you left, then took it to develop a plan, I invite a few days, nothing, don't call me."

After I finished her, she was going to pull Li Feng left here.

Mo asked the day to talk to Ren Cangsheng only feel that the arrow is worn, what can I do if you can do it? It is definitely to go with Li Feng.

Nima, chasing the goddess of so many years, was so arrogant by Li Feng, Heaven, earth, come to the sky, let him die!

"Wait a minute, I still have something to want to help the leader." Li Feng said with the things that he wanted to engage in double nationality.

To the ends, others are old foxes, Li Feng said this, they know what Li Feng wants to do, and their expression is very exciting.

With the best goddess like Shen Zikai, I still want to take a few more ... What do you look at Li Feng? What do you look at Li Feng?

"Don't help him, let him get itself." Shen Ziyan was in the next time, she also took out Li Feng's intention, how can Li Feng easy?

Li Feng's mouth smoked, even busy with the world: "You don't help me get this, your plan I will not participate."

"Reassured, packaged in me." After the end of the world, it is still a difficult color: "Since Purple disagree, I will do this big brother, I will have a big brother, Li Feng, you work hard."

Li Feng's acting is also getting, when you sigh: "Ok, then I think about it."

Shen Ziyan's face is suspicious, left, look at Li Feng to the end of the world, look at Li Feng, always think that the two PY transactions have been reached in private, but she has no evidence ...

"Okay, your fake, I am sure, play happy." In order to prevent it from exposure, I went to the end of the world, I was busy with "Borders".

"Hey!" Shen Ziyu snorted, turned his head, Li Feng gave a eye to the horizon, quickly chased the past.

When I went to Shen Ziyu, I wiped the cold sweat to the horizon: "Ziyan this temper ... There is Li Feng in the future."

Mo I asked the day to nod, but said that the two said with the sound: "Can you fight with Ziyi, have been grievances, and even?"

This sentence is finished, and the two will look at it, and then the end is unhappy.

On the other side, we love to the end of the sky with Luo.

"Where is our next?" Li Feng originally planned to go back from the training school, he went to Liu Shihan. He didn't think that Shen Ziyi did not let him. In the case of lacking, he can only continue to accompany the purple, but he will have Explain with Liu Shihan.

"Shopping, buy something." Shen Ziyu sat on Mercedes Benz G, and said.

Li Feng's mouth is slightly tensive, and there is no words.

"Why do you think it is incredible?" Shen Ziyan greeted him, and then smiled. "Don't forget, I am a woman, is a woman likes shopping shopping is not normal?"

"Again, I have been with you for so long, you haven't bought something with me. I don't care, today your wallet is to open for me, I want to crush you once!"

Li Feng smiled: "Reassure, no matter what you want to buy, I will buy it."

"Even if I want to buy the stars on the sky, will you buy me?" Shen Ziyu said a white eye.

"Hey ... If someone sells, I will buy it." Li Feng is also a small machine, finding the correct answer to this proposition.

Shen Ziyan sinks for two seconds: "Oh ... Men."

"..." Li Feng only felt that his career was critted by 100,000 points.

The perfect answer is so pale in front of the sentence in "Oh, Men"!


After an hour, Mercedes-Benz Grand G came to the most prosperous location of going to Beijing. The shopping malls here are more than, and you can think of the luxury brand of this street.

And the next block is to sell super-run, what Lamborghini, what Ferrari, what Aston Martin, Bugadi, and even Koni Sik are sold.

Even from the place where one kilometer is far away, there is also a private aircraft.

In other words, this street in the east is a man's paradise. The street of the west is a man's paradise.

This place is a paradise of rich people!

After coming here, Shen Ziyan's first stop is a luxury store, the first LV, after choosing a few limited package, Li Feng pays, two people take the package.

The second store, Hermes, Shen Ziyu is ignorant and unhappy, and go in a pair of men and women.

"Ah, Wu, Welcome to welcome, today you have a girlfriend to prepare for this store to buy something?"

After the clerk saw the men and women came in, he immediately greeted and asked.

"You take my girlfriend to see, I am sitting here." Wu Feiyu nodded casually, and then sat next to play the hand tour.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Shen Zikai in the distance, and suddenly looked down: "That ... no, I personally accompany your girlfriend."

His little girlfriend is an inexplicable thing with the clerk.

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