Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1151 This friend I will pay

Wu Feiyu is a rich second generation, and it is more famous on the Internet. Although it is a lot of arrivals than the famous national husband, it is not much different from the husband and husband.

Coincidentally, he is also a person who often changed his girlfriend. It often took a small net red and entered a nightclub yesterday. The woman around the next day will change people.

However, netizens understand his behavior, after all, people have money, no marriage, you are willing, no one can say, and give him a "speech" evaluation.

However, this kind of evaluation will be understood by people.

Wu Feiyu, this girlfriend is just the first two days, it is the three-line small net red, and after the exposure of Wu Feiyu, she advanced to the second line.

If you have a long time with Wu Feiyu, it is not impossible for advanced to the front line, so she wants her mind to hold the thigh of Wu Feiyu.

"Feiyu, you are so good to me, wood ~" Xue Ya also didn't care about there were so many people in the store, holding Wu Feiyu.

Wu Feiyu smiled slightly: "Good baby, pick it, what to do."

"Well!" Xue Ya's focus on nod, and then the bag was selected as the eyes of the eyes.

The surface of Wu Feiyu is accompanying Xue Ya to buy a package, but most of the attention is concentrated on Shen Zikai.

"I have such a beautiful woman, why don't I know before? I didn't know before, I was now known, then she can't escape my hand!"

Wu Feiyu greedy looked at Shen Zikai not far away, but whispered.

The beauty of Shen Ziyan is not only those net red faces, and her body is not those who can fill the surgery.

It can be said that there is no beauty like this in the entertainment circle of Huaxia!

Wu Feiyu even fell into the instantaneous moment of Shen Ziyan.

"Li Feng, how about this bag?"

Shen Ziyu did not pay attention to Wu Feiyu, she picked up a green crocodile skin, asked.

Li Feng nodded: "It is very beautiful."

"Ms., your eyes are really good, this package is the new model of Hermes, and is the world's limited edition of 99, the whole Chinese is only 9."

"On the words of going to Beijing, there are two, yesterday, I have sold it yesterday, that is, I only have this left now. If you like, you can set it as soon as possible."

The clerk said in a co-handed, and the sales tactick said very well, very confusing.

Shen Ziyi nodded, just to open the mouth to make the clerk, Xue Ya said, "Husband, I want that bag, do you bought it?"

After she swept a circle, she felt that she was the best in the green crocodile skin, and the introduction of the clerk, Xue Ya's interest was more strong.

There are a lot of good-looking bags, but the limited amount is not very seen. If you buy this package, do you take it out?

Wu Feiyu, when he was a eyebrow, he didn't have a suitable excuse to talk to Shen Zi, Xue Ya gave him a reason, this is not sleeping, is there a pillow?

"Cough, beauty, my girlfriend also likes this bag, I don't know if the beauty can't adult beauty, let this bag give my girlfriend?"

"Of course, as a return, I will give the beauty a bag of bags to make a thank you."

Wu Feiyu's great founder went to Shen Ziyi and said a smile that thought as a handsome.

Shen Zikai willow eyebrows: "Do you think the old lady will send a package?"

Wu Feiyu: "???"

Clerk: "???"

No ... very beautiful a woman, how to open the old lady, big sister is big?

"This bag is going to be fixed, packaged." Shen Ziyu will put it into the clerk in the hands of the company, domineering side leakage.

The clerk looked at Wu Feiyu and facing the color of difficult.

According to reason, sales are first come first served, but Wu Feiyu is a vvivip customer in the store. The clerk is afraid of defimaculate Wu Feiyu, causing unnecessary trouble.

Wu Feiyu's eyebrows, picking out a smile: "I naturally understand the truth of first-come, since the beauty is not willing to cut love, then it is."

I heard this saying, the clerk is relieved, but Xue Ya is not happy: "Husband, people are right and wrong, you can't buy this package, you bought it ~"

Wu Feiyu browned micro-wrinkle: "Xiaoya, you don't want, this bag is this beautiful woman, this, today I will buy more bags to buy more bags?"

Since you have to think about the hand, he naturally wants the gentleman to express, or let the words directly with Shen Ziyan's top cow.

Not only wants to be gentleman, he still has to express the fare!

Women, I like a gentleman and a high-spirited man!

Xue Ya saw this situation, I knew that Wu Feiyu did not give her a heart, and suddenly the complaints sighed, and the lack of lack.

The next time, Shen Ziyan has picked several bags, let Li Fengjie account.

Take this opportunity, Wu Feiyu walked over and said: "Beauty, is the handsome guy is your boyfriend?"

"Why, do you want to make friends with him?" Shen Ziyu glanced at Wu Feiyu and said weird.

"Yeah, yeah, I see him a table talent, I really want to make a look." Wu Feiyu has a very happy admitted.

When I saw Shen Ziyan, Wu Feiyu knew that Li Feng was firmly delivered!

Shen Zikai smiled: "I advise you to break this idea, because you are not eligible to do his friends."

As soon as I heard this, Wu Feiyu is not happy: "Beauty, you are afraid, do you know what is Wu Feiyu?"

"Know, you are a famous rich second generation on the network." Shen Ziyan smiled, then the face said: "So I just said that you are not qualified to do his friends, you will be far from us, levy. Ugly. "

"Hey, I am ..." Wu Feiyu almost broke a rough mouth. He didn't rush to go to Beijing, but the sister brother in front of him, he all knows that these people do not include Li Feng!

However, Shen Ziyan's beauty made him unstoppon, and he said: "Well, since the beauty is said, then I will have to follow you."

"I want to follow, I can't limit your personal freedom." Shen Ziyu turned a white eye.

At this time, Li Feng's account was returned, he directly ignored Wu Feiyu: "Where are you going?"

"Do you always want to buy private aircraft, there is a company that sells private aircraft nearby, we have seen it in the past?" Shen Ziyi asked lazy.

Li Feng nodded: "Yes."

He will take Shen Ziyan to leave here.

At this time, Wu Feiyu said: "Just I want to buy a private plane, together?"

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