Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1152 Airbus A380

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you want to buy private aircraft?"

Wu Feiyu smiled: "Yes, is there any problem?"

He is not only the second generation, or a generation of a generation, and the 300 million Huaxia currencoin giving him a dad invests several companies, and has also turned several in recent years.

Entrepreneurship in China, don't need you have a lot of ability, as long as you have enough initial funds and rich relationships, add a certain sense of smell and eyes, choose a industry to spend money to hire professional managers to make a good Make money.

It can not be engaged in it, go to the market to find companies that find Feng Turns, please screen the professionals, maybe you can cast a unicorn business.

Therefore, for the kind of Wu Feiyu, earning tens of millions of billions is a small goal, it is easy to achieve ...

His father has bought a bay G550 in the first two years, plus the customization of nearly 400 million Huaxia coins, and he also moved the idea of ​​buying private aircraft, but he was rejected by his father.

The reason is that there is a private aircraft at home. If you have more, you will be too jumped.

Although Wu Feiyu is not willing, but Dad has a message, he can only listen.

Now he is provoked to the front of him, and then don't make a counterattack, then he is still Wu Feiyu?

"There is no problem, then take a look at it together."

Li Feng shrugged, holding a small hand of Shen Ziyan, take a step away.

Looking at the back of the two, Wu Feiyu flashed a cold light, then he picked up the mobile phone in a WeChat group. "Help me check it to Beijing, there is no young man named Li Feng."

Wu Feiyu is not stupid. I know that I will be the place where I am a bed of Tiger. I may go to Beijing. I don't know the power, such as a big person's distant relatives. ...

The members of this group are the same as him, and each hand of the eyes, if they don't even know this young man named Li Feng, then he will let go of your hands.

Out of the mall, Wu Feiyu saw Shen Ziyan's Mercedes-Benz big g, the license is very ordinary, not the A8, nor a special license plate, is the ordinary upper C license plate.

Although the car is a good car, the license plate is so ordinary, and Li Feng is not a real person from the side.

Just then, Shen Ziyan took the car key to open the door, Wu Feiyu's faces were changed: "Is this your car?"

"Isn't my still are you?" Shen Ziyu turned a white eye, and his face was inexplicably.

Wu Feiyu's mouth picked up: "I thought it was Mr. Li ..."

Such a domineering model, it is actually a beautiful woman who looks delicious like this, it is indeed slightly.

"I am going to Beijing." Li Feng shrugged and said without avoiding.

Wu Feiyu's eyes flash, nodded, then went to a red-blue double-collected Bugatti Wanlong not far away, press the car key to open the door.

Xue Ya went back to read the Employe Benz Grand G, smiled and launched.

"Hey ... What do you mean by the little eye of the woman?" Shen Ziyi asked the color.

Li Feng sinked two seconds: "?"

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye: "The fart is awkward, she is obviously ridiculous!"

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "What qualifications have been qualified to ridicule you."

"She is not qualified to ridicule, but she is really better than me, I don't care, I will give me a city." Shen Ziyi said.

Shen Zi is not really better than Xue Ya, but she has to go shopping with Li Feng with Li Feng, I want to experience this feeling ...

Li Peak saw such Shen Zikai once, and I smiled at the moment: "Well, I will give you a city."

Soon, a line of four people came to the company in front of the company to sell private aircraft, and at this time, Wu Feiyu also received the exact news, and he did not call Li Feng. Young people.

The group member agreed that this named Li Feng is likely to be from other places.

That Wu Feiyu is not afraid, and the big shaking is from Xue Ya from Bugadi Wanlong, waiting for Li Feng, after Shen Ziyu get off, I walked into this private aircraft sales company.

A beautiful sister in a black dress is in time, and the passionate leads them into a VIP negotiation room.

People who have opened in Dadwell, there must be financial resources to buy private aircraft. After all, private aircraft is not just a high-end business opportunity for Gulf G550, and millions of helicopters have hundreds of millions of business opportunities.

"Mr., lady, what do you want to drink, red wine, coffee, juice ...?"

After entering the VIP negotiation room, the beauty sells smiles.

After the four people have to drink, they have entered the topic. I learned that Wu Feiyu and Li Feng have to buy private aircraft, the attitude of beauty sales is more enthusiastic.

"Sir, how much is your budget?" Beauty sales first looked at Wu Feiyu.

The handsome guy opened the Bugatti Wilong, and it must be given a priority reception.

Wu Feiyu is very satisfied with the eyes of beauty sales, smiling and said: "I don't want to ask, you can ask Mr. Li's budget."

He came to this to give Li Feng more, in case Li Feng just wants to buy a helicopter of 10 million, then he doesn't need to be a big way.

Beauty sales have not thought, turn to Li Feng: "Mr., make it easy to tell me your budget, I can introduce you according to your budget."

Li Feng sinks for two seconds: "Do you sell a private plane in the company's A380 modified?"

Beauty sales: "???"

Wu Feiyu: "???"

Xue Ya: "???"

Not ... The kinemare Airbus A380? Do you know how much is a A380 price?

Airbus A380 is the world's largest wide-body passenger plane, 72.75 meters long, 79.09 meters high, and the wings exhibition is 79.75 meters, the maximum passenger capacity of 853 people, the maximum take-off weight of 575 tons, the largest voyage 15,700 kilometers,

At the beginning, Airbus has developed a $ 25 billion in research funds when developing A380, and once the launch of the world.

The ex-factory price of A380 is 3 billion Huaxia coins. The annual maintenance fee is also an astronomical figure. If you make a private customization ...

Even if Wu Feiyu, the people like Wu Feiyu, some can't imagine!

"Sir, are you serious?" Beauty sales deep breath, carefully asked.

"Of course, it is serious, since I bought a private aircraft, I will buy the biggest and most luxurious. What do you want to do?" Li Feng shrugged.

Since Shen Ziqiu asked him to pull back the scene, he surely comes to a big!

Of course, Li Feng also has a selfish, think about it, after he can take a car to take the A380 to take the A380, in the air moving castle, taste the food, look at the scenery, and cultivate it together ...

, Think it is very exciting!

Beauty sales is speechless, because Li Feng said very reasonable, she can't find the reasons for refuting, but she doesn't believe that Li Feng really wants to buy A380, because the A380 modified private aircraft is too expensive!

At this moment, Wu Feiyu laughed: "Mr. Li, you should not know that you don't sell A380, so deliberately say this?"

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