Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1153 is too clever?

Li Fengbei picks: "No, here is it the largest private aircraft sales company in Huaxia, how can I even sell?"

Beauty sales mouth is smoked, what is not even A380, saying that Airbus A380 is the same as the private aircraft sales company!

"Haha, I am going to laugh at the dead. Do you know how big is the Airbus A380? Which two goods will buy it as a business opportunity?" Xue Ya can't see it, ridiculous.

"Hey ... this beauty, in fact, there is really a bought Airbus A380 as a business computer." Beauty sales alert.

Xue Ya stunned, the eyebrows were slightly ward: "There is a two goods in the world?"

The beauty of the beauty sales nodded: "It is a prince of ST. He bought a private aircraft of Airbus A380 modified by 4 years ago. He spent 3 billion Huaxia coins."

Xue Ya: "..."

Wu Feiyu's mouth smoked, and the heart was soaring Xue Ya, "idiots", but said on the face: "I know this, the prince is indeed bought a private plane with a valence A380 modified."

"But he is ten years ago, the world's rich list, and it is customized directly from Airbus, except for him, no more money to buy A380 modified private aircraft."

"It is because the sales volume of A380 private aircraft is too low, so this private aircraft sales company does not sell, now you understand what I mean?"

Speaking of this, Wu Feiyu has a little ridicule.

At this moment, the sale of beautiful women suddenly said: "Mr. Wu, in fact ... our company is selling Airbus A380."

At this time, the atmosphere in the negotiation chamber becomes embarrassed.

After half, Wu Feiyu's face was said: "How can you, your publicity brochure does not have a private A380!"

His father's bay G550 was purchased by this company. At that time, Wu Feiyu also took a clinically read the propaganda manual, and did not have a private guest A380.

The beauty sales point nodded: "Yes, because the sales volume of A380 is almost, so our company's brochure does not have A380, but if there is a customer want to buy A380, our company is to order the Airbus."

Wu Feiyu: "..."

Is this awkward? I just said that I just said, I was overthrown, and my face!

But Wu Feiyu changed, selling a380, so Li Feng not installed?

Thinking of this, Wu Feiyu smiled: "Well, it is the mainstay, I review me to review, but your company should make improvements, maybe you add A380 in the propaganda manual, there is a big main guide to buy? "

Beauty sales know that this is Wu Feiyu to find the steps to herself. When you come together: "Mr. Wu said, I will reflect this situation to the superior leader, give you the inconvenience, please forgive me. "

Wu Feiyu put his hand, didn't care, "Nothing, I also give you advice from the perspective of customers. You are willing to adopt natural, it doesn't matter, I will not fall."

"Now the problem is ... Since your company has a380 can be sold, this Mr. Li wants to buy, I will say it to you first, complete this single, you are afraid that it will become a small rich woman. ? "

He listened to someone who said that the sales of private aircraft is six thousandth, according to the price of Airbus A380's 300 million Huaxia coin, this order is successful, this beauty sales will be as high as 18 million!

18 million can buy a set of bighaves in the three ring in Kyoto!

Beauty sales smiled and didn't smile, did so many years of sales, she has long practiced the skills that did not have an angry before the sale.

What's more, she feels that Li Feng is not like a Lord who bought A380. If she replaces Wu Feiyu, she can still look forward to it. After all, it is Bugadi Wilong, one open is Mercedes Benz G ...

It is not said that Mercedes-Benz is not good, but compared with Bugadi Wanlong, the price is too much ...

Wu Feiyu said to Li Feng, slightly ridicule: "Mr. Li, don't you want to buy an empty guest A380? Hurry to ask, if you buy me, send a circle, let my friends look at you. This superpotea. "

Xue Ya also said: "Yeah, Airbus A380, the world's largest commercial passenger plane, I think that I will see a Shenhao to buy A380, I can't help but tremble. Hey!"

Li Feng has turned over white: "It is not that you buy, you are excited."

Wu Feiyu: "..."

Xue Ya: "..."

Nima, Li Feng said so much, they actually rebuttated?

"Yes, we really don't need this excitement, but ... Mr. Li, do you really plan to buy A380? Isn't it playing with the beauty of the family?" Wu Feiyu spit a turbidity and smiled.

"Of course not." Li Feng shrugged and looked at the beauty sales. "Speaking the price and custom time, I am in your order."

Although the beauty sale does not report anywhere, it is still prepared to give Li Feng.

Just then, Wu Feiyu suddenly said: "Mr. Li, you'd better say that you will say the date you expect, so you can send it to a customary, you will be able to customize the girl, and weave people's feelings."

He wants to block Li Feng to be blocked, lepon Li Feng does not buy this excuse.

Li Fengbei picks up, just say something, the beauty sales suddenly said: "In fact, there is a brand new Airbus A380 waiting for sale. If Mr. Li is satisfied with the private custom part of the plane, you can immediately single."

Wu Feiyu first slammed, then clapped: "Wonderful, it is too wonderful, this shows that Mr. Li is fate with the A380! It seems that Mr. Li is not mentioned today. A380 is not!"

Xue Ya is also attached to the road: "I have a sincerity, I haven't believed in the past, now I am trust."

Li Feng's mouth hooked a smile of playful taste: "How do you feel that you can't wait? In this case, then I don't talk nonsense, report a price, then give me a video or picture of the privately custom section, right I Order will be placed. "

Wu Feiyu's heart is laughing, put, continue in this, I will see if you will say anything!

The beauty sales in my heart rose a few points, the current offer: "This private aircraft is a ZD's sole to order two years ago, the total price is $ 500 million, and the deposit of $ 100 billion "

"Because he likes the culture of Huaxia, the private custom part is the Huaxia wind. This plane was originally factory last month, but the ZD might was in two months ago because of sudden cerebral infarction "

"Because the custom part of this plane does not meet the admiring taste of the successor, the heir wants to cancel the contract and entrust the company to find new buyers for him."

Hearing here, Li Feng has a special reason that he is with this plane, this is also too clever!

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