Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1154 Air Castle

"It's really a matter." Shen Ziyu also produced the same idea.

Under normal circumstances, the customization required for private aircraft is very long. First, the aircraft manufacturing enterprise is required to play production, and it is still a private modification after production. It is already very fast in the past two years. It is also four or five years. of.

Li Feng came this to buy a plane. If you open, you will buy the biggest Airbus A380, not only don't need to wait for four or five years, or even two years, there is no ready-made, but also the style or Huaxia wind ...

How is this? When Li Feng was born, the lucky value was full.

Wu Feiyu also felt very incredible: "I used to listen to people. I have something destined in a life. I originally didn't believe it. As a result, a A380 learned to recognize the recognition, I didn't believe it!"

Xue Ya is also attached to: "Everything is so coincidental, I doubt that you are playing ... Ah, don't misunderstand, I just express my feelings, I don't say what you act."

It is said that this is said that the ridicule of Xue Ya is still selling her real thoughts.

Li Feng turned over white, Xiaoye did not know this beauty sales before this, how many figures play?

The beauty sales smiled slightly, and she said: "If Mr. Li is sincerely purchased, only $ 450 million can buy this plane, the remaining 50 million US dollars, the successor is willing to bear."

"Now the plane stopped in the F country TLZ airport. If Mr. Li is now paying money, the plane will open to the Beijing International Airport after a week."

"This is the internal photo of the plane, let's take a look."

Side of speech is selling the tablet, taking some photos in the company database, and looks at Li Feng on the table.

At first glance, Xue Ya's breathing becomes a hurry.

As the beauty sales said, the private ordering part of this plane is the Huaxia wind route, Jinbi, beautiful, like an aerial palace!

The key is too large, and the overall division is divided into three layers, living districts, entertainment districts, sports areas, observations ... can think of with life, entertainment facilities, almost all transplanted to this plane .

With a professional chef team, take care of several servants who are responsible for life, life is simply enjoyed on the plane.

Don't consider the battery life and aviation control, you can live here for a month!

Imagine, sitting in the sun, sitting on the window, looking at the clouds to eat breakfast, in the closest place, enter the dream, watching the scenery outside the window, constantly cultivate the scenery together ......

Li Feng is moving! Shen Ziyu is also heart!

"Fei Yu, you bought it well, as long as you buy it, take me to travel around the world, you let me do what I will wish!" Xue Ya hugged Wu Feiyu's arm and said to general.

Wu Feiyu: "???"

Not ... this woman is crazy, 450 million US dollars, how do you buy me? Also let you do, you will do it, Laozi now let you do it, why do you dare? Are you worth having so much money?

Besides, he didn't have so many cash on his hand. His dad is there, but he dare to open this mouth with Dad, his father can interrupt his legs!

It is not to say that his father can't afford, but the private plane to buy 450 million US dollars is too shocked. The Chinese people pursue the maintenance of the merits, buy 500 million private aircraft is because other rich is also buying this, if yourself Take up to 450 million US dollars ...

The gun made a bird!

"Feiyu, it's good ~" Xue Ya didn't know that Wu Feiyu was already angry, still swaying his arms spoiled.

"Xue Ya, Doing Right!" Wu Feiyu first drunk, then found that his reaction was somewhat excited, and quickly explained: "The gentleman is not good, Mr. Li has not said anything, what do I buy?"

"He must not afford it." Xue Ya didn't show Li Feng at a glance.

Wu Feiyu's mouth smoked, it became entangled.

He also hopes to see Li Feng joke, but Li Feng does not buy, Xue Ya will ask him, what reason does he use?

No matter how refused, he lost his face before Shen Zikai.

Xue Ya is a stinky female woman, it is roasting on the fire!

Li Feng did not take them, turned to ask Shen Ziyan: "What do you think?"

"OK, taste is not a low custom." Shen Ziyi nodded, and there was not much serious expression.

"It is really not a vulgar, but it is still a little bit away from my requirements ..." Li Feng touched the chin, it looked some hesitation.

Although the design of the inner airplane is the Huaxia wind route, it is not the design of Li Feng personally participated in the design, and Li Feng is unable to satisfy.

Just like the second-hand room with new house and decorated, most people want to buy new rooms, then design, decorate it according to their own ideas.

Seeing, Wu Feiyu couldn't help but laugh, listening to the two people's tone is not like buying.

Beauty sales in my heart is also a little disappointed, because in this case, buyers will say a word "go back and consider it, discuss" ......

At this moment, Li Feng said a forward: "But it is really fate about it, you can buy it, you can do it, you can do it."

Shen Ziyi nodded: "This idea is good."

"Since you feel good, then it's, swipe it." Li Feng took a bank card from his arms.

Wu Feiyu: "???"

Xue Ya: "???"

Beauty sales: "???"

Not ... this will be credited? I don't ask, what is it? Jane!

"Li ... Mr. Li, you ... You didn't joking me?" The voice of beauty sales is shaking!

A large number of 450 million US dollars, according to the sixth bubble, this single she can get the commodity of 19 million Huaxia coins!

19 million ... my day, step into the rhythm of middle production!

"Do you look like a joke?" Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "Hurry to swipe, I am going."

"Okay, please go to my finance." The beauty sales of the woman stands up, with Li Feng to the finance room.

Wu Feiyu glared with Xue Ya and quickly followed.

Come to the finance room, with the help of beauty sales, financial officers rintered from the Li Fengka equivalent of Huaxia coins, and then the parties signed a contract.

"I really swipe it? 450 million US dollars?" Xue Ya is so stupid, 450 million US dollars, I talked a few words with the beauty sales, I saw some photos, I brushed out so much money, with special The vegetable market is like a Chinese cabbage, this is also the geotext, is it?

Wu Feiyu's face is gloomy, and he does not send.

I always feel that I am a rich second generation of Huaxia, and I will come to a broad, but I am like Li Feng, he is like a poor!

This feeling ... is really wronged!

Just then, Li Feng suddenly said: "Now you can send a friend, I want to put a POSE to match you?"

Wu Feiyu: "..."

Xue Ya: "..."

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