Overseas, Sanxian Island.


A sudden sound of the earth suddenly sounded from a stone house behind the main hall, then it was a happy laugh: "Hahaha, I broke through, I broke through!"

Lulong, who was median treatment in the main hall, stood up, the face of surprise: "The old six breakthrough?"

"" "" ......

The evacuation came, and the five disciples under the Lu Longzuo rushed into the hall.

"Congratulations to the teacher, He Xi Mong, the six teachers broke through the fake god, God bless me three fairy people!" Chen Youwong gave him a hand.

"Congratulations to the teacher, He Xi Mong!" The rest of the four elders.

Lu Long first laughed, and then a big sleeve and waved: "Let's go, let's meet the old and left!"

The voice falls, Lu Long flew up in the first step, and went to the stone house to the rear.

Between several breaths, Lu Long and others came to the stone house.

"Old six, congratulations to breakthrough, for the teacher to welcome you!" After Lu Long, he was pleased to say.

"Thank you, Master!"

A full shouting from the stone house, then ...


A loud noise, the stone house was blocked from the middle, and the debris was flying, and a old man wearing a gray robes came out.

"Old six, congratulations to break!"

"Old six, you get started than us, but in advance, we stepped into the pseudo-in-law, and the teacher said that it is true!"

"Yeah, I want to say that the old people said that the old six is ​​the talented person of our brothers, I am still not very served, now I am in my heart!"

Chen Youwong and others have opened congratulations.

Xiao Tian full of red light, arched and said: "Thank you for your brother, without your support, I am also difficult to break through the pseudoh."

Take cultivation, repairing talent, Xiao Tiantian is sufficient, but the resources are all supplied by Sanxian School, such as spar, Tianwei Bao, etc.

If Xiao Tian does not have a teacher, he may not break through the pseudohen.

Lu Long smiled and encouraged Xiao Tiannu, and then a group returned to the front hall.

"Master, is the young teacher come back?"

After the people left, Xiao Tian asked.

At this time, the main hall is a silence, Lu Long originally placed a little bit of god with anger.

Xiao Tian took out wrong, and quickly asked: "Master, what happened?"

"Lao Six, Xiao Shi He ... Hey!" Said that Chen Youwong sighed.

"What happened to the young brother?" Xiao Tian took the shoulder of Chen Youdong, and he asked.

Chen Youwong looked at Lu Long, Lu Long sighs: "Xunjie he ... false!"

"What ?!" Xiao Tianyu shook, and his face suddenly pale.

After half, Xiao Tian's anger, all the fake gods broke out: "Master, who killed the little teacher, I went to the small brother!"

Lu Long sighed, and the matter what happened in the past few days was.

"Li Feng ... I want to smash your corpse!"

After listening to Lu Long's telling, Xiao Tian is crazy.

The guy named Li Feng actually killed Lu Xianjie in the Xiaojia Outlook. What happened now, will it be given by Li Feng?

When Li Feng bombards Lu Long's projection, he didn't take a while, so Lu Long did not know the follow-up ...

Lu Longyou flashed a cold light, cold channel: "I have been inherent in the past few days, now I have a basic repair, just that you have broken through it, it is time to go to Beijing."

"I went to Beijing, I don't want to go back!"

Listening to this words, the momentum of Chen Youwong and others also broke out in an instant: "I went to Beijing, I don't want to go back!"

At the time of the public to reach the peak, Xiao Tian said: "Master, I am very big in Beijing, China is even bigger, we have no eye line in Beijing, if Li Feng left the Beijing, we are afraid to find him in a short time. Out! "

Lu Long: "???"

Chen Youdong et al .: "???"

No ... The momentum of the little son is completely complete, you suddenly come to this, want to shake the military heart?

Xiao Tian saw the dissatisfaction between everyone, and quickly explained: "Hey ... I am actually a good idea."

Lu Long noodles slightly changed: "Listen!"

"This is called the snake!" Xiao Tianyin smiled cold: "Let's ..."


"That ... I suddenly remembered that there was something to deal with, and I didn't stay with you."

Wu Feiyu squeezed a smile that I cried, and I had to escape from Xue Ya.

"Don't worry, you don't take photos of friends, let your friends look forward to me this God, talking, don't think about it?" Li Feng looked up to stop him and ridicule.

Wu Feiyu: "..."

I have a special saying, deliberately disgusting you, what is your special?

"Why, don't you happy? You are disgusting me all the way, I don't want me to disgust your heart?" The ridicule in Li Feng said.

"How did I say it before, are you not eligible to be friends with him, continue to follow us is very ugly?" Shen Ziyu woke up.

"I ..." Wu Feiyu pauses, then sorred: "I just don't want to win people, don't say $ 450 million, even if the $ 4.5 billion, our Wu Jia also took it!"

Shen Zikai willow eye eye: "Oh, dare to have a hard? Li Feng, shot, let Wujia bankrupt, see if he dares to be so arrogant."

Li Feng sighed: "Do you have to play so big?"

Shen Ziyi nodded: "Yes, be sure to play so big, otherwise the old mother can't swallow this breath!"

"OK, then I will arrange it." The voice is falling, and Li Feng will take a mobile phone.

"Stop!" Wu Feiyu was afraid: "Big Brother, I am wrong, don't you play me? I am really wrong!"

Li Feng is too serious about the expression of Shen Ziyan. Wu Feiyu is really afraid that they have the ability to completely, because of his fighting, Wu family that is torched, does not need him to kill him, he will regret himself Go to the wall!

Li Feng smiled: "You are really true? Don't worry, you have nothing to do, I just scare you."

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye, no sound, it is obvious, she is also a gamble, it is impossible to really rush to Wu Feiyu.

I heard this words, Wu Feiyu has tall, he does not dare to test Li Feng's bottom line, and the next sentence "bothering", with Xue Ya marry.

On the side, the beauty of beauty is crying.

When I came out from this company, the two were ready to drive to the return home, just when Shen Ziyuan just launched the vehicle, a ringtone sounded.

"Dragon." Shen Ziyan was ready to hang up.

"Don't hang, if you have an urgent matter?" Li Feng said.

"Rely, the old lady is fake, there is a hurry is not my business."

It is said that Shen Ziyi is still connected to the phone: "Hey, what is ...

Li Feng: "???"

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