Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1157 is a heart!

Lu Long has been waiting for an hour here, patience is done by a little bit, and he must now doubt whether Xiao Tian's "snake out" correspondence is effective.

However, Xiao Tian is now his strongest help, questioning Xiao Tian's words can't be said, can only vent the dissatisfaction in this way.

Chen Youwong and others will homite!

The fishermen who hugged the head on the deck changed to the earth, and they opened up to give up: "Big ... big fairy, don't kill us, we are some honesty of fishermen, earn a hard money in the sea, seeking big immortals Adults have a lot, let us! "

"Daxian, we don't know Li Feng at all, what do you misunderstood?"

Lu Long and others came to the sea, and they got all of them. They also threw a small wooden boat, and the wooden boat fell to the sea and the storm has turned the storm.

This is simply a good energy in my mind!

Coastal, there is a variety of sea colleges, and the fishermen group is also a big letter. Before going to the sea, they must be a worship ceremony before they have seen Lu Long and others, and they have already regarded them as the gods of the sea.

Lu Long smiled: "If you don't know it, you have to blame you to blame you! Old six!"

"In, Master!" Xiao Tian stood up and gave his hand.

Lu Long is deep sucking, high speaking: "First kill a fisherman, pay homage to Jie's spirit!"

The murder of Lu Long is too long, and it has been rich in fog.

Originally, these fishermen did not ask for mercy, he would still be able to move their hearts so quickly. Now these fishermen 'sakes are like a group of flies, which makes Lu Long kill, now I just want to see blood!

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Tian took the sound and turned to a fishermen.

More than two hundred fishermen were scared, and before 10 minutes later, Li Feng did not kill the hostage. I said that I haven't been in a minute.

For a time, the fishermen panicked, and they were gapped, some people were bleeding, but there was no mercy on the face of Lu Long and others.

For them, ordinary people are like anti ants, killing a few ordinary people with a few ants have no difference!

"That's it!"

Xiao Tian casually found a circle, and the right hand was arrested, and he grabbed a dark skin from the crowd, and it looked for more than 40 years old.

"Daixian, beg you not to kill me, I have an old mother in 80 years old, there is a son who just last in the beginning, they still expect me to make money, I can't die!"

This middle-aged human face is pale and rumor.

"Who do you want to die? If you want to blame you, you are not good, of course, of course ... your most blame is Li Feng! An Xinjiao!"

The voice is falling, Xiao Tian threw this person in the air, then one hand.


A true gas passed through this middle-aged man's Tianling cover and took out the blood flowers.


A sound, the middle-aged man who died fell into the sea ...

"Wang Ge!"

Middle-aged men's friends have instantly crashed, and the nose is tears. It's all over, crying is painful!

They are all in the sea, even if they are hurt, there are people who have a tearful person, and they have collapsed when they have been killed in the face of friends.

Even if you don't know the fishermen of middle-aged men, there is a sense of rabbits to death.

These people can do two words like killing the middle-aged man who kill the chicks, and they can also kill them in two words!

This moment, humiliation, hatred, fear, helpless ... Various sentiments spread in these fishermen.

"Hey! Don't cry, who cries me to kill!"

Lu Long screamed everyone and was upset.

When this is a quiet, the man who is still crying is still crying, and it has blocked his mouth and stop himself from crying.

On the side, Chen Youdong and others look coldly, look at these fishermen, and the high high appearance is like God overlooking the ants.

"Old six, people in contact on the shore, convey my previous words."

After the deck is quiet, Lu Long is cold.

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Tian found the fishermen who contacted it before, let him turn Lu Long's words to turn out.


Time passed by a second, and the atmosphere on the deck was more and more nervous, almost solidified.

On the occasion of the 10-minute limited time, a white spray appeared in the distance of the sea in the distance.


Lu Long is slightly changed, and the screen is gratified.

The speed of the spray is very fast, just in the blink of an eye, I left the sea at the same way. I found that Lu Long and other talents found that people are not one, but there are eight!

They are ultra-low empty, and the aromas that aroused, they have formed a huge waves!

This is the white spray that Lu Long and others have just seen!

"Master, there is no Li Feng in those people?" Chen Youwong asked nervous.

Lu Long shook his head: "It is too far away, it is not very clear, then wait."

After ten seconds, Lu Longyou broke out a light: "Yes, I saw him! He is really coming!"

Chen Youdong and others have entered a state of travel, as long as Lu Long is so, they will attack!

After more than ten seconds, Li Feng and others have come to one kilometer, Lu Long snorted, shouted: "Li Feng, I didn't expect that I would find you in this way?"

"You really guess, I did not think that the three fairy people will despite me to use the way to rob the fishermen."

In the distance, Li Feng ridiculed the response.

"Despicable?" Lu Long's mouth hooked a smile: "Nothing is not a husband, as long as it can achieve the purpose, what is the means despicable?"

"Old six, come, tell Li Feng with the actual action, what is called mean!"

Xiao Tian is a glimpse, then smiled: "Yes, Master!"

The voice falls, he grabs a fisherman, then slap!


Bloody rain!

Li Feng instantly hits: "This is dead! Are you crazy ?!"

He didn't expect himself to have arrived here. Lu Long actually let people kill the uniteless fishermen. Is these people even have a little bit of mercy?

After the body, Luo Tianzheng et al. Is very flat. Before being collected by Li Feng, they have done a lot of evil, Xiao Tian's behavior is just usually in their eyes.

"This is crazy? More exciting is still behind."

Lu Long's mouth evoked a little laughter, then said: "Let these fishermen are all killed, one will not stay!"

"Yes, the host!" Chen Youwong flashed the color of bloodthirsty in his eyes, and he murdered.

Blinking, the fishing boat is bloody, the scream is constantly!

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