Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1158 This is a scientific issue

Li Feng's eyes were red!

Those fishermen are just a unarmed ordinary person, and Lu Long and others have no threats. Lu Long actually killed these fishermen to kill these fishermen.

What does Lu Long's heart do?

Even if there are many bad things that have been a lot of wicked, they can't see it. They also kill ordinary people, but they are all underfended.

Because he is humiliating, you can die.

This sentence is of course unreasonable in the ordinary person, because the education of modern people is equal, killing the law.

But in the ancient martial arts is this truth.

It can be like Lu Long, and those fishermen have nothing, or they will save them, and Luo Tianzheng is all never done before, and will not do it later!

"The host, those bastards are too bad, I will not let go, I will kill them!"

"Yeah, the owner, so many innocent people have been killed, I can't help it, I want to revenge!"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting in the heart of the murder, and it is shouting to resolve Luolong and others.

During the speech, everyone has come to a place where the wooden boat is less than 100 meters, then Li Feng stopped his body.

After deep breathing, I was deeply emotional. Li Feng Shen said: "Lu Lao dog, you have to see me, now I am here, why do you want to kill these innocent fishermen?"

"I can't see it, I want to kill me to revenge them?" Lu Long's mouth evoked a smile, followed by a sink, cold voice: "This is just just starting!"

"I will kill you, let's find all your family, friends, and I am afraid that you have the endless remorse fire!"

"So, I can digest my heart hate!"

I am afraid that I can't help but feel the body after listening to these words!

I can imagine that once he really doesn't lose Lu Long, then his family, what will be in the next!

So this fight is only win, can't be defeated!

"Master, let order!"

"Master, I am willing to fight, revenge for the young brother!"

"Master ..."

Chen Youdong and others took a bloody weapon, and they were warned.

The opposite Rootian is equal, Made, Mad, encountered an opponent!

"The main owner, this born is too special, please allow me to play for you, teach them!"

"The main owner, please give me this arduous task, I promise to complete the task!"


Luo Tianzheng and others have arched their hands, and the gesture of the subordinates is showing.

Chen Youdong et al .: "???"

Not ... What is the situation opposite? Is it going to grab it with us? How do you put the gesture so low, and how do we do it later?

Luo Tianzheng et al. Rushed to them, and the color of the face was hidden at all.

Seeing that there is no, this is called the next belong, and the game is too low.

Just then, Li Feng looked: "Lu Lou dog, I ask you again, if the time is back, what do you don't kill these fishermen?"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other, the Zong Lord should not be disordered by the brain loop that is stimulated by the previous scene, how can I ask this ... What is the problem?

Lu Long first glanced, then laughed and laughed after the laughter: "You have a half-level strong, there is such a naive idea?"

Chen Youdong and others laughed: "Hahaha, this person is afraid not a fool?"

"If? Is there a half-level strong, if this is said?

"Childish? This is clearly a very scientific issue." Li Feng continued: "I will ask you, where you will not kill these fishermen!"

"Well, since you have to have a answer, then I will tell you." Lu Long took the smile, cold channel: "No matter what situation, I will kill these fishermen, because I want them to give Jiener!"

"I will not only kill these fishermen killed you, I have to go to the coastal killing, let these people who have flowed from the same blood, funeral!"

Li Fengbei picks: "Don't you be a Chinese man?"

Lu Long noodles, then cold, said: "Haha, they are a group of ants, and I am a fake god, the pseudohen will die in the meaning of the ant antity? Poor is you, even this reason is not to go, life is not hopeless I have a disappearance. "

"Oh, no, even if you refer to you, there is no chance, because ... Today you will die!"

The voice is falling, and the momentum of Lu Long is skyrocketing!

Just when the war was touched, Li Feng low-end: "Time will flow ... open!"


A invisible light wave spreads around Li Feng, all spreads around it, all things that were treated by this light wave, all like a movie, pressing a button!

The rippled circle of the wooden boat is recycled, and the fishermen who killed the fishermen and other people killed.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the same speed in the same speed, the waves are excessive!

When Luo Tianzheng and others retired from Haitian handover, Li Feng used a stealth, and the time was turned down.

"I wiped, where is the master?"

Luo Tian, ​​who is running wild, only feels that in front of you, there is no picture of Li Feng, and it does not sway it.

"Yeah, I am still here in the last second, how suddenly I can't see it, transfer it?"

Wei Bin also stopped his body shape and wondered.

"Drip, grandfather, your grandson texting, you have a look."

Just then, Luo Tianzheng's mobile phone sounded a SMS ringtone.

"Rely, I don't know which collapped egg gives Lao Luofa."

Feng Dehai turned over a white eye and said something uncomfortable.

"Lao Luo's old female is really too yin, it is unfair to prevent!" Wei Bin and others have a little bit of the same feeling, before they have sent information to Luo Tian, ​​and later I know that the SMS prompt of Tianzheng is this. I have called the phone ...

That is, there is no more than Luo Tianzi, otherwise, Luo Tianzheng has to go out every day!

"Oh, it is estimated that the little sister who just met the day before yesterday."

Luo Tianhua smiled, took out the mobile phone to see an eye, then it will change the color: "Zong ... Zong Lord ?!"

In this way, Feng Dehai and others have become wonderful: "Lao Luo, this time you have trouble."

"It dares to account for the cheapness of the main owner, will the Lord will be very angry after knowing?"

"There is a unhappy master, with the nine hyphen to blast it ... That picture is too beautiful ~"

"Bring!" Luo Tian is afraid, even busy saying: "Dear brothers, my brother knows, this, 10 spices per person, the brothers help me keep this secret?"

Feng Dehai and others put two fingers in the eyes.

"20, you are too dark?" Luo Tianzhi is a colored.

"Then let's tell the principle."

"If you can't set this, you can reward us more sparsold after blasting you."

"Just, this is also earned."

Luo Tianzhao's mouth is pushing: "Okay, 20 20, let's take a look at what is said in the SMS, don't delay the main thing about the host."

Feng Dehai and others have nodded, even busy the past, Luo Tianzi is a word: "I will take a step first, you will wait 10 seconds."

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